List Mgmt. Rookie Draft

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Lol, that's coz he's too busy drafting for inside midfielders and short people
Wait, short people? You realise that we only have 3 sub 180cm players on our list including Thomas, right?
We did not Draft a Midget today but yeah he loves his Inside Mids this year
Wait, short people? You realise that we only have 3 sub 180cm players on our list including Thomas, right?
How many players under 180 on our list and how does that compare to other teams lists

And finally, your drafting credentials would be good (and no you can't use Super Coach)

True, because the supporters roasted him a few years back at the end of season review about it
Which is the logical thing to do.

**** me dead im glad none of you guys raging at the Keeffe pick are recruiters. We lock away the talent that we think is best available, despite having to sit out a year, and then late we swoop on Thomas who, if he was to end up at another club, wouldn't be a complete catastrophe as it would if we were to miss out on Keeffe.

Perfect draft strategy given the circumstances.
That makes perfect sense,you pick the bloke 2.04mtr first because there would be teams who would draft him even with his history.As for me I am sorry we drafted either of them they had a fantastic opportunity and they should not have put that at risk and put the club in ridicule.
They should have been given the arse the club could still have kept an eye on them to support them but they should not be returning Imo.
Hine Stuffed Up and I am disappointed in the Club on Bringing players back that are Suspended this this Season for Drug Cheating

I'm shocked. All along I thought the club was trolling the unlucky lads and giving them a further blow in the guts by promising and then not delivering.
I need a vent:

What are Collingwood recruiters doing, we took 9 players in the draft and rookie draft, only one of which was a tall forward (who hasn't played football since he was 15), and no small crumbing goal kicker! The 2 obvious needs on our list.

Instead we went about recruiting more inside midfielders and one guy who plays a bit like Pendlebury.

Crocker I'm quite happy with, same size and shape as Roughead, but the rest, excess to requirements.

Come on CFC give us our next Alan Didak or Leon Davis!
Pretty sure Collingwood recruiters don't take into account what you want

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Lol. How anyone can class Gault as still developing is beyond me. The kid will be pushing 30 and still developing in some peoples eyes here...

Well he is a (barely) 23yo KPP/ruckman and last time I checked the big fellas do still tend to be "developing" at that age. Having said that though he'd want to take some big strides this year as the clock is always ticking.
I'm shocked. All along I thought the club was trolling the unlucky lads and giving them a further blow in the guts by promising and then not delivering.
I assume that's you being facetious. Otherwise I'm taking that like back off you. ;)
Pretty sure Collingwood recruiters don't take into account what you want

Lol, I agree 100% with that.

Wasn't trying to get hired, just needed it off my chest.

Thanks for listening to my little tanty, I'll get back to posting my small opinions or sarcastic remarks. Influence is obviously not my game haha

Crocker is 185cm and Roughead is around 193-195cm

^ this - I know we're in silly season but some of these comparisons are just plain ridiculous.

A better comparison would be someone like Tory Dickson from the Bulldogs and if Crocker turns out to be half as good as Dickson is then we have done well.
Pretty sure Collingwood recruiters don't take into account what you want

Exactly. Also there may be a case of our guys not rating any of the talls after pick 30 in the draft. They may feel better to have a mid that has a chance of making it rather than a tall with no chance at all.
Exactly. Also there may be a case of our guys not rating any of the talls after pick 30 in the draft. They may feel better to have a mid that has a chance of making it rather than a tall with no chance at all.

It's pretty clear that we just stocked up on Queenslanders to trade to Brisbane in 2 years time when Schache nominates us.
Well he is a (barely) 23yo KPP/ruckman and last time I checked the big fellas do still tend to be "developing" at that age. Having said that though he'd want to take some big strides this year as the clock is always ticking.
He's been in the system for 4 years now and has little to show for it besides a decent rig. Most KPP at this stage are at least getting 5-10 games of senior footy. Gault doesn't even look close to that. Moore has already passed him by so far it's not funny. (Yes im aware we're talking about a late pick vs pick 9, but you still wouldn't expect a skinny first year KPP to be passing a 4th year KPP by so quickly regardless of the draft position.)
Keeffe and Thomas made a mistake lets not hang them. Given both were at Pendles wedding are well thought of in the group and almost certainly more talent and more to offer than any rookie kid in this week draft. Good pick ups welcome baqck

As to the idea of picking KP players in a weak rookie draft. It's very unlikely to happen. Let our drafting staff make their decisions. They know a little more.

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