Game Day The Jed Adcock Cup Western Bulldogs vs Brisbane

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Seriously, stop calling Gardner an “f’ing spud” you pack of disrespectful p****s. We know he isn’t able to perform at the level but why not direct your venom at the people responsible for drafting him and putting him out on the park.

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He's a ****ing spud
It is disappointing and it looks a bit like that. But then Richmond looked a bit like that and then won the flag the next year and again 2 years later. It can change quickly coz cotchin looked nothing like a leader for the longest time and then it changed on a dime. The darkest hour and all that...
Yes Hardwick had a road to Damascus revelation after watching us in 2016. Went into 2017 with a totally different approach and the rest is history.

If Bevo completely changed his style we might be a chance but not many do. Hardwick was an exception.

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The presser tonight should be an absolute p1sser. Sorry, I meant piss-take. Nothing, NOTHING, can excuse the all round performance tonight. If Bevo comes up with the usual bullsh1t, he really should consider his position. Deplorable at all levels. Wallis and Macrae excepted, it’s been a total capitulation, although I feel sorry for some of the defenders.
"Glass half full. Etc etc.."

The first three you mentioned do not select the team.

They don't select the team BUT they don't stand up to Bev and his stubbornness.

We need an appointment in the football department that can question Bev and stand up to him
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