Event The S35 SFA Players Association MVP - The Beez - Trophy

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10th - 627 votes - Broken (LVB)
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Season Highlights:
  • Did a legendary job preparing the ladders weekly
  • Initially suggested a Gather Round idea
  • 6060 days since last finals win

In the top 10 once again is the Immortal Broken of Las Vegas. A man who has done it all in the SFA and yet still managed to give more to this community.

Broken is not only an elite poster in match threads with amazing ability to incorporate stats and Qooty into banter while also having a cutting wit to disarm any opponent with a well-timed gif or brutal one-liner. He is always at the forefront of bringing new ideas to the fore to push the league forward and a great servant as well. On the eve of the season when long-time ladder steward Ljp86 was unable to continue maintaining the ladder, Broken stepped up not only with professional maintenance of the thread but also adding new graphics and links to improve its presentation.

Broken also did very impressive work creating the graphics for votes and leaderboard for Mobbs night and for that he is duly recognised with another Frankston Rover Award. Congratulations Broken with yet another brilliant season off the field.


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Season Highlights:
  • Did a legendary job preparing the ladders weekly
  • Initially suggested a Gather Round idea
  • 6060 days since last finals win

In the top 10 once again is the Immortal Broken of Las Vegas. A man who has done it all in the SFA and yet still managed to give more to this community.

Broken is not only an elite poster in match threads with amazing ability to incorporate stats and Qooty into banter while also having a cutting wit to disarm any opponent with a well-timed gif or brutal one-liner. He is always at the forefront of bringing new ideas to the fore to push the league forward and a great servant as well. On the eve of the season when long-time ladder steward Ljp86 was unable to continue maintaining the ladder, Broken stepped up not only with professional maintenance of the thread but also adding new graphics and links to improve its presentation.

Broken also did very impressive work creating the graphics for votes and leaderboard for Mobbs night and for that he is duly recognised with another Frankston Rover Award. Congratulations Broken with yet another brilliant season off the field.

Thought broken would be higher tbh.

Season Highlights:
  • correctly deconstructed the sim and predicted the Mobbs winner
  • exhibited inspirational leadership, poise and management skills to be named VC of the All-SFA

By TheInjuryFactory

It's been a breakout season for the shy guy from Coney Isle, FootyGuy13 who breaks through for his first top 20 finish in the beez Trophy after enjoying his first All-SFA berth after compiling a sensational season on and off the field in Season 35.

A quiet achiever, Warriors vice captain FG13 has made significant contributions not only to the Warriors since joining the competition back in S30, but has selflessly lent his services to the league as a simmer and match poster over the past few seasons. Guy has become an integral player not only at his club but in the broader machinations of the league, and we are all better for his contributions to the game.

Having previously produced quality media offerings in his time, from celebrating the top 20 Warriors of all time to his work on the Rising Star award in his second season in the competition, he took his media game up another notch in Season 35 as he quite astonishingly predicted the outcome of the S35 Mobbs Medal - his patented Mobbs Medal Predictor a very slick piece of media backed by some impressive number crunching showcasing a knack for producing engaging and entertaining media for the league's enjoyment.

A standout season and definitely one to watch in the seasons ahead, congratulations on your debut top 20 finish in S35 FootyGuy13 !!

Proud of you FootyGuy13 🍸
Wayneo retired like 5 seasons ago you crazy man

That was the point of the joke.

black and white vintage GIF by General Electric
Normally I am happy to get more votes than WaynesWorld19 . This means beez night for the past few seasons has been especially joyful. Thanks to everyone who put effort and fun into the joint.

Those were most generous words from Elton Johns Wig .

Woohoo...party time at the Nursing Home ...time for some top shelf booze.
Ask for the good meds too

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Wouldn't be surprised if xenxen polled more than me again.

I gave you negative points for all your Simpsons hatred

Send bobs.

Xenxen poster interests me having lived in China .

On iPhone using BigFooty.com mobile app


You don't want to know this poster.

No they don't.

Trust me.

There are many Chinese people there I've heard.

Never seen a post anywhere from said. ?

On iPhone using BigFooty.com mobile app
The Filth Wizard manangatang Zevon

Landfill all posts related to xenxen as soon as possible thank you.
9th - 738 votes - Kennedy Parker (SCS)
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Season Highlights:
  • provided special commentary in the game where okeydoke7 kicked his 998th goal
  • Creative Consultant for SFAEW

Won't waste time on a write-up pumping myself up. Did most of my work behind the scenes collaborating with some really cool people, they know who they are, that invest a lot of time and energy on various projects to help the league succeed. Will continue to do that next season.

Season Highlights:
  • provided special commentary in the game where okeydoke7 kicked his 998th goal
  • Creative Consultant for SFAEW

Won't waste time on a write-up pumping myself up. Did most of my work behind the scenes collaborating with some really cool people, they know who they are, that invest a lot of time and energy on various projects to help the league succeed. Will continue to do that next season.

Including the award dates thread is a good throwback here.

Season Highlights:
  • got knocked off his mobility scooter in a grand final
  • called the Dragons FFC 'sim food'
  • exposed a 'scam' which was actually a 'fake, pretend scam'
  • hosted the first 'Festival of Wonders Fart Sniffing'

By Elton Johns Wig

Grand Uncle Horace finds himself at the dizzy heights of being inside the top 20 of this years beez, a feat he has not previously achieved. Horrie is a much loved and respected poster, whose age and wisdom see him maintain a level presence when all about him can be losing their heads. He also has a very dry and slightly left of centre sense of humour that often takes the edge off a situation. You can't be mad at Horrie, everyone loves Horrie! He is also the heartbeat of his club, a true Wonder. I'm not sure many in the league could see him posting elsewhere, and I hope this never changes.

But consistency of posting output has not previously really been a strong suit of his. Last season, and even more so this season, his work outside of match threads has elevated, with his Toga Times media pieces being produced on a regular basis.

Congratulations Horrie on a deserved finish and due recognition of your efforts.

Apologies for the interruption, great write-up Wiggy.

Our relationship started poorly but this bloke is one of my all time favourites! Outstanding work Grand Uncle Horace .
Season Highlights:
  • provided special commentary in the game where okeydoke7 kicked his 998th goal
  • Creative Consultant for SFAEW

Won't waste time on a write-up pumping myself up. Did most of my work behind the scenes collaborating with some really cool people, they know who they are, that invest a lot of time and energy on various projects to help the league succeed. Will continue to do that next season.

Surprised you didn't put yourself higher up tbh
8th - 784 votes - Wosh (DEM)
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Season Highlights:
  • amazing work setting up a successful General Discussion Board Charity Tour match to help raise funds for Sikh Volunteers Australia
  • Brought back Frankston Rover for one week as a part of Heritage Round
  • participated in least successful season ever!

By Headless

Everybody's favourite friendly administrator Wosh rises from 16th in Season 34 to a top-10 finish in the Season 35 Sweet FA Players' Association MVP - beez Trophy.

Wosh was a constant presence this season, comfortably leading the Mount Buller Demons' posting brigade (90+ match thread posts on average) and finishing as one of the league's post prolific and valued posters. Happy to engage with a wide variety of posting styles, Wosh consistently fosters a warm and welcoming posting atmosphere in match threads and elsewhere across the league, with a deep respect for this place's history and personalities.

As always, Wosh was happy to step up to the plate with voluntary tasks across the league, such as match thread OPs (across multiple rounds) and game-day sim posting. A valued member of the Demons' leadership group, Wosh was characteristically quick to sacrifice on-field personal accolades for sake of team cohesion. Given the Demons' historically poor on-field season, we can take comfort that Wosh's selflessness was, at least, successful in an off-field sense. :cautiousv1:

Wosh also played a big role in coordinating the league's most recent charity match, this time supporting Sikh Volunteers Australia. At time of writing, the initiative has raised more than $1,500.

Congratulations, Wosh, on a well-deserved top-10 finish in your first season as a Demon. :koala:


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