The Otherworldly Circus - The America Thread

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I'm quite torn about this election.

A few months ago I was looking forward to Trump winning for the entertainment value of potentially watching the collapse of America as a functioning state.

But now Kamala is in charge it would also be very funny to see old donny lose to a supposedly incompetent DEI hire. And it could still lead to the collapse of America as all the wealthy and powerful freaks like Elon who support him find a way to respond to the defeat.

So which option is better?
I'm quite torn about this election.

A few months ago I was looking forward to Trump winning for the entertainment value of potentially watching the collapse of America as a functioning state.

But now Kamala is in charge it would also be very funny to see old donny lose to a supposedly incompetent DEI hire. And it could still lead to the collapse of America as all the wealthy and powerful freaks like Elon who support him find a way to respond to the defeat.

So which option is better?
The Democrats also have wealthy and powerful freaks. So there's freaks wherever you look. And those freaks will look after each other, before you and me or the average American.

"Give them bread and circuses"

'In a political context, the phrase means to generate public approval, not by excellence in public service or public policy, but by diversion, distraction, or by satisfying the most immediate or base requirements of a populace, by offering a palliative'
That's not the definition of "panem et circenses' that a Roman would recognise.

If the poor weren't fed their 'dole' of bread every day they were liable to riot. That's why every Roman emperor needed control of Egypt. The Nile floods twice yearly for irrigation, and the silt deposits are excellent for growing wheat.

The circuses were the gladiatorial games. Consuls and emperors would compete to put on ever more lavish spectacles to wow the populace & curry favour.

It's an overused phrase in the English speaking world.

Carry on.

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That's not the definition of "panem et circenses' that a Roman would recognise.

If the poor weren't fed their 'dole' of bread every day they were liable to riot. That's why every Roman emperor needed control of Egypt. The Nile floods twice yearly for irrigation, and the silt deposits are excellent for growing wheat.

The circuses were the gladiatorial games. Consuls and emperors would compete to put on ever more lavish spectacles to wow the populace & curry favour.

It's an overused phrase in the English speaking world.

Carry on.
Thanks. Agree. But it's essentially the same thing.

I'll put it in my native, Footscray, tongue.

The politicians and people in power, set up the system so that most of society is living week to week whilst they and their mates enjoy the good life by setting up policies that advantage themselves.
To distract the populace from realising we're being fu**ed over. They create diversions. Usually something that divides opinion.
Whilst we're too busy arguing over weather on not we're all going to be under water in 20 years. And weather or not someone is LGBTQ ect, ect, ect.
They continue to f**k us over and live the life.
And we, like the morons we are, fall for it every election cycle.

I asked this question a while ago. What would happen if the majority voted for Independent candidates? I think that's the only way out of this sh*tshow.
I believe we should draw politicians by lot from the general populace, like jury service. Democracy is completely rotten.

I think politicians are mostly well meaning people who want to make a difference, then get into power and find they have very little. The British ex-politician Rory Stewart is good on this. I've talked to ex Labor MP Kelvin Thompson about how few realdecisions you get to make.

I think we're stuck in a system of ever more paid work, more precarious living, unstable relationships , fewer friends etc with the false salve of alcohol, drugs and Netflix. The meaning of life is to find meaning in life.

Aussies have one of the highest rates of antidepressant use in the world . The circuses ain't working. But we're stuck inside a system, and can't see our way through the mechanism.

The democrats are a bunch of phonies. Part of Trump's appeal is that even though he's not a pleasant man, he doesn't hide it. He's a genuine arseh*le, and quite amusing . That's why he'll get elected again.

He won't do very much. Last time he was in power he didn't pass much legislation that did anything . He has little control over markets.
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Harris is going to win the electoral college by plenty, looking like 54-46 territory. 300 + Dems.

Then ex President Trump spend the rest of his life in prison. That documents case is a doozy.
Thanks. Agree. But it's essentially the same thing.

I'll put it in my native, Footscray, tongue.

The politicians and people in power, set up the system so that most of society is living week to week whilst they and their mates enjoy the good life by setting up policies that advantage themselves.
To distract the populace from realising we're being fu**ed over. They create diversions. Usually something that divides opinion.
Whilst we're too busy arguing over weather on not we're all going to be under water in 20 years. And weather or not someone is LGBTQ ect, ect, ect.
They continue to f**k us over and live the life.
And we, like the morons we are, fall for it every election cycle.

I asked this question a while ago. What would happen if the majority voted for Independent candidates? I think that's the only way out of this sh*tshow.
Footscray native tongue lacks a phenomenon that can be recognised in the phrase Independent candidates. so non translatable. Weather, LGBTQ ? Righto, boys, tools down 'til we get the pay rise.
She's allowed him to be him, the incoherent unhinged version, whilst remaining calm and assertive when required.

She hasn't dominated but didn't need to. She just appears sane by comparison.

Much like after the first debate, you just couldn't vote for Biden. After this one, you just can't vote for Trump.

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She's allowed him to be him, the incoherent unhinged version, whilst remaining calm and assertive when required.

She hasn't dominated but didn't need to. She just appears sane by comparison.

Much like after the first debate, you just couldn't vote for Biden. After this one, you just can't vote for Trump.
Kamala has been magnificent.
Exceeded expectations.
Kamala has been magnificent.
Exceeded expectations.
At the very least, she has been a match for him, but probably more than that.

She hasn't been flustered and he hasn't been able to look at her. She has spoken directly to/at him at times and he can't meet her eye.

She's passed the strength test and probably won it.

His days are numbered.
After a brief nervous start she really excelled . He went ok too in terms of debate however there’s been no knockout punch from him tonight.
I think she wins this debate myself as for the election day that’s a true 50/50
His demeanour with those pursed cats arse lips was telling. She had him. Wasn't intimidated by him, gave it to him at different times, baited him and let him go off the rails.

I think he lost that. Is it enough? I've booked AL in November to find out. This Presidential Election >>>>>> Grand Final.
The level of baiting was elite.

And landed every time.

Spectacular viewing.
Wizard Of Oz Dorothy GIF
Ultimately she needed to present as a viable alternative to the not Trump section of the electorate. I think she did that.

She didn't have to go into any great policy details. She just had to present as strong, calm, sane and different to 80yr old white men. She did that. And her needling of trump was first class. And he was stupid enough to go for every bait she threw out.

So in summary, she presented as confident and strong, drew the ranting Trump out into full view and reminded people what he is and what they don't like whilst presenting as a far more agreeable alternative.

A viable alternative is the bar in this election. I think she cleared it.
I believe we should draw politicians by lot from the general populace, like jury service. Democracy is completely rotten.

I think politicians are mostly well meaning people who want to make a difference, then get into power and find they have very little. The British ex-politician Rory Stewart is good on this. I've talked to ex Labor MP Kelvin Thompson about how few realdecisions you get to make.

I think we're stuck in a system of ever more paid work, more precarious living, unstable relationships , fewer friends etc with the false salve of alcohol, drugs and Netflix. The meaning of life is to find meaning in life.

Aussies have one of the highest rates of antidepressant use in the world . The circuses ain't working. But we're stuck inside a system, and can't see our way through the mechanism.

The democrats are a bunch of phonies. Part of Trump's appeal is that even though he's not a pleasant man, he doesn't hide it. He's a genuine arseh*le, and quite amusing . That's why he'll get elected again.

He won't do very much. Last time he was in power he didn't pass much legislation that did anything . He has little control over markets.
He did however make US debt servicing the greatest proportion of US budget spending, with 2 consecutive years of a greater than 4% deficit to GDP.
It's the worst fiscal management by a POTUS for the last 100 years.
Trump needs to be held to the same standard as Biden was and be 'encouraged' to drop out of the race after that unhinged train wreck of a performance. The ease in which she set up traps for the gormless buffoon to blunder into and then angrily flail about in was hilarious masterclass that constantly triggered his obvious insecurities. The Wharton Business school economic analysis of each economic plan was a particular if somewhat subtle troll. But the true pièce de résistance was telling him to his face that people got bored and left his rallies early. Its at this point that he became completely unhinged.

When he went with the Migrants were stealing and eating your cats and dogs...

Toot. Toot. Over sanity bridge he goes.

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Kamala destroyed him.

You could just see him seething the entire night.

He not only jumped on the bait she laid out for him, he munched on the hook, the line, the sinker and the fishing rod.

Beautiful viewing.

Now Tay Tay has endorsed Kamala.

I’m getting more confident that he’s gone.

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The Otherworldly Circus - The America Thread

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