Opinion Sack Hinkley 10 - UnTENable

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Crowd were walking out at halftime, Hinkley booed when his dumb ugly face was on the screen...surely that's enough Koch you big nosed egotistical fukwit.

The fact David Koch holds so much sway in who coaches the club tells you everything about the abomination Port Adelaide has become. He's the Chairman, who has never laced a boot in his life, and he knows nothing about sport. NOTHING! The coach's position should be reviewed continuously by a group who know the game, and they should forward their recommendation to Mr Financial Panther. What a joke of a club.

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He's conservatively earned $10m from Port over 12 years, and the best he can do is that we aren't very good and don't work hard enough. Well, whose **** job is it to fix that? He's nothing more than a meme now, and his enablers at the Club should take a good hard look at themselves.

Imagine a coach with a starting midfield containing Zak Butters, Connor Rozee, Jason Horne-Francis, and a top quality supporting cast putting the blame on the players. F**k this guy. I wouldn't employ him to sell meat pies outside the ground. Total f**kwit loser.
I know there's blood in the water and we all want to go in for the kill but a little bit of patience is going to be required here. It's very rare clubs sack coaches whilst finals are still realistically within reach. There's no reason to think we will buck that trend.

The draw isn't getting much easier. If you look at the next 5 games, we'll start underdogs in all but the Richmond game - and even that is no sure thing based on the past month of football we have dished up. If all results go according to script, that would leave us at 9-10 with a percentage well below 100 and basically out of finals contention at the start of August. And the final game in that run to August? A Friday night game at Marvel against Carlton with everyone watching where we have little chance of getting within 50 points.
Imagine a coach with a starting midfield containing Zak Butters, Connor Rozee, Jason Horne-Frances, and a top quality supporting cast putting the blame on the players. F**k this guy. I wouldn't employ him to sell meat pies outside the ground. Total f**kwit loser.
Yeah I do wonder what other organisation anywhere would persist with this failed narrative for so long. Would Koch, for example, be so keen on continuing to payt him if the money was coming out of his own pocket and not ours?
Just a river of rambling, incoherent shit flowing out of this clown's mouth.

What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

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If we just go with Carr my disappointment will be immeasurable.

Having said that, i also absolutely do not want davies/koch/richardson choosing a new ****ing coach under any circumstances.

I want someone who's gonna give me that "woohoo" feeling
We are not a good team

I don't know the other teams players

If we played other players the result would be worse

How the **** does this moron have a job

Lol imagine being a club that finished top 4, won 13 in a row, had 2 of the best 5 consensus mids in the comp last year, then traded in players to address your supposed deficiencies... And then turning around and saying we aren't a good team.

He may as well have said "I am ken Hinkley and I am a talentless hack of a coach and I have no idea what I'm doing"
If ken gets sacked (as opposed to quitting), I reckon Koch will hang around to help find a successor. He'll justify it with "I helped find Ken and Ken was great!"
The Gang of Four should all resign tonight. They have turned our club into a joke. And it's a bad joke that is going to get worse unless this quartet of rotten turnips is gone. Seriously, how can anyone say the 'Sack Ken' crowd is deranged when these clowns are 'running' the show. It's a bloody miracle we turn up at the right ground every week.
The fact David Koch holds so much sway in who coaches the club tells you everything about the abomination Port Adelaide has become. He's the Chairman, who has never laced a boot in his life, and he knows nothing about sport. NOTHING! The coach's position should be reviewed continuously by a group who know the game, and they should forward their recommendation to Mr Financial Panther. What a joke of a club.

It’s all on HIM!

This is not about Hinkley. The cancrum that plagues the club is David Koch.

Forget f*ck*ng Hinkley. Aim higher! Koch should be the target.
Ken didn't enjoy being booed but he's been around a long time.
Every time he says he's been in footy a long time or been around a long I fair dinkum feel like ripping the head off the nearest person in my vicinity lol it's a red rag to a bull type impact.

Just get me close to him I'll end it tonight!
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