Autopsy Round 19, 2024: Saints v Eagles

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Nothing further to add to this thread other than to say today was the only game this year I've taken my whole family to (son, wife and parents) and man it's good to watch the lads have a crack and get the win.
Also, special mention to the aisle on ground level, forward pocket, near saints cheer squad end. We were sitting on level 2 with a great view of ground level and that aisle had a crack, great to see - assume a bunch of worn on saints supporters..
Enjoy the win sainters, been a tough year but hey, we've had worse!
It can be more than one thing 🙄 Jesus, man. What do you work in...accounting right!? Something that's meant to be black or white, like the law...except that neither of them are. You can fudge any number to get the result you want...It's the same with opinions. They don't mean much except to the person that has them...or those that agree or disagree with them. That's how belief works and lines become easily blurred. As such no one owes you, me, or anyone else, anything here, and no one needs to pull their head in because they don't see things your way.
There's no point in being holier than thou...God has no place on the Saints board...and frankly we're all too weird a collective unit to attempt to pull it off anyway 😉
Enjoy the win 🍻
43 people so far have agreed with me, only you have disagreed and making a huge song and dance about it. Touched a nerve?
And BTW yes it is a forum and I can post what I want. Sad you are so upset by it, but really I couldn't care less.

Adios Amigo
Watching the game today I thought Hunter Clark was influential in the clinches. He is never going to have speed or be a strong runner. As such, he needs to get stuck into the protein shakes & Creatine and live in the gym and become a durable big bodied inside mid.

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Tim Membrey is only 30.
Please Saints, sign him up on another 2 year deal.
Lock him in.
It's the "second action" that would get the scrutiny.

Ryan did not intend to bump, he was running past, Stocker was doing the Sean Darcy thing of stumbling forward to eventually go prone. In seeing this, Ryan braced for contact, because that is what you do, and thus Stockers face met the wall that was Ryan's shoulder and hip connected in a brace for Stocker to then stay on the ground a bit before trotting off for the assessment.

So knowing MC and how much he shoots from the hip, a metric shit tonne will depend on if that double action of a bracing motion gets called an intended bump.
I think when they are clearly accidental then the player shouldn’t get in trouble for it . Watching the replay Ryan had no intention of bumping Stocker , it was just one of those things . Common sense says that if it’s accidental even if it’s in the head it should be seen as one of the risks of playing a contact sport .
I think when they are clearly accidental then the player shouldn’t get in trouble for it . Watching the replay Ryan had no intention of bumping Stocker , it was just one of those things . Common sense says that if it’s accidental even if it’s in the head it should be seen as one of the risks of playing a contact sport .
I'm not so sure about this.
Stocker had the ball in hand and Ryan jogged past and leaned into his head.
Saying there's nothing in it is like saying Greene didn't mean to bump the umpire.
I mean, play was stopped, because Stoker had the ball.
My big takeaway from today’s game is that Sharman must play seniors from now on . He can lead , he can mark , he can kick from 50 easily, he tackles or at least puts pressure on his opponents. His confidence seems to be improving. And next season he will give us another option , along with Membrey , rather than just kicking long and high to King all the time . He is going to be a hard player to match up on for other teams especially if their focus is all on King .
I would like to see these young players getting a start , even on the bench , rather than being a sub all the time .
My big takeaway from today’s game is that Sharman must play seniors from now on . He can lead , he can mark , he can kick from 50 easily, he tackles or at least puts pressure on his opponents. His confidence seems to be improving. And next season he will give us another option , along with Membrey , rather than just kicking long and high to King all the time . He is going to be a hard player to match up on for other teams especially if their focus is all on King .
I would like to see these young players getting a start , even on the bench , rather than being a sub all the time .
I don't think King played last week against Adelaide.
So what do you think led to such a low score?
I must admit when I found out we were getting Wood from North I thought wth . He was in and out of their team so why were we getting him . But look how consistent and good he has been. The move obviously made him work harder . I never knew he was such a good mark and a dynamic kick . What a great pick up he has been , North must be spewing lol.
I don't think King played last week against Adelaide.
So what do you think led to such a low score?
It takes time for a forward line to work out leading patterns and it takes time for our mids to get used to those patterns. I think against Adelaide, in the wet , we were still just banging it forward hoping someone would mark it . A very hard job considering the wet weather . Our team still has a lot to learn but hopefully they will improve next year .
It takes time for a forward line to work out leading patterns and it takes time for our mids to get used to those patterns. I think against Adelaide, in the wet , we were still just banging it forward hoping someone would mark it . A very hard job considering the wet weather . Our team still has a lot to learn but hopefully they will improve next year .
Membrey showed how smart and valuable he is in the forward line with his forward craft, and how he worked well with the midfielders.
Where was that last week?

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Despite what some on here say, Brad Hill has been a tremendous recruit for us, not only in his play but what he brings to the team and the club.

About time some pull their heads in with their constant criticism of us getting Hill.

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I’ll bite.

He’s a very good player but that doesn’t necessarily mean the trade was the right lever to pull or we didn’t overpay to get him.

Looks like he’d be a great bloke to have a beer with, glad he’s signed on, absolute silk when he’s on.

As usual, Stocker spoke really well.
I really hope that he can cement his place on the list. He seems like he's good for the culture of the club in a similar manner to Wood and Hill. Which I think is really important to aid in the development of the kids that we are hoping our future can be built upon.
Shout out to Mitch ... has had a pretty average year but his competitiveness and contested work , little taps on today, etc... I thought it was one of his better games this season ....hopefully he can finish the season strong

He is 10 goals away (currently 16) from his goal tally last year (26) with 5 games to go .... still a chance he can get close.... though possession wise he is down
43 people so far have agreed with me, only you have disagreed and making a huge song and dance about it. Touched a nerve?
And BTW yes it is a forum and I can post what I want. Sad you are so upset by it, but really I couldn't care less.

Adios Amigo
I'm sure your 43 agrees are building a statue of you as I type this 😆
I agreed with much of what you have said regarding Hill's influence, but also pointed out that the reasons for him coming to the club, may have held the list back. Both are valid points.
As for touched nerves and being upset...I'll let others discern as to whom is behaving in a more juvenile way 🤷🏼‍♂️
Anyway, hope this message finds you well Joffa.
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Strong win against pretty ordinary opposition. Sinclair and Membrey best on. Great to beat the WCE twice in a season. They're our little bitches now. Loved the niggle, clearly some feeling left over fromt the Perth game when fatty Reid was exposed and suspensed.

Reid clearly still has his knickers in a twist from being put in Windhager’s back pocket 😆
Shout out to Mitch ... has had a pretty average year but his competitiveness and contested work , little taps on today, etc... I thought it was one of his better games this season ....hopefully he can finish the season strong

He is 10 goals away (currently 16) from his goal tally last year (26) with 5 games to go .... still a chance he can get close.... though possession wise he is down
I still just don’t think he’s a pure forward. But I wouldn’t hate the idea of going what we did to Pou and sending him back to the VFL to find some touch.
Shout out to Mitch ... has had a pretty average year but his competitiveness and contested work , little taps on today, etc... I thought it was one of his better games this season ....hopefully he can finish the season strong

He is 10 goals away (currently 16) from his goal tally last year (26) with 5 games to go .... still a chance he can get close.... though possession wise he is down

I love Mitch and want to see him go well, but man he’s got concrete hands right now. Everything bounces off whether in a marking contest or ground ball. Whatever we need to do to fix that, let’s do it.

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Autopsy Round 19, 2024: Saints v Eagles

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