Saints Are Finished in 2011 & Beyond

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Exactly...what they fail to consider is that if Cloke kicked straight, they wouldn't of even remembered this 'bounce of the ball' that apparently cost them so much.

Yes if only Schneider had kicked straight
Yes if only Schneider had kicked straight

Exactly...there are a lot of 'ifs' that occur in a football match.

But hey...whatever helps you sleep at night. I understand you lot are still suffering....seeing Ball in a Collingwood jumber accepting a premisership medal has to sting.

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Grant Thomas was one of the worst things to happen to the football club.

Actually he was one of the best things to happen to the football club. Imagine if you actually had a coach during 2004 and 2005? You'd probably be gloating about more than couple of premierships now.

As it stands, you didn't win any, and you probably won't win any. Enjoy rebuilding.
Actually he was one of the best things to happen to the football club. Imagine if you actually had a coach during 2004 and 2005? You'd probably be gloating about more than couple of premierships now.

As it stands, you didn't win any, and you probably won't win any. Enjoy rebuilding.

just because melbourne enjoys rebuilding doesnt mean the saints do.

how long has melbourne been in rebuild mode now?
how long has melbourne been in rebuild mode now?

Ages, actually. We tanked, we got some nice draft pics, and now we're a side that is expected to start contesting finals over the next few seasons.

As opposed to St. Kilda, who are about to start rebuilding during compromised drafts, and have seen the best days of all their early draft picks.

Good luck with that.

Anyway, Mods, please put this thread in bay 13 where it deserves to be.
There's no bragging in getting close, it's a cold hard fact that St Kilda's list managers put the Saints within 5 minutes of at least 2 flags whilst winning 115 games in 8 years. All without any father son freebies.

If the fall is a little harder because they pushed harder to win a flag so be it.

Collingwood had to burn a lot of dud father son picks to get to this point.

Under the current fair bidding process, Collingwood would have had to pay up for Travis Cloke. They would have missed out on Chris Egan or Sean Rusling.

On the other hand they would have got Heath Shaw with their last round as nobody rated him. But even assuming we were forced to miss out on an earlier pick, Bill Morrison and Brent Hall were our first two picks in that draft.

Applying the new rules to the old father son process would have made no difference.

We also paid way too much for B Shaw R Shaw C Cloke and J Cloke.

The father-son rule is just another furphy you throw around at will.
Which simply highlights even further what a huge mistake it was to fire Thomas.. He would have got the Saints to 2 flags by now, I reckon..

Actually he was one of the best things to happen to the football club. Imagine if you actually had a coach during 2004 and 2005? You'd probably be gloating about more than couple of premierships now.

As it stands, you didn't win any, and you probably won't win any. Enjoy rebuilding.

sorry guys, but you are as wrong as could be. GT could not coach. once his star studded line up (twas the best at the time) hit big finals, GT was left floundering each time.

You sir, are an idiot.

Thomas couldn't run training, much less run the football club. That's actually what Ross noticed when he showed up, that the players were running the Training session.

Grant was an imbecile who should've been an accountant at the club, not head coach. If we'd had someone of Ross Lyon's caliber during 2004 and 2005, we would've gone back to back or at least won 1 of those Grand Finals.
Thomas ruined a perfectly good list by not having a Ruckman, Thomas ruined Luke Ball's leg speed and kicking by making him play with OP, Thomas did so much soft tissue damage by not having a proper injury management team.

Grant Thomas was one of the worst things to happen to the football club.

revelation - 1st time i agree with you murray - now time for plugger :D

Too true, put Ball's efforts into the middle at the expense of Hayes and we lose by 5 goals

no one has suggested for a minute hayes be replaced for ball. we know hayes is better, no question. but ball had a role too, but your team & methods couldnt see it. ball as seen as surplus cos he couldnt do the marathon running that the list cloggers were doing, and moved on. and he is grateful thankyou.

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no one has suggested for a minute hayes be replaced for ball. we know hayes is better, no question. but ball had a role too, but your team & methods couldnt see it.

It's common sense, Hayes and Ball couldn't be played alongside each other, particularly against the quicker teams and neither has the versatility to play elsewhere.

Jude Bolton may disagree but we'll wait and see how he goes up forward longer term.
And if the umpire didn't pay the free against Mooney in the dying stages of the qualifying final, you wouldn't have even made the grand final.

See, I can play the "ifs, buts and maybes" game too. :p

Yeah, then we couldve seen Collingwood belt you by 80 points in the Grand Final instead of the prelim.

Hell if you wanna go with ifs/buts on that scenario, it means we would have drawn with the pies in the prelim and gone to the extra time we needed to beat them and make the grand final :thumbsu:
Yeah, then we couldve seen Collingwood belt you by 80 points in the Grand Final instead of the prelim.

Hell if you wanna go with ifs/buts on that scenario, it means we would have drawn with the pies in the prelim and gone to the extra time we needed to beat them and make the grand final :thumbsu:

You've just lost us the game. Nah, you've just lost us the game. Nah, you've just lost us the game. Nah, you...... :rolleyes:
The father sons won you a flag .
Rubbish. Just another snipe from you.

Cloke was average in the GFs accoring to all and sundry and in any case we got no better return from the F/S picks than from the draft in general. Hell we even had to go through 3 from each of the Coke and Shaw families to get 2 best 22 players and that ignores the Davis, Barham, Obourne wasted picks.

Quality drafting won the flag. Good players from all rounds of the draft including the rookie list.
This thread has gone tottally off track hahahha.

Its about the future. People have made some great points in that saints probably lacking trade value. I agree trading reiwolt would be really really rough. A lot of supporters would be unhappy and it might not be worth it. I wouldn't trade goddard he is a champion in those grand finals and still relatively young.

Its true there list is ageing and i really cant see them getting back in 2012. looks a bit similar to hawthorn and they have taken 3 years to come back (apparently). Yes there are different reasons behind there downfall.
Rubbish. Just another snipe from you.

the difference between the two teams on the last Saturday in September

Cloke was average in the GFs accoring to all and sundry

was good in the first, Shaw was excellent in both

and in any case we got no better return from the F/S picks than from the draft in general. Hell we even had to go through 3 from each of the Coke and Shaw families to get 2 best 22 players and that ignores the Davis, Barham, Obourne wasted picks.

sounds like a lot of freebies, as Angry from Angrytown says, it's a numbers game

Quality drafting won the flag. Good players from all rounds of the draft including the rookie list.

ironic considering poor drafting got you Pendlebury and Thomas.
ironic considering poor drafting got you Pendlebury and Thomas.

Indeed. We learnt from our errors from seven and eight and nine years ago. We certainly invested heavily in far too many rejects and recyled players at the time. And drafted poorly both in quality and quantity. Pretty much like StKilda of 09/10. The similarities are uncanny.

At least when we went to the well for a priority pick we got it right. Plenty of other teams havent, including StKilda.
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