The Otherworldly Circus - The America Thread

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I'm watching (more for shits and giggles then anything else)

I'm shocked that Biden and Trump are the two best the Seppos have to offer... insane.
What's shocking (well it's not even shocking or surprising anymore) is that there are millions of people who are more than willing to buy what they're selling. No-one at this convention will question what is being said. It'll be accepted as gospel.

You just hope that enough of the wider voting population are a little more discerning.
What's shocking (well it's not even shocking or surprising anymore) is that there are millions of people who are more than willing to buy what they're selling. No-one at this convention will question what is being said. It'll be accepted as gospel.

You just hope that enough of the wider voting population are a little more discerning.
It doesn't matter tho. This is literally what's happening:

vote debating GIF by South Park

To me, there is no good option, period.
It doesn't matter tho. This is literally what's happening:

vote debating GIF by South Park

To me, there is no good option, period.
Their political conversation has devolved into a them or us thing. You're either with us or against us, you're us or them, them or us, left or right, red or blue, republican or democrat, America or China.

It appeals to a very primal human instinct but what seems to be lacking in so many is the awareness that that is what it is which makes people vulnerable to manipulation.

When we go to the footy, we surrender to that primal instinct, the tribalism of it, for 120ish minutes, but mostly in a self aware fashion. Every umpiring decision that goes against us is and will be wrong. Rationality has nothing to do with it. Our stake is in the ground and you're either with us or against us. But we, for the most part, know that we're doing it and it's a game.

But this is on a national and international scale with real consequences. Tribalism gone mad. The general lack of awareness or self awareness (or possibly it's simple self interest) is a little disturbing. And by a little disturbing I mean a lot disturbing.
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The fact checker will be working overtime tonight.
Trump said he will be president for all Americans . Not sure if before or after he gets rid of all the commies
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"More than 15 million AR-15s - which retail for about $3700 - have been sold in the US."

Wow. That's just farked up. 15 million. What could go wrong?
It's not just the weapons.
The NRA oppose background checks so even the "mental health" card can't be an excuse.
Their political conversation has devolved into a them or us thing. You're either with us or against us, you're us or them, them or us, left or right, red or blue, republican or democrat, America or China.

It appeals to a very primal human instinct but what seems to be lacking in so many is the awareness that that is what it is which makes people vulnerable to manipulation.

i'd assume that this at least partly due to (anti) social media
You couldn't make this stuff up. Reality>>>>>>>>>>>🤪>>>>>>>>>>>>fiction.
If you were writing a sitcom, you'd start to worry the story was petering out after Trump mocked a disabled reporter.

Since then we've had the Four seasons press conference, his kids grifting from China & Saudi Arabia, keeping secret docs in a toilet, Trump forgetting his wife's name and that his son isn't married, Trump wanting to bone his own daughter and appearing on Epstein's flight logs dozens of times (remember Pizzagate?), Biden forgetting everything, a Republican gun night missing with an AR15 from a prone position only 120m away, and his supporters truning up to event wearing either diapers or ear pads.

The US is pretty much in "last season of Game of Thrones" territory

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If you were writing a sitcom, you'd start to worry the story was petering out after Trump mocked a disabled reporter.

Since then we've had the Four seasons press conference, his kids grifting from China & Saudi Arabia, keeping secret docs in a toilet, Trump forgetting his wife's name and that his son isn't married, Trump wanting to bone his own daughter and appearing on Epstein's flight logs dozens of times (remember Pizzagate?), Biden forgetting everything, a Republican gun night missing with an AR15 from a prone position only 120m away, and his supporters truning up to event wearing either diapers or ear pads.

The US is pretty much in "last season of Game of Thrones" territory
I lol'd. What can ya do? As norm suggested previously in the thread, there's not much left other than one's own entertainment. And it is very entertaining in a fatalist sort of way. Fortunately for me (and in true Republican fashion, it's all about me, or at least us but definitely not them), I'm closer to the end than the beginning.
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If you were writing a sitcom, you'd start to worry the story was petering out after Trump mocked a disabled reporter.

Since then we've had the Four seasons press conference, his kids grifting from China & Saudi Arabia, keeping secret docs in a toilet, Trump forgetting his wife's name and that his son isn't married, Trump wanting to bone his own daughter and appearing on Epstein's flight logs dozens of times (remember Pizzagate?), Biden forgetting everything, a Republican gun night missing with an AR15 from a prone position only 120m away, and his supporters truning up to event wearing either diapers or ear pads.

The US is pretty much in "last season of Game of Thrones" territory
I remember when Idiocracy came out and thought that even as a satire on the vapidity of American culture. It was just too far fetched to be a true reflection of where they were headed.

After watching the RNC convention grand finale today where the two final speakers were Hulk Hogan and Dana White. Followed by Trump giving his usual ramblingly idiotic stump speech. I especially enjoyed his word salad of nonsense about when he redesigned destroyers for the USN. It's incredible that the media has a laser like focus on Bidens many gaffs when any of Trumps speeches is just as if not more replete with them. But he's great for ratings which they can then convert into advertisers dollars. So the show must go on and on and on...

I no longer think that Idiocracy is too far fetched.

Their narcissism is going to be their downfall.

Speaking of satire and the medias role in Trump still somehow being a viable candidate.

Welcome to your AI generated future. You're welcome.


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I just woke up and realised the first thing I needed to do was apologise. No one should be ‘champed’ in this day and age. Sincerely, Brisdog (I had consumed a couple).

Apology accepted. I also apologise for the substandard quality of my post and attempt at humour (0.01/10 is generous on reflection). I had consumed a couple also and it was starting to show....and time to go to bed.
What we want is a good, clean fight, no punching below the belt and break when I say break. Now touch gloves and come out fighting, Whilst everyone else fights London, you 2 fight Queensberry. Well done. Take a bow. If Abbott was still PM, you'd both be knighted.
“ if Ukraine wants to be independent, so be it “

It’s not bloody if , they do .ffs
That might be why they are dying trying to save their nation from a dictator.

The throw away lines that make no sense by some make my head hurt
50 year Olds are being conscripted by guns on the street....

Ukraine is finished
50 year Olds are being conscripted by guns on the street....

Ukraine is finished
That looks like Ritter/McGregor stuff, both of whom have been predicting imminent collapse of Ukraine's defence for 2 years, now. Does anyone have an opinion based upon more than whatever propaganda they read and of that, which they want to believe ? Discussion about conflicting opinions can be informative but getting personal about recycled opinions is absurd. Seek counsel from Sirs/Mesdames Brisdog and /or Waiting, Freshwater an option.
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aka "your source is not bat shit crazy enough to agree with my point".
Nice try. You are good at avoiding the entirety of a post. Goebbels would be proud. Bait and switch is so you.
First I thought Trump’s gunna win because he debated a corpse, then defiantly stood tall moments after an assassin’s bullet wizzed past his head, but now he has the Hulkster on board, he’d have to be odds on now?
View attachment 2052998
First I thought Trump’s gunna win because he debated a corpse, then defiantly stood tall moments after an assassin’s bullet wizzed past his head, but now he has the Hulkster on board, he’d have to be odds on now?
If the Dem’s get serious and get rid of Biden quickly, I think Trumps chances are severely diminished.

There are still some serious voters in the US who do not want a international embarrassment running their country and changing US democracy to an autocracy.

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The Otherworldly Circus - The America Thread

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