The Grog Thread

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Sporty Spice said:
Another contributor here introduced me to 'fiddich a couple of years back and it's been my perfered scotch ever since. So much so, that i think i may have to enjoy one shortly :)

Have you tried many other single malts?

I'm not a fan of scotch (ugly teenage incident) but I once attended a tasting of single malts. Fascinating range from the lighter styles to heavy "peaty" ones from different locations.
I'm not a scotch expert but a few single malts I like are





Also very under rated are Japanese Beers and some Asian beers

I regularly had a Yebisu beer when in Shibuya a few years back. It was a black beer but not stout like in taste. It was gorgeous.

Asahi is also good and commonly available here and the Sapporo.

Kingfisher from India is also a fave. Very refreshing.

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Dry Rot said:
Have you tried many other single malts?

Very few. Many years ago i managed to try Highland Park, but haven't seen it since.

Would love to get some Glenmorangie and The Macallan one day...
Dry Rot said:
Anyone into fortifieds? Muscats, tokays and vintage ports?

Wonderful stuff.

not since I drank 2 1/2 bottles of Galway one night with an accomplice.

I used to drink a lot of Port but not so much these days. I had a beauty at the Rockpool restaurant in the Rocks. It was about $25 a nip. I had 3 of them but can't think of what is was called.
This thread should come with a number for AA.

Beer: Boags Premium. So much better than the standard domestic stuff, and only about $8 extra a slab at Dan Murphy's. If only standrad stuff is available, Carlton Draught.

Spirits: Scotch, Glenfiddich if finances permit, Johnnie Walker red if not. Green Chatruese for shots. 1 and a third bottles of Vodka with Rocco Jones is also pretty cool :).

There should be a lolly drink category for the teenyboppers!

Lolly Drink: Lemon Ruski
Dry Rot said:
Funny enough, I came across some info about this when I was leaving church. Seems that the modern stuff only has a tiny amount of whatever the active ingredient is, and is a pale imitation of the original.

And no, Local, I haven't tried it, but where can I get some Laudanum?

Thujone is the active ingrediant I believe you are referring to, a substance that is supposed to have effects not unlike THC. ;)

And why am I not suprised it was you who introduced laudanum into the conversation?
The Doctor said:
OK Folks this has nothing to do with football, but it's summer right? This thread has everything to do with grog.

What is your favorite wine, beer, spirit? And what have you discovered lately that you might like to recommend?

For me

Fave Beer:

1. Old Speckled Hen
2. Hobgoblin
3. Squires Amber

new discovery = Hargrave Hill Pale Ale from Yarra Vlley. Sensational

Fave Wines

none in particular as I'm a wine floosey. However

1. Petaluma Chardonnay
2. Scarborough Chardonney
3. D'ARenberg Dead Arm Shiraz

new discovery = Pauletts Andreas Shiraz 2001 (?) As usual I didn't take notice of the year!

Fave spirits


new discovery = none
You are a toff Doc :)

I am not so experimental with my beverages.It's not that I wouldn't like to be more adventurous but my social group are not exactly the most cultured of drinkers.A slice of lemon in a stubby is just about as yuppy as we get.At the moment my tolerance for Beer is fading.It just makes me tired and bloated.I have begun consuming Bourbon and Coke at an unhealthy level.Cougar is probably my preference at the moment.

If I am drinking beer then I have to agree with Pembleton on Boags.It is a top beer and its the kind of thing you find in the back of your garage fridge 3 weeks after a big party.Always end up drinking them in the car on the way out for the night after scrounging through my back fridge.Also like the Cascades.Carlton Draught stubbies are the best of the main stream beers.Had a sip of a chilli beer the other day.Truly awful stuff.Its like eating a mexicana pizza and then drinking a beer.Tooheys is the worst beer doing the rounds IMO.Only time I drink it is on Oaks Day because its all they have.

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Pembleton said:
This thread should come with a number for AA.

Beer: Boags Premium. So much better than the standard domestic stuff, and only about $8 extra a slab at Dan Murphy's. If only standrad stuff is available, Carlton Draught.

Spirits: Scotch, Glenfiddich if finances permit, Johnnie Walker red if not. Green Chatruese for shots. 1 and a third bottles of Vodka with Rocco Jones is also pretty cool :).

There should be a lolly drink category for the teenyboppers!

Lolly Drink: Lemon Ruski

pffft....lolly drink category for the chicks don't you mean! Teenybopper is a bit harsh. I agree lemon ruski is the best.

I used to not like beer but now I do....though can't say i'm an expert just yet. I don't mind cascade or carlton draught....don't like Heineken much.

Vodka is good for not getting a hangover.

And Dogtown was that a joke about drinking in the car? :eek:
Isdogisgood said:
And Dogtown was that a joke about drinking in the car? :eek:
Didn't mean I would be driving.Always gotta have a couple of travellers for the taxi.
Fav beers
1. Tooheys Extra Dry
2. Coopers Pale Ale
3. Becks

Fav Wines:
1. Vasse Felix Cab Merlot
2. Hamelin Bay Semillion Sauv Blanc
3. Wirra Wirra Church Block

Late night drink - Rum & coke
beer- the fab five
tooheys extra dry
tooheys pils
a mates home brew 12% (he been brewing for 20 years)

wolf blass yellow lable cab sav
red hill cab merlot
red hill merlot


pre mix-
vodka mudshakes (de minth)

best grog ads
the vb ads now (if she dosn't kill u, the garlic sauce will)
and the tooheys extra dry ad

but nothing beats a cold beer on a hot summers days

and for days like 97 98 :mad: get one of each drink u can mix it all together and scull scull scull!!!!!!!!!!!! and all will be good.......untill the next day. :D
You are all ********pots. But I guess that after years of following the dogs it can be passed off as pain management.

Drinking quality is positively related to drinking budget. It is in this light I offer the following.

Best buy at around $ 10 Red Evans and tate Salisbury Shiraz cab it should be $40 bucks on quality. Leasingham Bastion range brilliant value both very approachable wins.

White. Can you beat the full wooded honey and melon flavour of the old bin 65 @ $7. I recently paid $65 buck US at a up market restraunt in San Francisco. Fortuneately I was on Business. My Yankee associates thought they were drinking bottle sunshine. I didnt hav ethe heart to tell them. If you like unwooden you are a ****ter.

Better end/ Cellar 5 years + around $60 a bottle get into Mount Langhi Ghiran Shiraz. This Peppery beauty from just outside ballarat never fails to impress. At a blind tasting with expets I attended 5 yeras ago the judges chose MLG as the winner in front of an 60s Grange Vintage.

Beer: If you are fairdinkum VB boardering on frozen out of Ice is the only way to go. But it must accompany a small capriciosa. But I would not refuse a Heineken under any circumstances.

In all honesty when have any of you had a bad bottled Aussie wine ?
Drinking quality is positively related to drinking budget. It is in this light I offer the following.

Best buy at around $ 10 Red Evans and tate Salisbury Shiraz cab it should be $40 bucks on quality. Leasingham Bastion range brilliant value both very approachable wins.

2002 Hardys Oomoo shiraz is hard to beat for inexpensive reds (proabbaly sold out by now). 2002 Koonunga Hill shiraz-cabernet is pretty fair too.

White. Can you beat the full wooded honey and melon flavour of the old bin 65 @ $7. I recently paid $65 buck US at a up market restraunt in San Francisco. Fortuneately I was on Business. My Yankee associates thought they were drinking bottle sunshine. I didnt hav ethe heart to tell them. If you like unwooden you are a ****ter.

Australian chardonnays make me feel like spewing - don't know what that makes me? ;)

In all honesty when have any of you had a bad bottled Aussie wine ?

Many. Poor chardonnays and over wooded reds the usual culprits.
Black Thunder said:
i know i'm not a Dogs fan (are probably my second or third least disliked team though ;)) but the sight of a grog thread was too hard to resist, so forgive my blowing-in-ness.

Anyway, we'll forget wines cause i don't drink them, and really dislike all that are put in front of me.

Favourite beers when drinking for a night out with the boys:
1) Tooheys New : the all encompassing beer. Nice refreshing taste, not too bad of a hangover generally, and doesn't make the gut swell up. Definetaly my fave of the "cheap" beers.
2) Carlton Draught : Basically the same as TN, but it's just a personal preference of mine for Tooheys New for no particular reason.
3) Tooheys Pils : Only comes in bottles, but for sure the best beer to grab and sit around the barbie drinking with. Plus i like looking like a complete dork by taking the sticker off and putting it on my arm :p

Other beers:
:: VB is acceptable, but does give me a rotten hang over for some reason. Can't really taste the difference between New, Draught or VB but VB gives me a HO.
:: Tooheys Extra Dry is nice, but the little extra cost means it only really gets the gig when going somewhere good like a formal or a 21st night out or something like that.
:: Melbourne Bitter is the traditional longie beer for me and my mates. There is an unwritten rule that any travelling by bus, car, foot, train, cab (basically any travel) that is going to last more than 10 minutes should always be accompanied by a longneck of MB unless it is not available.

Favourite beers i like drinking when i've just worked 10 hours and need to sit down to something REALLY REALLY nice, but can't afford to drink on big nights out:
1) James Squire Pilsener : awesome awesome beer. love the real full body flavour you get. It is just simply brilliant on tap or in a bottle, but obviousbly on tap is the preffered method, as with all beers.
2) James Boags Premium : such a crisp taste, it almost feels like you've got a soft drink in your hand it goes down so well.
3) Hahn Premium : brilliant brew. Much like JBP i reckon, but doesn't quite make your mouth tingle as much. Still a great drop, but i do reckon it's one of those strange brews that is better in a bottle than on top.

Other beers:
:: The entire James Squire range is all good. Love the textures, the flavours and the variety. It's all brilliant.
:: Guiness is fantastic and just love the thickness of it, but really can't get through anymore than a pint otherwise i feel like i've just had dinner.
:: Kilkenny is like Guinness on a lesser scale. I like it, but not quite as much as the old Guinness. Much easier to drink though cause it's not as thick.
:: Stella Artois is brilliant, and tastes very australian i reckon. City of City RSL is selling this for $3.80 a pint and has been for quite a while. Absolutely unreal deal. VB, TN and CD are $3.50 a pint there so i don't mind paying the extra 30c for a superb beer. Your lucky to find a schooner of local beer in the city for $3.80 let alone a pint of imported beer, let alone a pint of quality imported beer.
:: Heineken is an ok beer. Very overrated, but not something i'm gonna knock back. Paddy Maguires in the city, a pub around the corner from my work (and the centre of my social life for when i'm drinking with both friends and/or workmates), is currently selling it for $5 a pint so it represents the cheapest full strength beer there (VB, CD and TN sells for $5.50 a pint). This deal lasts for the month of December.
:: Steinlager is very bitter, but i like it. When i first started my job about a year ago Paddys was selling it for $4 a pint. Was hard to get used to at first, but i quickly become accustomed to it - how could you not?. About 3 months ago they upped it to $5 and then in the last few weeks to $6.50, so it's now off the agenda. Ohhh the memories though! i've had some of the biggest nights of my life on this stuff.
:: Redback is top stuff, and i like the lemon in the beer to give it a new taste. Sells cheap at another pub near my work (the Chamberlain hotel) so it's probably the value for money beer at the Chambo ($5 a pint, while VB, TN and CD sell for $3.80 a schooner), but generally it's quite expensive elsewhere.

Spirits have been off my agenda lately due to budget but when we get ourselves to the Pavillion Hotel i let loose. It's just about the biggest ********hole in all of the world, but at $2.50 a shot on Thursday nights between 5pm and 4am i don't mind getting in there, get 8 drinks for $20 and leave 30 minutes later.

Favourite Spirits - never worried about spirit prices as pubs and clubs pretty much charge the exact same for each spirit on their list (as mentioned you can get them for $2.50 at the Pav, around $3.50-$4 at leagues clubs and rsl clubs, and around $6-$7 at most pubs in Sydney):
1) Jack Daniels : this is my all time favourite spirit, and must be appreciated with nothing more than a dash of coke (or even no coke). Given i dislike starting on spirits, but sometimes if your a little behind the group and need a quick catch up a common drink i use is a half-nip of JD with 15ml's of coke. That way you don't get the full on JD taste in your mouth (once it's in there you can't drink anything else - it's just too good) while you can finish the drink within seconds and get your first schooner/pint under your belt.
2) Jim Beam : like JD but not something that is enjoyable without the glass being full of coke for me. Will drink if there's no JD and not complain but do prefer the JD.
3) Tequila : how good is this stuff boys and girls :D

:: Scotch. Love it. Need it. My favourite but generally don't drink it when i'm out because most pubs only have Johnny Walker (bad memory on this drink a couple of times even though i like the taste) and Black Douglas (which is ordinary at best). Most times i have it is when i'm sitting around at home and just want a real nice drink. Chivas Regal is really really nice i reckon and is usually the one sitting around in the cupboard. Jamiesons (an irish whiskey that is the exact same as scotch but isn't from scotland) is really good, and even better. The best i've ever had is a single malt one that i can't remember the name of. It sells a pub near me for about 80 dollars a bottle but is worth every cent. The name just escapes me though. They have a few others that sell for even more, but i've never had a chance to taste them and don't have the money too buy them.

Great post.

Can't go past a James Boags or a crownie, IMO.
I've just got home from the pub and have pleasure in advising that I've downed several pints of the finest ales on tap

- The Old Speckled Hen
- The Abbots Ale
- The Tetley's Ale


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The Grog Thread

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