Brownlow Medallist
Thanks REH. Note Thiele should be up for a re-election contest in December. I haven't met him, don't think he's been up here for any Board events, may have been in Shanghai in June but I wasn't there, so no comment.
Personally would like, for obvious reasons, to have someone on the board who has international experience, especially China and Asia, now that things are looking good re Mr Gui, as far as 1) playing in Shanghai, 2) AFL in China, 3) Kidman project and how it benefits PAFC are all concerned.
Big stuff, big bucks, big future, big responsibility...
This all needs to be guided from the top at PAFC, on a broader base, with additional qualified people involved long-term.
Quite amazing that I can now suggest such stuff with confidence after only three years.
No no no, I'm not pushing my own wheelbarrow here. Holly has the 'disrupter' seat on the board already according to El Presidente, no need for another. Modern means of communication with the Boomer Generation (only) may be a strength of mine, but we don't need to appoint a board member for that ... unless we take over the Crows.
FishingRick04 ... over to you. You the man. Those hours we spent that night outside the Jockey in Happy Valley (HK) educating each other into noncompassmintarsedville was a good investment (by me) right?
Hey Buddy, I'd be honoured when the time is right to serve the board and the membership of our great club.
If the time is right would be determined by the members I'd assume so who knows, it's not something I can control outside of putting my hand up.