Saints in trouble again!

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Some of you guys might be taking this a bit too lightly.

It's not just the media. A few of the players weren't happy with the offender, either...

To be fair my fellow St Kilda posters, this Bulldog supporter's inside mail is normally pretty good.....
Then where's the club in all this? Their silence is just as damning. If it's a storm in a teacup and a media beat up, then come and set the story straight. Get out on the front foot, not over 24 hours with nothing of substance to say. if it's clear to some that it was just a shoelace or that the entertainer wasn't harmed, then the club should already know this information - so where are they?

The fact is, we don't have as much leniency as other clubs. We can't afford another 'storm in a teacup'. Maybe if it was Melbourne or footscray, it might be put down as a one-off, but not for us. I'm sorry, but the players should know better.

I get where you're coming from, there is a bit of a smoke=fire attitude around so the club should be quick to respond. However, I don't think the club should just burst out of the gates without all of the necessary information.

I don't know whether this is a storm in a teacup or yet another idiotic indiscretion by one of our players but the club would want to get all the facts, talk to the bar staff, talk to the afl, get your PR strategy together etc etc before making a statement to the media. If we don't we run the danger of making a mountain out of a molehill if it isn't that serious or appear weak-willed and apathetic if the allegation is serious. These things are tricky situations but, like most here, I'm sick of our club having to deal with this kind of crap either way.

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How many times do we have to defend our players over stupid actions? Once or twice, fair enough but this is getting ridiculous now. It happens every year, ffs!

That's all well and good, Sauce but that is not the world we live in. Sure, it would be much easier on us all if the media didn't report on the lives of the players, but they do and it has a detrimental affect on the club we love. Like it or not, the AFL has become commercialised and we rely heavily on sponsorship and membership to drive funds. You can't just laugh these incidents off when the club is already in an unstable financial position. It's time the players learnt that their actions have consequences. If they don't like it, then don't become AFL players. That's the unfortunate reality.

The world we live in? Exactly correct. The fact that this is the number one story on ALL news stations compared to actual problems that exist in the world is beyond a ****ing joke. It's actually hard for me to comprehend, and what's worse is that so many people buy into and think this is some sort of massive deal and oh my the uproar!!! Get a ****ing life. Who ever did it needs to grow up and apologize to the guy then move on.
To be fair to the players - it was a bit of fun. It wasn't strippers. There were no nude players. No one urinated in public. No property was damaged. It was a private function in a function room. It was not a hazing ritual. No one ran through the pub with toilet paper from their rear end on fire. There were no drugs found. The players looked decidedly sober when they got into taxis to go home. They hired a couple of blokes that do entertainment for blokey functions and their act includes a trick with fire. They were not children or women or a vulnerable victim. They are blokes that run Death Match wrestling events. They would have been booked ages ago and prior to the Saturday proceedings.

The Don got it right when he burst into laughter about the whole thing.

Caro Wilson needs a good.........talking to - cause she is the biggest sour faced over reactionist on the planet.

Just bit of fun? So if I go upto all players at B&F this Friday and set their clothes alight with lighter they'll just laugh it off? :rolleyes:
What can I say...?

I'm far more concerned the U.S. are gearing themselves up for yet another invasion in their ceaseless 'In God We Trust' campaign.

I have it on good authority that the USA is planning a pre-emptive strike on Seaford... to ensure that the club never uses lighters of mass destruction on innocent civilians again.
Just bit of fun? So if I go upto all players at B&F this Friday and set their clothes alight with lighter they'll just laugh it off? :rolleyes:

only one way to find out. my tip is you will be kicked out, have the cops called and then banned from any club activity
lol some of the replies in this thread... we truly are gaining on Melbourne as the oldest and boringest fan club in the country.

it's a huge beat up, and probably a publicity stunt for the dward entertainment company. it's not like the players drowned the midget in petrol and torched him alive.

get a grip you scone eating, tea drinking saints fans. it's mad Monday ffs....

Yeah it's all very well to say that the players are professionals and should be better behaved but they are are a still a bunch of mainly young guys and on a Mad Monday where everyone is drinking then silly stuff is going to happen. It's still a good way for the players to bond and let their hair down at the end of a long season where they have to be well behaved. Providing its kept private away from the public and things don't get too out of control I don't see the problem with it.

This dwarf burning incident probably went too far but it sounds like a typical media beat up, making it out to be worse than it is. People saying it will cost memberships, sponsorships and undoes all the good work of Saturday's farewell game are overreacting.

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Funny that. I would say that is big of him but then it could be taken the wrong way!!

If what happened was as reported then I don't think an apology would have cut it. The police get involved if the law was broken etc.

Just good PR for the wrestling little people, (which is as I understand it what they like to be referred to rather then short people or dwarves)....
Just bit of fun? So if I go upto all players at B&F this Friday and set their clothes alight with lighter they'll just laugh it off? :rolleyes:

A formal occasion like a B&F is a lot different to a Mad Monday though with different standards of behaviour.
A ST KILDA footballer involved in setting a dwarf entertainer on fire at a Mad Monday party has apologised for the incident.
The victim, Blake Johnston, said today: “The St Kilda Football Club and the player involved have contacted me to
apologise, which I have accepted.

“The player has also offered to make a donation to a charity of my choosing, which is the Kids with Cancer Foundation Australia.”

Mr Johnston said AFL boss Andrew Demetriou also apologised over the incident.

Mr Demetriou was criticised for laughing about Mr Johnston’s plight when told about the incident on live television.

Mr Johnston said: “Andrew Demetriou from the AFL has today contacted me to apologise for his initial reaction as seen on Talking Footy last night. I appreciate that Andrew made the effort to contact me and I have accepted his apology.”

Mr Johnston had sought legal advice on the matter, but added: “I would like to make it clear that although I have consulted my legal options, I have made the decision not to pursue any charges or action against the club or the player involved.”

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Saints in trouble again!

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