The Otherworldly Circus - The America Thread

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Biden needs the old “tap on the shoulder” similar to the AFL veteran that’s gone a year too long.

“Thank you for your time and service, you’re a hero, we love you for what you’ve done, but you’re finished.”

I like Biden. He’s a good man. He’s been a good president. But he’s done.

And Trump is just horrendous. He’s such an utter **** that lies his ass off every time he talks.

The debate was a debacle.

Biden needed to be ushered off to a warm blanket, a nice cup of tea and his favourite rocking chair.

Trump fragrantly and disgracefully lies, is a putrid and utterly loathsome person, and should not be entrusted to manage a lemonade stand, let alone the US Presidency.

TLDR - the 2024 US Election is going to be seriously depressing (unless the Democrats replace Biden)

I’m not convinced Trump beats Biden yet, but he’s a chance, and the fact that he actually is a chance is an indictment on several people.
Disaster for the Dems, how could they not see this coming? :(
Jesus - pay the subscription. Jordan is mentally unwell and a devout religious nut. Harris is the quintessential atheist.

Peterson is so afraid of declaring his religious tendencies as he knows he will lose those not into fairy tales. He should hold the yellow drag queens (Trump supporters) to an extent though as they believe is Jesus despite supporting grabbing pussy and raping folk.
He’s better than that. He does love the religious stories but tries to understand the metaphor’s they were getting at. I like it when Jordan and Sam debate. He looks at the deep psychological underpinnings of human nature and morality. It’s interesting that an even more famous atheist than Sam Harris, that is Richard Dawkins, has recently declared himself a cultural Christian. He believes in the ideals, scientific method and freedoms Christianity has given but can’t ’believe’ the reality of those stories. And remember never get these ideas and stories confused with the Churches, who are all seeing the world through the level of enlightenment they’ve reached or haven’t reached. It’s a rich world when we can see things from many different perspectives.

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Michelle Obama would walk it in but doesn’t want it.

Newsome won’t win it.

Harris would lose in a landslide.

Josh Shapiro gov. Pennsylvania would by the best choice. Key swing state which he won by double digits in 2022 and is considered the logical next choice for presidential candidates from Democrats.

The debate was earlier than any previous, which will allow the Dems to switch candidates now. Smart move to have it this early.
Michelle Obama would walk it in but doesn’t want it.

Newsome won’t win it.

Harris would lose in a landslide.

Josh Shapiro gov. Pennsylvania would by the best choice. Key swing state which he won by double digits in 2022 and is considered the logical next choice for presidential candidates from Democrats.

The debate was earlier than any previous, which will allow the Dems to switch candidates now. Smart move to have it this early.

I'm convinced they've had some contingency plan in place, if only for the situation where Biden was unable to run due to ill health, declining capacity or even passing away.

They may be shocked and panicked at his performance in debate #1 (I'm not 100% they are), but if they are only seriously considering alternatives now, they are derelict in their planning and existence as a major political organisation.

Will be interesting IF Biden withdraws, how it is framed and who replaces him. Harris may want the gig, doubt anyone in the party agrees though. I wonder if they can convince Michelle O to run and if she wins, all agree she serves a single term while a successor is groomed? AOC anyone?
I'm convinced they've had some contingency plan in place, if only for the situation where Biden was unable to run due to ill health, declining capacity or even passing away.

They may be shocked and panicked at his performance in debate #1 (I'm not 100% they are), but if they are only seriously considering alternatives now, they are derelict in their planning and existence as a major political organisation.

Will be interesting IF Biden withdraws, how it is framed and who replaces him. Harris may want the gig, doubt anyone in the party agrees though. I wonder if they can convince Michelle O to run and if she wins, all agree she serves a single term while a successor is groomed? AOC anyone?

AOC could never win the presidency. Too many issues with her record.

Shapiro should be the man, much better than the other options. Unless they can find a Texan Democrat who delivers Texas…. Which isn’t as far fetched as it sounds…. That state is moving into swing state territory.
Not a thread I would usually post in given there is no current party I would support nor would I get a vote.

Seriously the bastions of democracy and the free world and this is what they come up with.

Trump cannot speak 3 sentences without 2 of them being outright lies or fantasy with no connection to reality. Those of us who thought the tea party would make the GOP a joke, the MAGA's have not said hold my beers they have said hold my Kegs.

For the party of Lincoln which abolished slavery, engaged the world and looked after individuals and disadvantaged rights, WTF has happened.

As for the democrats, you allowed someone in clear cognitive decline, and I have seen this with parents, to be your presumptive nominee!!! A discrace of a party no courage or backbone.

American democracy is on the precisipise, is there anyone or any party ready to step up. You all should be embarrassed, as you are an embarrassment to the world now

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You should just run Jim, way younger than either of those two.
Much better set of values.
Powerful support for the Dogs from the Whitehouse can’t be bad.

Even if Biden won how long could he stay in office. One way or the other
Way younger? I'm only ten years younger than Biden and six years younger than Trump! And I'm in worse health than both of 'em!

When I voted for Obama in 2008 and 2012, I didn't think the next three candidates I voted for would be older than me. I did not support Biden at first in the Illinois Democratic Primary in 2020. However, my candidate, Pete Buttigieg, withdrew before the primary so I voted for Biden. This year I voted in the Democrats Abroad Primary and voted for Biden. I will be voting in November in my original home precinct's polling place in Illinois, by mail. I am only allowed to vote for Federal Offices since my place of abode is officially here, so I will vote for President/Vice President and for US House of Representatives.

I have voted for President in every election since 1976 - Ford, Reagan, Reagan, GHW Bush, GHW Bush, Dole, Gore, Kerry, Obama, Obama, Clinton and Biden. Notice a pattern?

In 2010 I was asked by Campbell Rose during my trip to Melbourne, to email President Obama(and tell him my Australia/Bulldogs story) and ask him to accept membership with the Bulldogs in a possible stop in Melbourne during a planned visit to Australia. Unfortunately his trip was cancelled. How cool would that have been?

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I have voted for President in every election since 1976 - Ford, Reagan, Reagan, GHW Bush, GHW Bush, Dole, Gore, Kerry, Obama, Obama, Clinton and Biden. Notice a pattern?
That is interesting, and somewhat unusual from an Australian perspective, but does help to demonstrate why the the Dems are running with Biden - the sitting president is odds on.

Sadly there are always exceptions...
That is interesting, and somewhat unusual from an Australian perspective, but does help to demonstrate why the the Dems are running with Biden - the sitting president is odds on.

Sadly there are always exceptions...
I was a registered Republican during my first 25 years living here. On my return to the states in 2000 I was shocked as to what the party had become. I voted for a Democrat( Al Gore) for the first time ever. In 2004 I registered as a Democrat and voted for Barack Obama in the Democratic Senate Primary, when he was an outsider. I had the pleasure of meeting him and talking to him when he campaigned in my town prior to the November election. Can't believe that it was 20 years ago.

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Staggering that the Democrats have ran someone who is so clearly in cognitive decline. They're going to let a racist, rapist, conman, compulsive liar, grifter who appeals to hate filled, selfish xenophobes win easily.
Got Joe Biden at 20/1 last election when he was getting hammered in the primaries. Do yourself a favour and get on Michelle Obama or Gavin Newsom. No way anyone's letting Trump or Biden win the next election.


Apology accepted from those who called me a conspiracy theorist
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As an athenian in the land where democracy was born and later exported to the world i remind you all that
democracy is not about the rights of the citizen
thats rubbish never was never will be
democracy is about the citizens responsibilities to the "demos" the state or council of rule
you all in the west have become so preoccupied with your rights you have all forgotten your responsibilities
under the ethos of greek democracy people like trump would be ostracised - taken out for the good of all
democracy has never been about your right to choose your pronoun
its about your resposibility to protect the "demos" from tyrants
It is now 3:40am. I stayed up to watch President Biden's speech live from Raleigh, North Carolina. I'm not sure what happened yesterday, but the Joe Biden I just saw was at his feisty best. He certainly looked and sounded capable of another term. It's not over.

On SM-A135F using mobile app
It is now 3:40am. I stayed up to watch President Biden's speech live from Raleigh, North Carolina. I'm not sure what happened yesterday, but the Joe Biden I just saw was at his feisty best. He certainly looked and sounded capable of another term. It's not over.

On SM-A135F using mobile app
It has to be over mate. He needs to rally his base for them to show up and yesterday’s performance has put a line through him unfortunately. Dem’s must have to find another candidate in the next 10 days.
It has to be over mate. He needs to rally his base for them to show up and yesterday’s performance has put a line through him unfortunately. Dem’s must have to find another candidate in the next 10 days.
Just imagine if they traded in JFKjr? He is definitely not everyone’s ’cup of tea’ but he could be good at uniting many diverse groups. Under the Democratic Party banner he would certainly win I reckon. Half the Republicans would vote for him. Trump would be shattered to bits and consigned to history.

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The Otherworldly Circus - The America Thread

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