The Otherworldly Circus - The America Thread

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Not one person can make a defence for
Biden. All I hear is.....But but but what about Trump. Grow up.

Not sure you have been reading the thread , almost to a man everyone has said Biden is too old and needs to go.
In fact that’s what we have been saying since day dot.

By the way , as a 70 yr old not much hope of me growing up any further 🥸
Not sure you have been reading the thread , almost to a man everyone has said Biden is too old and needs to go.
In fact that’s what we have been saying since day dot.

By the way , as a 70 yr old not much hope of me growing up any further 🥸
70 this year?

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No one is supporting Biden on this thread apart from maybe Chicago, but that is cool. Biden clearly needs to step aside.

The majority just don’t want that raping, thief in charge of the free world.
Well Biden will be gone soon, and unfortunately for you the majority of voters in America will vote for Trump. Maybe they know more than Big Footy users.
Well Biden will be gone soon, and unfortunately for you the majority of voters in America will vote for Trump. Maybe they know more than Big Footy users.

Not so sure .
The majority won’t vote Trump.
( their College system gives him a good chance now )
Well Biden will be gone soon, and unfortunately for you the majority of voters in America will vote for Trump. Maybe they know more than Big Footy users.

The majority of people who will vote later this year is not the majority of Americans, regardless of who they vote for.

Biden is far too old, unsuitable to be president right now, let alone serve another 4 year term, and still effectively supports a campaign by another country to kill civilians using US weapons. Yet even if he dropped dead tomorrow, would still be a better option than the guy BrisDog, King Harold and others have accurately described in numerous posts above.

Trump cares about no one but himself. He makes that abundantly clear over and over again. He's also too simple-minded to understand basic policy briefs, as he showed repeatedly during his term. He has been shown to be a thief, a rapist, unable to manage wealth bestowed by his father, failed at virtually every business venture he has attempted. Yet the people he has the most disdain for are his most ardent rusted-on MAGA supporters.

If you think he's your guy, good for you. But I'd suggest the majority of BF posters who give the US election more than a passing thought know what he really is. And what the implications of another 4 year term of idiocy are, not just for the US, but globally. So yes, most BF posters know more than all MAGA adherents.
The majority of people who will vote later this year is not the majority of Americans, regardless of who they vote for.

Biden is far too old, unsuitable to be president right now, let alone serve another 4 year term, and still effectively supports a campaign by another country to kill civilians using US weapons. Yet even if he dropped dead tomorrow, would still be a better option than the guy BrisDog, King Harold and others have accurately described in numerous posts above.

Trump cares about no one but himself. He makes that abundantly clear over and over again. He's also too simple-minded to understand basic policy briefs, as he showed repeatedly during his term. He has been shown to be a thief, a rapist, unable to manage wealth bestowed by his father, failed at virtually every business venture he has attempted. Yet the people he has the most disdain for are his most ardent rusted-on MAGA supporters.

If you think he's your guy, good for you. But I'd suggest the majority of BF posters who give the US election more than a passing thought know what he really is. And what the implications of another 4 year term of idiocy are, not just for the US, but globally. So yes, most BF posters know more than all MAGA adherents.
Bravo, gj 👍
Michelle Obama would walk it in but doesn’t want it.

Newsome won’t win it.

Harris would lose in a landslide.

Josh Shapiro gov. Pennsylvania would by the best choice. Key swing state which he won by double digits in 2022 and is considered the logical next choice for presidential candidates from Democrats.

The debate was earlier than any previous, which will allow the Dems to switch candidates now. Smart move to have it this early.
It's an indictment on the Dems that it got to this point. Anyone paying any semblance of attention could see this was going to happen. Biden has been pretty well gone for the past 2+ yrs, yet Dems still pushed on with him as their candidate.

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I find it laughable that the Republican party, who think that senile old Reagan was one of the greatest American Presidents are suddenly concerned about a senile old candidate. Of course, not the senile old candidate they have put forward but the other one. I will be voting for the senile old candidate over the senile old, fascist candidate. If anyone needs to be removed from the ballot it would be the convicted felon and adjudicated rapist. Here's a video from someone who clearly articulates my position...

I actually think the Dems would prefer Trump over Kennedy.
I think out of the two main candidates and then RFKjr, I’d vote RFKjr every time. I reckon RFKjr could be everything Trump wanted to be, the disruptor of the ‘uniparty’. The Dems and Reps have way too much overreach in Americans lives these days. RFKjr is much closer to anti big business, especially big pharma and anti big government, pro working class, which is closer to traditional American values.
I think out of the two main candidates and then RFKjr, I’d vote RFKjr every time. I reckon RFKjr could be everything Trump wanted to be, the disruptor of the ‘uniparty’. The Dems and Reps have way too much overreach in Americans lives these days. RFKjr is much closer to anti big business, especially big pharma and anti big government, pro working class, which is closer to traditional American values.

I agree with you completely, as you've answered the very question you've asked, because that's not what the Dems or their counterparts want. Dems are all about Big Gov, Pharma, Wall St, etc, the very things Kennedy rails against. Like Sanders, he's too much of a danger to their plans, and this time, to those of the Republicans as well. There's a reason CNN colluded with both Trump and Biden's campaigns to keep him out of the debate, which is ludicrous, as he'll most likely be on the ballot in all 50 states by July, and, unlike Biden (but just like Sanders), is beating Trump nationally in most polls.
I don't generally wade into politics online, nothing good can come from it. But I did catch some of the last debate and oh boy..

Congress must enact a rule that the president must be under the age of 60 when elected, how these two geriatrics are the best that either party can put up I don't know...
I don't generally wade into politics online, nothing good can come from it. But I did catch some of the last debate and oh boy..

Congress must enact a rule that the president must be under the age of 60 when elected, how these two geriatrics are the best that either party can put up I don't know...
They’re the type of rules in the constitution. The constitution deliberately isn’t too large so it’s generally up to the States to run the day to day policy. It’s usually very difficult to change the constitution but I bet they would get this one through if it was put to the people, even RFKjr is 70, but still very fit, he went surfing with Kelly Slater recently.
It's funny how we all accept that Biden is the leader, the boss, thd man making the decisions. He clearly couldn't make a choice between tomato sauce or mustard.

He must have a team of advisers telling him what to say, who then desperately hope he doesn't heck it up.

Like when the news says " Mr Biden sent a strong message to Israel, " its not old mate Joe sending the message. It's the people behind the scenes. A mixture of civil servants, lobbyists and politicians , I guess.

I've heard politicians say the first thing that surprises them when they're elected is how little power they have. Mr Biden has taken it further to become literally powerless. As in not in full control of his mind . He's a weird figurehead.

Trump on the other hand is the exact character he plays on 'The Apprentice.' Apparently off camera he can be charming and good company. As soon as the camera goes on he gets into character. Like when he says he's going to play handball with NATO over military funding, NATO becomes one of the contestants on his show. He uses the same faux aggressive tub thumping style & language.

It's all so fake, so kayfabe.

People look back on Obama's presidency as some sort of Golden Age, but name one policy he enacted apart from his medical reforms? His character was the 'Magical Negro,' The trope of the wise black man come to show us the error of our ways and empart wisdom.
If they’re not a banana republic now, half the country are cheering for one asap.

Democrats have been asleep at the wheel , too nice , they are the Timmy English of politics.

A Trump win and they are a full blown fascist country.

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