Game Day The Jed Adcock Cup Western Bulldogs vs Brisbane

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Strong players in the contest, but smith aside, slow as treacle and get beaten by dynamic mids.

Massive issue

Can we get all five to play well together?

Bont, Dunkley and Macrae were awesome last year with Libba out.

Smith was great at the start of the season with Libba and then Dunkley out.

We’ve got to find a way to get them all going at once. I still think we can but I don’t know what the mix is. Don’t think Bailey Smith playing so much outside is ideal but that’s where he has been forced.
Didn't watch most of the match because my sister's having a really tough time and I've been talking with her. Looking back at the scores, the only thing I'm surprised by is how accurate we've been.
Hope she’s ok Mate. Family important...footy not.

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