Swans - back to back?

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JF_Bay_22_SCG said:
Hmm, well at least somebody in your house has taste when it comes to the team they support.

There is NO WAY I'm getting cocky about winning. I still haven't even come to terms with the fact we ARE actually Premiers. Given that 6 months ago I was saying how disillusioned I was with both footy as well as the Swans, to be sitting here now talking about the Swans going back-to-back is about as easy to fathom as teeth growing on chickens.

I still cannot come to terms with the fact we are Premiers; it just feels bloody wrong, bloody weird. To be honest I don't know how to feel, because I have no experience in knowing what to feel. I just subconsciously refuse to get used to it, half expecting us to pluck a gallent defeat from a 5 goal 3 quarter lead. All I am left with when I think about it is this dull confusion and a feeling that somebody will wake me up and we'll be back where we belong, being crap and pitied by all and sundry yet again. :confused:

You follow a team through 27 losses and see how it makes you feel when you win. It just doesn't computee.

We won this year (I think :confused: ). How we'll go next year. Well, let's wait and see.

I just hope the penny drops eventually. This is NOT the way I was supposed to feel after winning a flag.


its happened try to enjoy it, after all uve sat through.

Your one of the loyalist (sp) supporters i know jf and u deserve to soak up this victory!
swansrule100 said:
swans would of won by 30 points if oloughlin kicked straight
What's that got to do with anything?

we won the flag and bragging rites,
I pity anyone who thinks winning the flag enables you to carry on like an obnoxious arrogant tw@t.

im sure youll go on when you win!
I highly doubt it.

get over it mate :)
There's nothing i've said in this thread that suggests I'm "not over it". It's nothing more than a case of your pretending I have a problem so you can gloat a bit more. You sad loser.

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bunsen burner said:
What's that got to do with anything?

I pity anyone who thinks winning the flag enables you to carry on like an obnoxious arrogant tw@t.

I highly doubt it.

There's nothing i've said in this thread that suggests I'm "not over it". It's nothing more than a case of your pretending I have a problem so you can gloat a bit more. You sad loser.

well what are you going on about then? ******** off if u dont want to see a forum with some gloating, its about swans chances of back to back and you wanna shoot down anyone who believes we can achieve.

I just presume your poor attidude was due to the loss in the granny

nothing wrong with a bit of gloating, what the hell is footy support about, if you cant go what a great win, or carlton cant go on about the 16 flags, or the eagles about their 2 flags and judd etc. I agree theres no need to be a complete arse, but geez!

also note i never said that YOU personally were bringing it down or taking away from the flag!!
bunsen burner said:
If you're older than 16 then you should be embarassed. You come across as no older.

Wasn't an insult. Just a an estimate from your intelligence level and propensity to write in abreviated text like teenage girls do.

You'll be struggling to convince anyone else you're over 16 too.

No very smart are you? Go read what I said: I didn't say the Swans weren't that good to win the flag, but weren't that good to be a odds on chance to go back to back.

No rebuttals about the Swans flag there. I can only summise that you severely lack intelligence.

Once again you expose your severe lack of intelligence. The quote you quoted me had nothing to do with an excuse.

Talk it up all you like idiot but it doesn't take an Einstein to work out that you're severely lacking in the brains dept.

would you please give me something to argue with this 'you're not smart and you seem really young' stuff is boring to rebuttle... :)

i know you wiggles like to get into proving this sort of rubbish but i'm sorry sweetheart i'm just not that insecure.! :)

come on i called you about 4 different names and all you've come up with is some 'young dumb and full of c***' theory... atleast make an effort, or don't tell me.......................... you just did ;)
bunsen burner said:
What's that got to do with anything?

I pity anyone who thinks winning the flag enables you to carry on like an obnoxious arrogant tw@t.

I highly doubt it.

There's nothing i've said in this thread that suggests I'm "not over it". It's nothing more than a case of your pretending I have a problem so you can gloat a bit more. You sad loser.

so when and why do you carry on like an obnoxious arrogant ********? Is there some manifesto that only the wiggles know about? :)
IIRC the eagles supporters were carrying on all year. Half of them are preparing for 2006 celebrations now!

Lets presume what is on here is swans gloating (which it isnt even close too), bunsen burner are you that sensitive that you have to carry on?? surely we can all talk our teams up and gloat etc in good humour.

I dont think we need to argue with each other?
I think the Swans supporters have every right to do a bit of bragging after winning the flag that no-one gave them a hope in hell of winning.

Their supporters have been pretty good here after the win, obnoxious isn't a word that I would use to describe them that's for sure.
swansrule100 said:
well what are you going on about then? ******** off if u dont want to see a forum with some gloating, its about swans chances of back to back and you wanna shoot down anyone who believes we can achieve.
Shooting down who? I've simply stated I think their chances are slim. A mere opinion. No shooting down, no arrogance, just an opinion.

You seem intent to make out i've said something else to justify your self gratification and indulgence in gloating. You're a truely sad individual.

I just presume your poor attidude was due to the loss in the granny
What poor attitude? So anyone who thinks the Swans will be stretching it to go back to back when teams of the ilk of Carlton 95 and Essendon 00 couldn't do has a bad attitude?

You should listen to yourself.

what the hell is footy support about, if you cant go what a great win, or carlton cant go on about the 16 flags, or the eagles about their 2 flags and judd etc.
Footy is not about gloating when you win. As I said, you are a truely sad individual.

I agree theres no need to be a complete arse, but geez!
Just happen you and a few others are being complete arses.

What? Don't think you're being a complete tw@t?

Here are a few of my quotes:

bb said:
You were deserving winners
the Swans deserved to win the flag
Like all flag teams they deserved it
The Swans were the best this year

And then tossers like you have the nerve to call me arrogant, a sore loser etc etc and then use this as justification to go on a gloating spree?

You're a knob.
nicky said:
so when and why do you carry on like an obnoxious arrogant ********?

bb said:
You were deserving winners
the Swans deserved to win the flag
Like all flag teams they deserved it
The Swans were the best this year
Hardly words from someone who is arrogant and obnoxious. On the other hand however, a person who falsely accuses such a person to justify arrogance and gloating............
bunsen burner said:
Shooting down who? I've simply stated I think their chances are slim. A mere opinion. No shooting down, no arrogance, just an opinion.

You seem intent to make out i've said something else to justify your self gratification and indulgence in gloating. You're a truely sad individual.

What poor attitude? So anyone who thinks the Swans will be stretching it to go back to back when teams of the ilk of Carlton 95 and Essendon 00 couldn't do has a bad attitude?

You should listen to yourself.

Footy is not about gloating when you win. As I said, you are a truely sad individual.

Just happen you and a few others are being complete arses.

What? Don't think you're being a complete tw@t?

Here are a few of my quotes:

And then tossers like you have the nerve to call me arrogant, a sore loser etc etc and then use this as justification to go on a gloating spree?

You're a knob.

no such thing as a sad swan atm :D

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swansrule100 said:
IIRC the eagles supporters were carrying on all year. Half of them are preparing for 2006 celebrations now!
About 3 or 4 of them. I wasn't one of them.

Lets presume what is on here is swans gloating (which it isnt even close too),

nicky said:
you stick it all up your arsenal, we won the flag this year b/c we were the BEST TEAM!!!
Are you saying that isn't gloating?

And from your fine self:

swansrule100 said:
we got the cup thats all that matters

Do I need to find more quotes? And you know why this is an undisputed case of gloating? Absolutely no coersion. A simple discussion about the Swans chances in 2006 turned into "we're the best so har har har".

You waaankers.

bunsen burner are you that sensitive that you have to carry on??
Who's carrying on? I was having a adult discussion when a bunch of arrogant tossers turned it into a gloating expression session. And to justify this gloating you tried to make out your were just retaliating.

surely we can all talk our teams up and gloat etc in good humour.
Go for your life, but don't try to use me as your justification. I've been nothing but gracious only to have knobends like yourself fabricate arrogance to justify your mutual gloating session.

It's quite clear who the arrogant and obnoxious are on this thread.

I dont think we need to argue with each other?
You should have shut your mouth from the start then. By all means, have your little gloating session, but don't try to pin the blame on me. You guys are acting like tw@ts off your own backs.
bunsen burner said:
Hardly words from someone who is arrogant and obnoxious. On the other hand however, a person who falsely accuses such a person to justify arrogance and gloating............

i think you misunderstood what i was saying, i asked you (b/c you seem to be an authority on the subject) when is it appropriate to be an obnoxious arrogant t**t?

i would never call YOU arrogant :)
bunsen burner said:
About 3 or 4 of them. I wasn't one of them.


Are you saying that isn't gloating?

And from your fine self:

Do I need to find more quotes? And you know why this is an undisputed case of gloating? Absolutely no coersion. A simple discussion about the Swans chances in 2006 turned into "we're the best so har har har".

You waaankers.

Who's carrying on? I was having a adult discussion when a bunch of arrogant tossers turned it into a gloating expression session. And to justify this gloating you tried to make out your were just retaliating.

Go for your life, but don't try to use me as your justification. I've been nothing but gracious only to have knobends like yourself fabricate arrogance to justify your mutual gloating session.

It's quite clear who the arrogant and obnoxious are on this thread.

You should have shut your mouth from the start then. By all means, have your little gloating session, but don't try to pin the blame on me. You guys are acting like tw@ts off your own backs.

i can tell by your tone that you're proud of yourself and believe that you've really nailed this argument... in your own special way you're as good as UNIT! :D
ill gloat all i like,

seen as every other bloody year the swans and supporters have to cop it and i wont care next year when yes we probably dont win and the other team is lapping it up

who cares?

your the one who started the stupid name calling bb go and get stuffed, im happy to debate away but ur the one attacking nicky with stupid names, but maybe its just everyone being silly/ then the first post u quoted of me wasnt even aimed at u and u called me a loser thats what annoys me

i dont give a rats what u think of the swans

but i can see this has got out of hand a crapload...and a lot my fault and i apologise to you! im sorry! could we forget this and start again?
nicky said:
i think you misunderstood what i was saying, i asked you (b/c you seem to be an authority on the subject) when is it appropriate to be an obnoxious arrogant t**t?

i would never call YOU arrogant :)
I have no problems if you go rub the win into mouthy people like Unit, Total Package etc. They opened their mouths so they deserve to cop it. That's just pay back.

But you should have a serious look at yourself as to how you've acted here. A good discussion was going on about the Swans chances of back to back. You and a few others come storming in, start throwing around false accusations, and then use those accusations as justification to go on a gloating session complete with high fives.

If you think that's appropriate, then good for you. Most people would mark that down as being a knob.
bunsen burner said:
I have no problems if you go rub the win into mouthy people like Unit, Total Package etc. They opened their mouths so they deserve to cop it. That's just pay back.

But you should have a serious look at yourself as to how you've acted here. A good discussion was going on about the Swans chances of back to back. You and a few others come storming in, start throwing around false accusations, and then use those accusations as justification to go on a gloating session complete with high fives.

If you think that's appropriate, then good for you. Most people would mark that down as being a knob.

ive read back a bit and your right i have been stupid and im sorry am a bit sensitive to swans bagging.

The first post you had a go at me over though wasnt at you and its all gotten confused in with other posts

I hope you can accept my apology and we can get back to the serious discussion i am quite embarrassed!
swansrule100 said:
ill gloat all i like,
Why the need to come and high jack a good thread and turn it into a gloating session?

your the one who started the stupid name calling bb go and get stuffed,
Maybe i need to refresh your memory:

nicky posy#51 said:
- you are such a dumb p-huck !!!! i believe you are insinuating that we "luckily won the flag"- just b/c we dont carry on about our team like the stupid wiggles doesn't mean we're not fantastic, OPEN YOUR EYES YOU FOOL b4 you post rubbish like this!!!!!
Anything you want to say?

im happy to debate away but ur the one attacking nicky with stupid names,
What was that?

but maybe its just everyone being silly/ then the first post u quoted of me wasnt even aimed at u and u called me a loser thats what annoys me
See the above quote of Nicky? You agreed with it. Not sure as to why you think you have been wronged. You second him callimg me a dumb ********** and loser and have the audacity to complain when I then called you a loser?

Not too bright are you?

but i can see this has got out of hand a crapload...and a lot my fault and i apologise to you! im sorry! could we forget this and start again?
What's to start again? Just stop being an arrogant and obnoxious knob. You and a few others highjacked a perfectly good thread.
larrikin said:
Have to agree with some Swans fans here - in a thread about the Swans chances the year after a premiership you do have a fair right to gloat.

It won't help you, but gloat away

So if you were having a normal discussion and made statements such as:

You were deserving winners
the Swans deserved to win the flag
Like all flag teams they deserved it
The Swans were the best this year

And then some Swans fans came along and accused you of neing bitter and arrogant, and then preceded to gloat, you wouldn't come out with guns blazing?

Sorry, don't know about you but I don't expect to be treated like my name is Frank Matera.

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Swans - back to back?

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