The Otherworldly Circus - The America Thread

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Anyone who seriously tries to peddle the argument that “Trump didn’t start any wars/there were no wars under him” is making it obvious to everyone that they cannot see things beyond their surface level understanding.

The US directly engaged Iran in warfare in 2020, Trump authorised the killing of Soleimani whom the US had wanted dead for years. Maybe bombing the army general of another nation doesn’t fit into your little definition of warfare because we didn’t have the tanks rolling in, but that’s what happened.

Besides that one directly involving the US, you are ignoring the Syrian Civil War, The Ukraine-Russia conflict that has been going on far longer than 2022, Saudia Arabia fighting Yemen, and let’s not talk about the shitshow that was the withdrawal from Afghanistan and his complacency towards Russia.
Anyone who seriously tries to peddle the argument that “Trump didn’t start any wars/there were no wars under him” is making it obvious to everyone that they cannot see things beyond their surface level understanding.

The US directly engaged Iran in warfare in 2020, Trump authorised the killing of Soleimani whom the US had wanted dead for years. Maybe bombing the army general of another nation doesn’t fit into your little definition of warfare because we didn’t have the tanks rolling in, but that’s what happened.

Besides that one directly involving the US, you are ignoring the Syrian Civil War, The Ukraine-Russia conflict that has been going on far longer than 2022, Saudia Arabia fighting Yemen, and let’s not talk about the shitshow that was the withdrawal from Afghanistan and his complacency towards Russia.
In fairness, Trump’s killing of Soleimani was one of his few achievements. That and the tax cut to the millionaires. Also, the 28 miles of wall. One of the greats.
No, you distracted the conversation to Hillary when the original discussion was that Trump and Biden were equally bad men. That was an easily disproven lie so the reflex reaction was to change the subject. And then your claim that she didnt concede was even easier to disprove.

Even Biden is now irrelevant. Its now Trump (evil convicted lying narcissist) v Kamala.

As she beautifully puts it " I prosecuted sex offenders and fraudsters. He is one"
She also prosecutes marijuana offenders despite admitting herself to using it.

When her record as prosecutor is out on display, she's cooked.

She's also managed to elevate health to VP (Ms 1%) then Presidential nominee despite never getting a single primary vote.

That's democrat's democracy.


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Anyone who seriously tries to peddle the argument that “Trump didn’t start any wars/there were no wars under him” is making it obvious to everyone that they cannot see things beyond their surface level understanding.

The US directly engaged Iran in warfare in 2020, Trump authorised the killing of Soleimani whom the US had wanted dead for years. Maybe bombing the army general of another nation doesn’t fit into your little definition of warfare because we didn’t have the tanks rolling in, but that’s what happened.

Besides that one directly involving the US, you are ignoring the Syrian Civil War, The Ukraine-Russia conflict that has been going on far longer than 2022, Saudia Arabia fighting Yemen, and let’s not talk about the shitshow that was the withdrawal from Afghanistan and his complacency towards Russia.

Its unbelievable the twisting of facts to suit a narrative that the Trump haters will stoop down to.
Ahh yes, Liberals, always looking out for the working class and not the big end of town.

Clearly I’m not the one that doesn’t get it.

Labor have always been and still are for the working class. That doesn’t change just because they now build bike lanes in the inner city.

It doesn’t take a huge amount of intelligence to understand who actually benefits the most from left wing politics. Unfortunately, the right wing media across both countries are pretty effective in convincing some otherwise.

You STILL don't get it, do you? How tone death can some one be?

The working class expects NOTHING from the Liberals. The workign class KNOW who and waht the Liberals are. THAT IS NOT THE POINT!! the party they do expect to work for them, those on the Left ie Labor/ Democrats is disowning them. Why should they continue to vote for them? Their message is simple : keep ignoring us, and you'll learn you are nothing without our votes.
She also prosecutes marijuana offenders despite admitting herself to using it.

When her record as prosecutor is out on display, she's cooked.

She's also managed to elevate health to VP (Ms 1%) then Presidential nominee despite never getting a single primary vote.

That's democrat's democracy.

View attachment 2056954
If you squint your eyes and try really really hard you can see a Halo.
The arrogance and stupidity of the Republicans to put all their eggs in an old and narcissistic basket is weighing heavily upon them.

It must be killing them that their presumption of who their opponent would be hasn't materialised and they're caught flat footed. Out manoeuvred by lesser entities.

I'm actually pretty excited by Kamala. I was feeling pretty resigned to Trump getting in with Biden's condition and Trump's hero-level assassination survival. But feels like some genuine hope that won't happen now.

Strategically the Trump team must be spewing. Got so close to being too late for Biden to pull out. So much of their effort has been on Biden's age which now only hurts them with Trump almost as old.

I think Trump will struggle in a neutral debate with Kamala and come across as a jerk too. Reckon he'll try to avoid one if he can.
I'm actually pretty excited by Kamala. I was feeling pretty resigned to Trump getting in with Biden's condition and Trump's hero-level assassination survival. But feels like some genuine hope that won't happen now.

It's very very early days but Trump leads Harris on opinion polls at the moment. However that could change significantly once the Dems have their convention, she starts campaigning, debates, etc. Most of the polls that asked about Harris as a hypothetical candidate were conducted before Biden pulled out. People will be reassessing now. I'm sure the pollsters will be scrambling to get new surveys out in the coming days.

Anyway, as we all know it's not the popular vote that is crucial. Trump lost the popular vote 46.1% to 48.2% to Hilary Clinton in 2016 but still became president because he won the crucial states. Those that delivered large swags of electoral college votes.

At the moment Trump is looking strong in the swing states.

Another important variable is the voter turnout. In the last 40 years higher voter turnout seems to have favoured Democrats, so if Harris being a candidate can ignite a bit more interest in going out to vote from what was reported to be a disengaged electorate then it will probably boost her chances.
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I've just been informed by email that the 13 pledged delegates for President Biden from Democrats Abroad in our March primary have now pledged all votes to Vice President Harris. There are also 8 appointed delegates for a total of 21 delegates to the Democratic National Convention in Chicago next month.

I will not accept the Vice Presidential nomination as Kamala Harris' running mate if asked. I am open to succeeding Caroline Kennedy as American ambassador to Australia as long as I can remain in my Melbourne retirement village and not move to that icebox, Canberra. That is non-negotiable.

On SM-A135F using mobile app
I've just been informed by email that the 13 pledged delegates for President Biden from Democrats Abroad in our March primary have now pledged all votes to Vice President Harris. There are also 8 appointed delegates for a total of 21 delegates to the Democratic National Convention in Chicago next month.

I will not accept the Vice Presidential nomination as Kamala Harris' running mate if asked. I am open to succeeding Caroline Kennedy as American ambassador to Australia as long as I can remain in my Melbourne retirement village and not move to that icebox, Canberra. That is non-negotiable.

On SM-A135F using mobile app
Just got back from a few days in Melbourne and I've gotta say it was a lot colder there than here!

Come on up, Ambassador-Designate!
Anyone who seriously tries to peddle the argument that “Trump didn’t start any wars/there were no wars under him” is making it obvious to everyone that they cannot see things beyond their surface level understanding.

The US directly engaged Iran in warfare in 2020, Trump authorised the killing of Soleimani whom the US had wanted dead for years. Maybe bombing the army general of another nation doesn’t fit into your little definition of warfare because we didn’t have the tanks rolling in, but that’s what happened.

Besides that one directly involving the US, you are ignoring the Syrian Civil War, The Ukraine-Russia conflict that has been going on far longer than 2022, Saudia Arabia fighting Yemen, and let’s not talk about the shitshow that was the withdrawal from Afghanistan and his complacency towards Russia.
According to aides who worked with him. Trump badly wanted to start a war with Iran, but had to be talked out of it heaps.

He was the main reason behind the mess in Afghanistan, which they like to pin on the Democrats. He set a time line in motion for withdrawal, but more so sold out and made deals with the Taliban, releasing thousands of their own from prison, and you wonder why they took back the country and praise Trump.

Plus he has Putins c**k balls deep to the back of his throat. Would literally allow Ukraine to be handed over and risk a potential all out war in Europe.

He seems oddly obsessed with, and often praises Dictator types and says they are doing it right. From North Korea, to Russia, to even Hungary's leader. All of them stripped back voting rights, rigged elections, and consolidated power.

Peaceful guy my ass.
You STILL don't get it, do you? How tone death can some one be?

The working class expects NOTHING from the Liberals. The workign class KNOW who and waht the Liberals are. THAT IS NOT THE POINT!! the party they do expect to work for them, those on the Left ie Labor/ Democrats is disowning them. Why should they continue to vote for them? Their message is simple : keep ignoring us, and you'll learn you are nothing without our votes.

You’re just parroting Sky After Dark talking points.

How exactly are they disowning them? Enlighten us.
I'm tipping Mark Kelly from Arizona to be VP choice.

Former Navy officer and astronaut.

Swing state and my understanding was actually the preferred top choice.
In character he's Trump like. Met him in Phoenix in 2019 where he was a keynote speaker.

He told some interesting stories about piloting the space shuttle. Top Gun stuff.

He spoke about his wife Gabby and the attempt on her life and their two daughters. What he didn't say was that Gabby is his second wife and the daughters were from his first marriage. He met Gabby on a trade mission while he was still married. He married her after his first marriage ended.

First wife doesn't say much.

We know all about Trump, wait for the stories about Kelly. He came across as an arrogant dick. Should swap sides.
You’re just parroting Sky After Dark talking points.

How exactly are they disowning them? Enlighten us.

By them you mean the "deplorables"? The ones in the working class, manufacturing heartlands who were told to "learn to code"? The ones who are repeatedly told they're stupid and uneducated yet its the government's responsibility to educate them? The ones who are told to put solar panels on their roofs but they can't afford to put food on their plate?
Trumps numbers Jan 2020-prior to Covid:

6.7 million jobs added, with hispanic women leading the way, 487,000 increase in manufactiriung jobs
Unemployment down to 3.5%
Job openings up 20%
Real weekly earnings up 2.5%
Stock market up 47%
Poverty down 1%, food stamp reciepients down 15%
Increase in border apprehensions 81%- Harris refused to go to the border.
Home ownership up 1%
House prices up 20%
hand gun production down 23%

Im not sure you realise Bidens numbers are better?

Record (that means biggest ever) job creation
Records on Wall Street day after day
Wages up
I wont go on.

Post covid inflation hurt world wide (incl here), US recovery from it has been amongst the best in the world

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The Otherworldly Circus - The America Thread

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