Round 13 changes

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Sign up as a member this week because we all know Rayner won't be dropped.
Imagine if one of these pissweak journos would actually ask Fagan the question; why hasn’t Rayner been dropped. To go along with, why do you keep losing to what you know; being always losing games pre-bye to then asking why the club is happy for debutants to be subs.

Nah screw that, let’s just continuously ask Fagan benign walking an egg shell questions because we don’t have a set to ask a testy Fagan a hard question.

That being said Rayner and Ryan both banished for Starcevich and Robertson and there’ll be more once I watch the replay.
Imagine if one of these pissweak journos would actually ask Fagan the question; why hasn’t Rayner been dropped. To go along with, why do you keep losing to what you know; being always losing games pre-bye to then asking why the club is happy for debutants to be subs.

Nah screw that, let’s just continuously ask Fagan benign walking an egg shell questions because we don’t have a set to ask a testy Fagan a hard question.

That being said Rayner and Ryan both banished for Starcevich and Robertson and there’ll be more once I watch the replay.

The problem with Fish is he wants to keep a nice relationship with the Lions.

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We don't know the extent of Shadeau's injury as yet. Give him another seniors run if fit by all means. If Rayner isn't dropped I'm going to barrack for Gold Coast.

If Rayner isn’t dropped next match I will attend the Suns game that weekend to commence my support, wherever they may be playing. Mods can perm ban me if I don’t follow through.

Nunez BRAB
Fwiiw I'm completely done with Rayner , just lazy, lacks any of the traits you'd like to see in a smaller or taller forward or any player really. Indicative of a culture that seems to have infiltrated our ready to take the next step Premiership fav team this year. If you think you're a good team and your system and skills go you've got problems.

It's as plain as day to me . We'll probably muddle along nonetheless.

Out Ryan Rayner
In Hipwood Sharp.

Presuming Brain isn't right.
I hope when we play West Coast Rayner is tasked with playing on Reid. Might be the reality check he needs to realise a first year player is more desperate and willing to outwork and out run someone with his experience because we know Reid will. That being said, Rayner probably wouldn’t care because his pay check will still be the same irrespective of form and he’ll still be assured of token reward / encouragement coaches votes.
Out Ryan
In Hipwood

The rest depends on injury/returns from injury.

Sharp either needs to start games or play VFL. He isn't sub material.
If Starce is back i'd bring him in and make Answerth sub.
I'd like to see Brain in but not sure how. I think we have reached a tipping point of inexperience and someone of equal inexperience needs to come out for Brain to come in. So it'd be Reville for Brain?
I am glad people are starting to see how useless Rayner is. Now we need the club to do the same.
It really is startling that some still haven’t come around and others are only starting to. A few on here including myself have been pointing it out for years only to be labelled delusional and whatever else. Probably something about rose coloured glasses and all.
It really is startling that some still haven’t come around and others are only starting to. A few on here including myself have been pointing it out for years only to be labelled delusional and whatever else. Probably something about rose coloured glasses and all.

The excuse that he is a year behind because he had a knee reco is what got me. He could easily have worked on his endurance during the recovery time. He didn't. The laziness kicked in. He had ample time to build his tank
The excuse that he is a year behind because he had a knee reco is what got me. He could easily have worked on his endurance during the recovery time. He didn't. The laziness kicked in. He had ample time to build his tank
Let’s just be honest; it’s enough for Cam to be an AFL player in a good side. That’s it. He doesn’t care about getting better or having one of those off seasons like you hear players having that comes back a changed player. And please don’t tell me he cares. You only have to look at first year players and their desire and the win at all contests and desire to be the best version of themselves mentality and no one can honestly say that Cam does. And don’t even get me started on how Fages has mis managed his career to date.
Nothing to lose now, Chris. You’ve shown more than enough loyalty to the underperformers and they haven’t repaid you, make the tough calls and use the season to see what you have now please. And yes I know this won’t happen:

Starcevich, Andrews, Lester
Brain, Payne, Wilmott

Fletcher, Berry, Sharp
Smith, Neale, Dunkley

Lohmann, McInerney, Morris
Bailey, Daniher, Ah Chee

Answerth, Reville, McCluggage, Robertson


Rayner, Hipwood, Cameron, McKenna
I would love Clug back on the wing.

Who do you put in the middle though? Once Ashcroft is back it's a no brainer, but who goes in now?

I guess you could go Sharp on one wing, put Berry in the middle and Bags on the other wing, but one would think Bags is stuck in the middle for now.
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