Roast "The Banana Incident"

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There has been times it has happened at other venues, but that is not the point. This is two years in a row now at Adelaide oval, with the same two teams playing. After last year, it is obvious the message has not sunk in. To see groups of people throwing fists at each other inside that magnificent stadium is such a blight on the game and such a turn off for families and kids going. I thought it was good idea for Travis Boak and Tex Walker to get together on national TV and to tell the fans that this needs to stop. Everyone has a responsibility inside the ground to report immediately any sign of racist comments or violence. And the guilty parties should be banned permanently, whether they are members or not.

I hate reactive decision making because ultimately its the wrong decision. The atmosphere was fantastic Saturday night, 99% of the crowd were perfectly fine. Why should 99% of the crowd be punished for something they didn't do and had no involvement in. The media beat up is no doubt a result of Ports desperate attempt to get some one upmanship on the Crows or at the very least drag us down to their level to put us both under the microscope. However based on current evidence over a lot of games, not just showdowns something has to be done with the Hill. I think the SMA, Port and the Crows need to work together to change the culture of the hill. Pack it full of kids and families kicking footies and shut down access to alcohol.
Port do a lot of overselling with the GA tickets, 3 game and 11 games. Even after the game has "sold out" they continue to push these tickets. I've never heard of there being a lockout due to capacity being reached. It is in the terms and conditions though.

Was the hill packed on the night? the other standing areas? maybe for these games they could worry less about pushing 3 game memberships as the only way to get in, and actually sell the right number of tickets for GA.

Our first Showdowns weren't included in our 3 game memberships. Our GA 3 and 11 game memberships still say "You will be required to upgrade to a designated seat through Ticketek for entry to home Showdown"

Maybe almost 54,000 isn't the right capacity for these games.
Port do a lot of overselling with the GA tickets, 3 game and 11 games. Even after the game has "sold out" they continue to push these tickets. I've never heard of there being a lockout due to capacity being reached. It is in the terms and conditions though.

Was the hill packed on the night? the other standing areas? maybe for these games they could worry less about pushing 3 game memberships as the only way to get in, and actually sell a decent number of tickets for GA.

Our first Showdowns weren't included in our 3 game memberships. Our GA memberships still say "You will be required to upgrade to a designated seat through Ticketek for entry to home Showdown"

Maybe almost 54,000 isn't the right capacity for these games.
We sell 3 game memberships after games have sold out too.

Showdown is included this year.

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I hate reactive decision making because ultimately its the wrong decision. The atmosphere was fantastic Saturday night, 99% of the crowd were perfectly fine. Why should 99% of the crowd be punished for something they didn't do and had no involvement in. The media beat up is no doubt a result of Ports desperate attempt to get some one upmanship on the Crows or at the very least drag us down to their level to put us both under the microscope. However based on current evidence over a lot of games, not just showdowns something has to be done with the Hill. I think the SMA, Port and the Crows need to work together to change the culture of the hill. Pack it full of kids and families kicking footies and shut down access to alcohol.

This is the new soft underbelly at the PAFC,.

Years of nurturing from Rucci has created a soft mentality where Port supporters now prefer to throw dirt and play the blame game rather than acknowledge any problems and want the club to address them.

After the Tippett fiasco we blamed ourselves and took it on the chin. We did try and play the blame game and the club sought to learn from it's mistakes, we moved on Trigg and began to address our problems. That's why even after the draft sanctions we're going somewhere while Port are seemingly going nowhere.
We sell 3 game memberships after games have sold out too.

Showdown is included this year.

I see it is included in ours, but it does say you have to upgrade to an allocated seat/ticket for the game, so I guess they can control it a little, do they enforce it though?

It looks like they dedicate a lot more of the ground to GA, so they would probably have far more of these members who are used to just turning up, the seats would go fairly quickly with the number of people going to a Showdown, then everyone else is packed in where they can find room.

It's not so much the 54,000 but the number of those people who don't have an allocated seat. You would have thousands who usually find a seat or are standing pretty comfortably with fellow supporters all of a sudden crammed in on the hill with opposition supporters.

Anyway, I wasn't there, so can't speak to whether or not there were too many people packed in for it to be an issue.

I stopped reading at the point where you deliberately used a point of reference so that you could avoid acknowledging Adelaide's success.

That being said, you do realise that our 1998 flag falls in that 19 year window that you "randomly" chose :D

Well I was off by a year ... what can I say. I wonder why you guys like pointing out you have won the last 4 showdowns instead of the record being 21:21. I assume that is because recent achievements are the most relevant not the fact that we beat you a bunch of times in the mid 2000s. If you would like me to pick a less arbitrary number the comp has been a 16-18 team comp. Therefore a club on average should be winning a flag every 8-9 years. Our last flag was 13 years ago, yours was 19 years. Therefore, neither of us have been terribly successful.
If you would like me to pick a less arbitrary number the comp has been a 16-18 team comp. Therefore a club on average should be winning a flag every 8-9 years. Our last flag was 13 years ago, yours was 19 years. Therefore, neither of us have been terribly successful.
I don't think you understand how averages work.
This is the new soft underbelly at the PAFC,.

Years of nurturing from Rucci has created a soft mentality where Port supporters now prefer to throw dirt and play the blame game rather than acknowledge any problems and want the club to address them.

After the Tippett fiasco we blamed ourselves and took it on the chin. We did try and play the blame game and the club sought to learn from it's mistakes, we moved on Trigg and began to address our problems. That's why even after the draft sanctions we're going somewhere while Port are seemingly going nowhere.

Port clearly have a culture problem that has a racist tone that exists in its underbelly. There light hearted approach to the 'Bananagate' last year was cringeworthy, do we even know if she turned up to these Wingard culture lessons Port were bragging about? The bottom line is while we both have these supporters, Port tend to attract them. When Kochie tried to mend bridges between the two clubs in the wake of Phil Walshes death, he copped abuse and accusations of rolling over and pandering to the Crows. Thats the mindset we are dealing with. Out of 17 other clubs, for some reason they were taught to hate the Crows at every turn. Its infested their club like a cancer. 'You must beat the Crows'......, so what about every other team? The one thing the Crows have done right over the journey is never get sucked into Showdowns being a Grand Final, sure its been to our detriment at times but we have been far more consistently successful against the rest of the competition. Port supporters need perspective that there is a bigger picture than just winning a showdown.
There is still a lot of hatred directed at the Crows over what was they believe happen. and why the SANFL shafted Port according to a few of the vocal ones, And yes it is true to visit the Port Adelaide Club rooms after any SANFL game not involving the Crows and some still find the time to blame the Crows. It is hatred
To be Honest Rucci and some of the reporters and a few officials at the time should take a lot of the balme, they wanted a rivalry to end all rivalry and foment this hatred between supporters.
Some high-ranking officials at Port wanted their club to be the underdog, the old Fos Williams and Cahil attitude's its us against the rest of the SANFL and there way they went about it bread a generation of supporters that hated yes hated all things not Port. Unfortunately what work in the SANFL does not work in a National competition, While Collingwood was attempting to clean up their act and change the way their supporters behaved, Some Port officials pushed for the traditional underdog attitude Port used in the SANFL which used Hated as a means to garner die hard supporters Problem with that is when the Club does not Preform they don't turn up, Sound familiar.
KT has and is slowing attempting to remove the underdog tag ie us vs them Have you notice how they have toned it down the Football talk coming from the Club, but sometimes I believe Kochie has a different view which is surprising considering Port Push into Asia.
And to be honest the media build up to this game pushed some supporters over the edge.
I don't think you understand how averages work.

Edit: One of the clubs should win one every 8-9 years if we are talking about the state. However if you are willing to concede that we are an above average club because we have won a flag in the past 16-18 years, and you are a below average one because you haven't, then I am willing to accept that :p
Edit: One of the clubs should win one every 8-9 years if we are talking about the state. However if you are willing to concede that we are an above average club because we have won a flag in the past 16-18 years, and you are a below average one because you haven't, then I am willing to accept that :p
Again, you're not getting this whole average thing...

You average one flag per 20 seasons, we average one per 13.

The Bulldogs don't average a flag every season just because they've won one in the last year.
When you put cheap tickets in a place with lots of alcohol, it will encourage the 'scum' of footy supporters (regardless of which team they support) who just want to get pissed and act tough against opposition supporters.

They should shut down the scoreboard bar, make it an alcohol free area and encourage families to use the hill to kick the footy, which is the intended target in the first place. The scum bags can go hurl their drunken abuse from the top of GA in the eastern stands

Why not turn the scoreboard bar into a kiosk, or even a merchandise stand. Sell a footy, use it on the hill straight away.

For the cricket, half the hill is a family friendly area - the side screen basically splits the hill between the families and the yobbos.
The hill is not the source of racist out bursts though.
The hill and scoreboard is AO iconic feature.
Maybe trial it as a alcohol free zone

Its not a surprise issues happen at the hill. Every time the aussie cricket side comes to AO that area has been a hotbed of drunkards hurling abuse and hatred. Why did we think it would be different at the footy.

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This is the new soft underbelly at the PAFC,.

Actually it's not new, it's just magnified now in the a national competition with social media added.

Some of us are old enough to remember incidents like the Roger Delaney one back in the 90's.
To be Honest, I don't always believe it's a racist culture, It a pure hatred to the Crows and Crows to Port,
Eddie does get attacked purely because he is seen and the biggest threat to Port. Also, there were a few interesting comments directed at CC but that was after the bump. Prior to that it was Sloane and Walker in the firing line, From the Crows supporters Wines was the target and SPP after the Douglas fail cop some interesting comments
As for the Ryder issue the timing of the Comment will tell a story, I was at the ground and forced to step in when a Crow supporter got too loud and vocally aggressive after the Ryder/ Knight issue and did they did mention a few comment that could be regarded as Racist, when Confronted they did shut up and left the ground but it was the end of the game.

If you hear racist comment or feel threaten while attending a Game at Adelaide Oval please contact the 0400 TELL US. (0400835587 on the retro phones) or after the game, if you feel threaten email

We need to put a stop to it at the Ground at the time not make a song and dance about it on national media outlets make all South Australian s look bad.
Are they less capable of facing adversity than white people? Are they more sensitive to booing genetically?
That's kinda racist to say they are less able to cope.
I didn't say they are less able to cope. They cope with racism every day. They view a big, largely non-Indigenous crowd booing an Indigenous player en masse as another example of this racism regardless of what he may or may not have done on the field.
If a Port official did in fact hear this, what did they do? Has the club been notified? Was the persons details taken at the time? Was security or the police alerted?

Until we hear something official from either club, it's just weakness trying to downplay their own clubs shortcomings.
It's Eddie McGuire all over again. "I've been spat on by Crows supporters."

Maaaaate, no you haven't.

But it was a good ploy to divert the attention away from the behaviour of Collingwood supporters.
Maybe what we need to do is completely reverse alcohol licencing.

Maybe it is the patrons that need to hold a licence to consume alcohol in public, a licence you can lose, and face consequences for drinking without.
Please no. We've had a drinking register here in the NT. It was a mess just for a minority of abusers. Now they are going to bring it back again.
Everytime you purchased a bottle of wine you had to show your drivers liscence.
A right pain.
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I did put this up before But I want to separate it from the points I made before. As I feel it important enough to remember.
If you hear a racist comment or feel threaten while attending a Game at Adelaide Oval please contact the 0400 TELL US. (0400835587 on the retro phones) or after the game, if you feel threaten email

We need to put a stop to it at the Ground and at the time, not make a song and dance about it on national media outlets that make all South Australians look bad.
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I did put this up before But I want to separate it from the points I made before. As I feel it important enough to remember.
If you hear a racist comment or feel threaten while attending a Game at Adelaide Oval please contact the 0400 TELL US. (0400835587 on the retro phones) or after the game, if you feel threaten email

We need to put a stop to it at the Ground and at the time, not make a song and dance about it on national media outlets that make all South Australian's look bad.
South Australians
I was at the final v the Ross last year where te crowd en masses booed Lindsay Thomas all night. I saw a Roos supporter in front of me boo Eddie extremely loudly. When confronted by security he yelled "they boo my black fella so I am going to boo there's".
Now see, what needs to be made perfectly clear here is that Lindsay got boooooed all night because he is clearly a diving ducking sniping campaigner. It had nothing to do with the his race. Sad that some idiot could get it so wrong.
According to an anonymous Port official, you can clearly see this guy wearing a Crows jumper.

Again, you're not getting this whole average thing...

You average one flag per 20 seasons, we average one per 13.

So we average one showdown win a year just like you. Outstanding, I was starting to get worried that you might have the wood over us in recent times but that doesn't matter because historically we are just as good as each other. I am also getting worried about facing that super dooper Carlton team that averages a flag once every 7 or so years, they must be awesome to average so many flags. In any event, I tried to say something half-intelligent and instead of contributing something meaningful to that you decided to just be a smart arse and ignore the context of my posts (i.e recent history is > than past history) and the whole premise in general (racism = bad, mudslinging = bad). One thing I thought of adding in my original post is that I have 3-5 year cycles of not disliking (sometimes almost openly supporting) the crows and then a bunch of dickhead crows supporters remind me of why I hate them (I haven't hated a player or official since Nigel Smart) which is a sad indictment of the tribal culture of the state. In that spirit, I shall go back to our board and do what is expected of me, have a circlejerk and talk about those **** wit Adelaide supporters who are defending the booing of Adam Goodes and saying its not racist on the same thread complaining about the racist taunt of some Port supporters. Because as we know, one supporter doing something bad is reflective of the entire supporter base.

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Roast "The Banana Incident"

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