Roast "The Banana Incident"

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In a silly sort of way, I hope the Ryder abuse story is true because you just couldn't imagine a club making something up like this and dragging their own player and his family into it. So, I am going to take it at face value that it is true, it is abhorrent and has to stop.

The EPL and I think soccer in general had ending racism as a massive focus at games. I think going forward, we as a club before bounce should have a video on screen which is not just our indigenous players, but players from all backgrounds asking the fans to be respectful.

And also that video to include the opposition players somehow. Wouldn't it be great if in the next Showdown which we host, there is a video of Eddie, Ryder, Boak, Tex, etc arm in arm with the one single message - Don't.

When Port supporters act like campaigners it's a South Australian problem.:rolleyes:

Do Crows supporters have recent history of behaving poorly against opposition supporters and players?

One made a racist comment to Ryder last weekend.

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Not sure why we are even giving this any air. Rather than continually bagging the minority which fuels their fire we should be celebrating the brilliance of our players who entertain us on a weekly basis.

I give no shits what nationality, sexual preferences, skin colour or religion they are. A champion is a champion and they should celebrated as such.
I do however think Port's response has again been pathetic. Somehow the story is about this Ryder incident and not the actual person who has been identified as vilifying Betts, or the actual person who has been identified as posting obscene remarks on facebook.

I see they had a promo of their world famous indigenous education program as well in their announcement.

Seriously - do they have no shame?
Did the Banana thrower complete the PAFC Education program ?
I have it on good authority she did not.

Pissweak reaction by Port then and equally as pissweak this time round.

Suspend membership - ppppfffft
Give me a break !
Right find him and ban him, simple as that.

Also why are we (as in the collective we) promoting the "if they don't have a membership we can't do anything". Bullshit, we have CCTV at grounds put them on a banned permanently from Adelaide Oval list.

Do we have CCTV? Are the seated areas covered? I thought it was pretty much just the main gates
If it does prove true then tar and feather the idiot. I just don't believe it happened.

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I do know of one incident when a Crows supporter did say a few choice words about Ryder, as I was one of the people that politely requested they tone down and leave the area. They left as it was around the Ryder/ Knight issue, I believe it was more about what Ryder did than Racist but their choice of words was incorrect and they did feel ashamed which is why they left without issue. but as I said it was close to the end of the game.

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We will only beat this ignorance by standing united with the PAPs. I'd gladly have a crows supporter evicted if it means listening to one less racist at a sporting event that I love. Let's look out for each other regardless of gurnsey

Just ****ing depressing to think this is still happening. The only positive element is to think people actually called the person out and they ran off like the coward they are.

Very supportive of all clubs working together to combat this. Have zero tolerance.
I hate reactive decision making because ultimately its the wrong decision. The atmosphere was fantastic Saturday night, 99% of the crowd were perfectly fine. Why should 99% of the crowd be punished for something they didn't do and had no involvement in. The media beat up is no doubt a result of Ports desperate attempt to get some one upmanship on the Crows or at the very least drag us down to their level to put us both under the microscope. However based on current evidence over a lot of games, not just showdowns something has to be done with the Hill. I think the SMA, Port and the Crows need to work together to change the culture of the hill. Pack it full of kids and families kicking footies and shut down access to alcohol.
..Its not 1% being bigoted a/whipes its 0.004%....still when it comes to the racism,,,that's
still too many...everybody has phones,,,start filming them....and i agree with the thread title needing to be changed...Stamp Out Racism ..
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Look like to be me is that you can bash the crap out of each other on a very crowded hill and put others in danger thats ok by Port and no investigation into ,but if a official or family of or distant cousin of or something like that reports that someone said something regards colour then Port want to bring in the army to sort out.
We have about a 50% similarity IMO. Unfortunately for Port, like it or not, their % of loser/bogans is much higher. Don't agree, have a look around you at the next Port game.
Helpful. Think you've really hit the nail on the head there.. or we can all get on board with stamping out idiotic behaviour regardless of which club said idiot supports. But whatever.
We have about a 50% similarity IMO. Unfortunately for Port, like it or not, their % of loser/bogans is much higher. Don't agree, have a look around you at the next Port game.
Right! And crows games are 50% more lawyers , doctors and models.... yep.

I can acctuly tell you what sort of people are around me .

But there all probably lying to me (as port peple do) and are probably drug dealers.
Just ******* depressing to think this is still happening. The only positive element is to think people actually called the person out and they ran off like the coward they are.
They'd surely be able to figure out who it was. They'd have his seat number for instance. Ticketed seats? CCTV footage at the very least. There would have been heaps of people around to see him. Presumably he was there with friends/family as well... or maybe not.

Can't just let it slide and say 'we're not going to pursue it.' Not good enough. Find him and apply the appropriate penalties.
Look like to be me is that you can bash the crap out of each other on a very crowded hill and put others in danger thats ok by Port and no investigation into ,but if a official or family of or distant cousin of or something like that reports that someone said something regards colour then Port want to bring in the army to sort out.

Pretty much sums it up. Deflection at its best by Port management.

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They'd surely be able to figure out who it was. They'd have his seat number for instance. Ticketed seats? CCTV footage at the very least. There would have been heaps of people around to see him. Presumably he was there with friends/family as well... or maybe not.

Can't just let it slide and say 'we're not going to pursue it.' Not good enough. Find him and apply the appropriate penalties.

If it was in the member's section with non-reserved seats, or in General admission with non-reserved seats hard to trace. Because the event was reported after the game it almost impossible to trace who even with CCTV,
My boyfriend works at Adelaide Oval in the keg room and he says Crows fans drink way more beer at Home games than Port fans do however said the police are called more often to the Hill during Port games because they are smuggling in spirits in those water backpack things cyclist use, and are obviously pre loading more heavily.

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Roast "The Banana Incident"

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