AFL Autopsy Round 15 vs St Kilda

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Dat prime position.

Hooker! You should have used your mind power to stop Riewdolt jumping and getting his hand to the ball before it touched your hands! Hooker you're shit!

Is that not a free kick? I'm not sure how Riewoldt has his eyes on the ball.

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We were just plain terrible. Saints looked like they were 100% prepared and up for it while we were nursing Hurley's hammy even in the warmup.

Willing to cut the team a bit of slack though, every other side has had a loss like this. It's about how we respond that matters (/Rocky). Looks like Hurley will miss a few and probably Hocking as well. If we don't bounce back against Port next week we could be in a lot of trouble.

Not going to speculate about all the ins and outs yet but would like to see us pick a team that allows Carlisle to stay back and Myers to stay in the midfield for starters.
Sorry to intrude, but regarding the above incident of Riewoldt spoiling Hooker, with some people saying that he never had eyes on the ball, maybe take a look at the picture that's been posted and quoted several times. Riewoldt is clearly looking straight up and at the ball.

Just thought I'd give you the heads up (no pun intended).
Sorry to intrude, but regarding the above incident of Riewoldt spoiling Hooker, with some people saying that he never had eyes on the ball, maybe take a look at the picture that's been posted and quoted several times. Riewoldt is clearly looking straight up and at the ball.

Just thought I'd give you the heads up (no pun intended).
seen the picture champ. Also seen the incident. Riewoldt cannoned into Hooker with nary an eye for the ball and 9/10 that's paid a free against
I thought it was fine during the game, but I was bit wrong why. pretty much, watching it again, Riewoldt's eyes never leave the ball (which given it's Riewoldt, is hardly surprising). However, he also positions himself well, as does Hooker really, Hooker's downfall stems from him being in good position, and going for the mark as he should. Riewoldt knows Hooker's gonna get his hands on the ball first, so instead of just charging back, he sorta runs back, but he allows himself to be able spoil from the side, as seen in the screencap. (and maybe have hooker in his peripheral vision too, but we can't really judge that, it hardly matters anyway). He never loses his eyes on the ball, but he knows Hooker's hands are getting there first, so he has no intention to take the mark, just to spoil the mark. And there it's just a fluke that it ends up favouring Riewoldt. It's a good play, and also an infuriating one, because 9 times out of 10 a player just wouldn't play it like Riewoldt has there, which leads to it 9/10 being a free-kick, and the other time it's played like that, the bounce probably wouldn't end up favouring Riewoldt like it has.
well yeah, he's a small forward in a team that was getting thrashed.
We weren't getting smashed in the first two quarters and that was when he was at his worst.

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Let us wind back the clock to 7pm Friday, 6th July, and see if Mr Connolly can give us his thoughts on this matter?

Hindsight Hero stuff this is.

To be fair, he is actually reporting on things that have happened in the elapsed time.

That video reminded me of something, during the week Roos made a good point about how our failure to spread effectively before this year, was due to us consistently breaking before we had possession. Perfect example 4+ players forward of the drop of the ball, the pressure was on and old habits die hard.
Yes he is reporting on things that happened, but in almost any decent loss you can pick apart a coaching performance. If we won with that selected side he wouldn't have questioned a thing. It is why I said wind back the clock to Friday pre-game and ask him what his thoughts are on Ratten and Hird.

It was 1 round of football and all of a sudden we have a genius in Ratten and a dud in Hird. If it had been 3 weeks of inspired Ratten coaching and Hird turning to shit then yes, write it, but 1 round, come on!!! Just junk journalism at an easy target.
Yes he is reporting on things that happened, but in almost any decent loss you can pick apart a coaching performance. If we won with that selected side he wouldn't have questioned a thing. It is why I said wind back the clock to Friday pre-game and ask him what his thoughts are on Ratten and Hird.

It was 1 round of football and all of a sudden we have a genius in Ratten and a dud in Hird. If it had been 3 weeks of inspired Ratten coaching and Hird turning to shit then yes, write it, but 1 round, come on!!! Just junk journalism at an easy target.

But he's talking about how fortunes have changed in the space of one weekend. Not that Brett Ratten is a better coach than James Hird, but how the dialogue has now been flipped entirely on its head, and the landscape has shifted rapidly.

I don't have a lot of problems with it.
Bitterly disappointed.

Not going to a 'home' St Kilda game again either.

It worth going just to sit there and laugh at their cheer squad attempt to sing original and stupid songs for their players after they kick a goal. That was pure entertainment on Saturday night, and a very handy distraction for what was happening onfield. :)
I realise he's not talking about who is the better coach, but I would've thought all Ratten has done is get his head above water, and how Essendon reacts to last weekend becomes important as we were outgunned after a couple of good weeks.

Hardly worth writing such an article imo.

It could be nothing more than me being completely disillusioned with the football media where self serving agendas and sensationalism is almost more important than reporting on the games and the clubs. Give Connolly credit, whatever the intent of the article at least he threw some honest facts in amongst it.
The thing that was glaringly obvious from above was our 'move it on at all costs' mantra.

It's so irritating when a player takes a mark and immediatly takes a step to the side ready to handball to somebody, he gets called for play on.. then either a: there is nobody to handball to, or b: there is no body to kick to in the next instance. It usually ends up in a rushed kick to no one or a handball to somebody in even more trouble. I know we have based our whole game plan on moving the ball quickly but surely there must come a time in a game when we realise the game is not on our terms so we need to actually mark a ball, stop and settle for a bit. Hold possession of the ball for a few minutes to try and wrestle things back our way. Instead we seem to continue to play on no matter what or who is around.

That being said there was a period in the third when we were turning the tide a bit.. we kicked a few on the trot and got it back to 5 goals down, there was a 10 minute stale mate and i thought all we needed were 2 more before 3 qtr time and we would be right in it... then there were 2 big plays that killed us. Heppell with the play on in the middle then got caught..... and hilles wild handball to no one near the fwd 50... then the saints got a couple of lucky bounce goals and the game was dead.

As weird as it sounds i reckon if we had kicked our goals in the first quarter instead of squandering.. we could have nearly broken to a 6 goal lead and it could have demoralised them... could have ended up like the dogs game. Shows you that you just have to take your chances early when they come. They got into the game and the crowd got going.. the Milne flogs in the crowd got him going and the rest is history.

I think we have to really evaluate whether Lonergans clearance work is worth losing Myers from the middle and floundering out on a flank. I don't think this one is working in our favour.

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AFL Autopsy Round 15 vs St Kilda

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