The tale of 3 clubs-Hawks,Tigers and Dons

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There has been two significant incidents in the last 2 rounds.

Hawthorn VS Richmond - Franklin bump on Cousins.
Hawthorn VS Essendon - Lloyd bump on Sewell.

It is an interesting case study to look at the clubs reactions to the events

Franklin VS Cousins.

There was muted debate over the weekend as to whether Franklin would be charged by the MRP. Once he was charged, Contested the charge at the Tribunal and then appealed to the Appeals Board. All hell broke loose with supporters picketing the Appeals Board hearing and posters venting their spleen on BF. All claiming that Buddy was innocent and it was an AFL conspiracy.

Meanwhile, Cousins recovered from his concussion and we didn't hear a peep from the RFC.

Lloyd VS Sewell

All hell broke loose on BF which was exacerbated by the conduct of certain members of the Hawthorn Football Club. Clarkson abusing Lloyd on the field at the end of the game, Brown ( such a choir boy ) accusing Lloyd of being a sniper.

Generally speaking the EFC posters accept that Lloyd will be suspended and haven't argued the toss.

The EFC football department issued a 4 sentence press release, through Paul Hamilton the Football Manager, rebutting Brown's allegations.

The reactions of the aggrieved parties - Richmond and Hawthorn have been like chalk and cheese.

And to think that I started a thread after the 2009 GF - Suggesting that Hawk supporters displayed a lack of humility.

I may have been proven correct!
Most people will agree that Hawks supporters have lost all credibility on this site as a result of their actions over the last couple of weeks.

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I'd say the same about Essendon. But honestly, no one has respected you guys for years:thumbsu:

Typical response. Fact is most neutrals all agree that the behavior of the Hawks supporters over these last couple of weeks has been a disgrace. Everyone can't be wrong, surely?
Many hawk fans on here have been living in a balloon during 2008 and when it popped this year they've gone about blaming injuries, umpires, conspiracies, aliens etc. But thats what happens when a team goes from premiers to 9th. Hopefully we can be a little more realistic now, we have one of the youngest teams and clear list issues.
There has been two significant incidents in the last 2 rounds.

Hawthorn VS Richmond - Franklin bump on Cousins.
Hawthorn VS Essendon - Lloyd bump on Sewell.

2 completely different incidents.

- Brad Sewell was bending down to pick up the ball
- Ben Cousins was standing up

The Lloyd incident could've put Sewell in a wheelchair that's how dangerous a bump like that is.
Buddys bump has been a part of the game forever.

Most Hawk supporters (and many many supporters of football) were displaying their anger about the bump, not who it was.
Supporters like you show an obvious jeoulasy for Franklin, which is why you saw the incident about Franklin and not what really happened.
2 completely different incidents.

- Brad Sewell was bending down to pick up the ball
- Ben Cousins was standing up

The Lloyd incident could've put Sewell in a wheelchair that's how dangerous a bump like that is.
Buddys bump has been a part of the game forever.

Most Hawk supporters (and many many supporters of football) were displaying their anger about the bump, not who it was.
Supporters like you show an obvious jeoulasy for Franklin, which is why you saw the incident about Franklin and not what really happened.

Agree with this!
Firstly I said I hoped Buddy would get off but he shouldn't have!

Lloyd's bump is exactly why the rule is brought in!
And could I suggest that the biggest differences between the two incidents is that Cousins only injury was concussion and that Sewell has a fractured eye socket and cheek (requiring surgery)! Also I would argue that the reason that the Bombers fans aren't arguing that he should get off is that he is guilty as hell and Buddy's was touch and go a report (oh and when you say no bombers are arguing that he should get off, you are obviously totally ignoring the stupid argument that he was pushed, right?).

Can I also say that I am sure I saw a few Tigers Fans question the fact that no one from there side stuck up for Cuz as either being poor (not sticking up for a team mate) or being another sign that the bump wasn't too far from being okay.
Agree with this!
Firstly I said I hoped Buddy would get off but he shouldn't have!

Lloyd's bump is exactly why the rule is brought in!
And could I suggest that the biggest differences between the two incidents is that Cousins only injury was concussion and that Sewell has a fractured eye socket and cheek (requiring surgery)! Also I would argue that the reason that the Bombers fans aren't arguing that he should get off is that he is guilty as hell and Buddy's was touch and go a report (oh and when you say no bombers are arguing that he should get off, you are obviously totally ignoring the stupid argument that he was pushed, right?).

Can I also say that I am sure I saw a few Tigers Fans question the fact that no one from there side stuck up for Cuz as either being poor (not sticking up for a team mate) or being another sign that the bump wasn't too far from being okay.

The Richmond posters didnt whinge for a week.

And we didnt hear one peep from the club,their coach didn't abuse Hawthorn players after the game and no Richmond players publicly called Franklin names after the game.

I have 2 questions

1) Will President Jeff talk about protecting the bump in footy? I doubt it!

2) Would there have been a week of whinging if it was Gillham ,instead of Franklin being suspended. I doubt it !
my thoughts should anyone care.

1) Buddy didnt deserve a week. it was probably consistent with the way the MRP have been ruling, and made worse by how cousins was knocked out, but i really dont think he should have been suspended.

2) According to the way the MRP works, i would expect Lloyd to get a couple of weeks.

The difference isnt in the 2 incidents in my opinion, but they way people have reacted to both. i think AC and Brown have acted like pretentious knobs. Both of them have done things in the past that have been seen by the public to be far worse than the lloyd incident. the results were bad for sewell and i feel for him, but you cant judge an incident by how badly people are hurt.

the threats from brown who has been known for a long time as a sniper are rediculous and i hope he is held accountable for them. if he feels so strongly that it is his position to scare lloyd and make him pay, then why didnt he do it on the field when he had the chance?

like i said, the reportable incidents are not the is the way people have reacted that separates them.
Agree with this!
Firstly I said I hoped Buddy would get off but he shouldn't have!

Lloyd's bump is exactly why the rule is brought in!
And could I suggest that the biggest differences between the two incidents is that Cousins only injury was concussion and that Sewell has a fractured eye socket and cheek (requiring surgery)! Also I would argue that the reason that the Bombers fans aren't arguing that he should get off is that he is guilty as hell and Buddy's was touch and go a report (oh and when you say no bombers are arguing that he should get off, you are obviously totally ignoring the stupid argument that he was pushed, right?).

Can I also say that I am sure I saw a few Tigers Fans question the fact that no one from there side stuck up for Cuz as either being poor (not sticking up for a team mate) or being another sign that the bump wasn't too far from being okay.

Boo hoo. The Sewell one was worse, but arguably Llyod was just going for the ball. Buddy wasn't going for the ball at all, just the bump.

Even most Don fans say that Llyod will get more. They recognise it is worse. Still doesn't change the fact it is only Hawk supporters that have been crying all along.
2 completely different incidents.

- Brad Sewell was bending down to pick up the ball
- Ben Cousins was standing up

The Lloyd incident could've put Sewell in a wheelchair that's how dangerous a bump like that is.
Buddys bump has been a part of the game forever.

Most Hawk supporters (and many many supporters of football) were displaying their anger about the bump, not who it was.
Supporters like you show an obvious jeoulasy for Franklin, which is why you saw the incident about Franklin and not what really happened.

Agree with this!
Firstly I said I hoped Buddy would get off but he shouldn't have!

Lloyd's bump is exactly why the rule is brought in!
And could I suggest that the biggest differences between the two incidents is that Cousins only injury was concussion and that Sewell has a fractured eye socket and cheek (requiring surgery)! Also I would argue that the reason that the Bombers fans aren't arguing that he should get off is that he is guilty as hell and Buddy's was touch and go a report (oh and when you say no bombers are arguing that he should get off, you are obviously totally ignoring the stupid argument that he was pushed, right?).

Can I also say that I am sure I saw a few Tigers Fans question the fact that no one from there side stuck up for Cuz as either being poor (not sticking up for a team mate) or being another sign that the bump wasn't too far from being okay.

What does any of this rubbish have to do with the OP?

The OP is talking about the behavior of the Richmond, Essendon and Hawks supporters NOT which bump was worse.

No wonder you guys have lost all respect on this site.
Boo hoo. The Sewell one was worse, but arguably Llyod was just going for the ball. Buddy wasn't going for the ball at all, just the bump.

Even most Don fans say that Llyod will get more. They recognise it is worse. Still doesn't change the fact it is only Hawk supporters that have been crying all along.

The funniest part of this whole thing is the fact that the Hawks supporters were talking about wanting blood prior to the game. Some were even advocating bringing in no names/duds just for the sole purpose of taking out Essendon players. Just about the most hypocritical thing i have ever witnessed.

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Here are some telling facts about Hawthorns history with the Bombers:

Round 22, 2009 Lloyd reported for rough conduct on Brad Sewell. Brown tells Triple M radio: ''We're not going to forget in a hurry what Matty Lloyd did, and we hope he plays on next year.''

Round 20, 2005 Brown accepts four-match suspension for striking Lloyd during a Hawthorn win.

■Brown is said to have swung at least four punches at Lloyd's head.

■Brown's father, Mal, says Lloyd ''deserved it''.

■Hawks coach Alastair Clarkson applauds Brown for his aggressive approach, saying it set an example for the rest of his team.

Round 11, 2004 Brown suspended for four matches for king-hitting Jason Winderlich in the dubbed ''line in the sand'' match. Brown strikes Winderlich as the pair leaves the ground due to the blood rule.

■Lloyd says: ''That's the thing that I was most upset about from the weekend, more so than the melee, was just that incident.''

■Four Hawks are suspended for a total of 15 matches and the clubs were fined a record $70,700 for the melee.
Gotta love AC's hypocritical behavior! No wonder the Hawks supporters are so bad.

Applaudes Cambell Brown for repeatedly punching a player in the head yet condemns Matty Lloyd for a miss timed bump/tackle.
my thoughts should anyone care.

1) Buddy didnt deserve a week. it was probably consistent with the way the MRP have been ruling, and made worse by how cousins was knocked out, but i really dont think he should have been suspended.

2) According to the way the MRP works, i would expect Lloyd to get a couple of weeks.

The difference isnt in the 2 incidents in my opinion, but they way people have reacted to both. i think AC and Brown have acted like pretentious knobs. Both of them have done things in the past that have been seen by the public to be far worse than the lloyd incident. the results were bad for sewell and i feel for him, but you cant judge an incident by how badly people are hurt.

the threats from brown who has been known for a long time as a sniper are rediculous and i hope he is held accountable for them. if he feels so strongly that it is his position to scare lloyd and make him pay, then why didnt he do it on the field when he had the chance?

like i said, the reportable incidents are not the is the way people have reacted that separates them.

In fact the complete opposite is true, you know it, everyone knows it.

One player was suspended by a bump that, 21 rounds ago, he would not have been.
The other came in off the line with the sole purpose of taking someone out, sure he didn't mean to fracture his cheekbone and eye socket, but that was the risk he took when he went for the man with his head down over the ball.
This bump has been suspendable for years, and is exactly why the rule is in place.
Completely different scenarios

You won't hear much from Bomber fans (the honest ones) for two reasons:
1 - He's guilty, the only way he will get off is for the Bombers to go the miss-trial route, can't get a fair trial with everything that has been said. Already angleing towards this.

2 - The Bombers look a better team without him, the only thing he did in that game, (mind you it was a match winning snipe) was take out Sewell.
The Bombers don't face the embarrasment of having to drop him and Hurley is a better option.

Now, I made no comment on the Franklin case last week as I thought he might go after making contact to the head, so forget the typical Hawthorn supporter angle.

BTW, Hurley looks a ripper.:thumbsu:
And to think that I started a thread after the 2009 GF - Suggesting that Hawk supporters displayed a lack of humility.

I may have been proven correct!

Are you Rohan Connolly ?

have you also thought there is a common element in all this - Damien Hardwick ? Interesting how the tigers will approach such games next year

PS Buddy was in his usual part of the ground - the forward line.

Its pretty obvious what Lloyd intended to do.

Are you suggesting we be more like Tigers supporters ?
2 completely different incidents.

- Brad Sewell was bending down to pick up the ball
- Ben Cousins was standing up

The Lloyd incident could've put Sewell in a wheelchair that's how dangerous a bump like that is.
Buddys bump has been a part of the game forever.

Most Hawk supporters (and many many supporters of football) were displaying their anger about the bump, not who it was.
Supporters like you show an obvious jeoulasy for Franklin, which is why you saw the incident about Franklin and not what really happened.

I flt genuinely sick seeing a player ylaying there - it seemed like an age before he got attention. Rather lose to essendon by 100 than see anyone get permanent disability.

Lloyds contact seemed to be entirely with sewells head - If they seriously want to take that out of the game - Lloyd should get half a season off at least - obviously the Buddy case and publicity was not enough to get thru lloyds thick skulll
Just to make sure you all saw how good matty is now... Its like if simon taylor was rubbed out for the hawks their wouldn't be a peep....
Here are some telling facts about Hawthorns history with the Bombers:

Round 22, 2009 Lloyd reported for rough conduct on Brad Sewell. Brown tells Triple M radio: ''We're not going to forget in a hurry what Matty Lloyd did, and we hope he plays on next year.''

Round 20, 2005 Brown accepts four-match suspension for striking Lloyd during a Hawthorn win.

■Brown is said to have swung at least four punches at Lloyd's head.

■Brown's father, Mal, says Lloyd ''deserved it''.

■Hawks coach Alastair Clarkson applauds Brown for his aggressive approach, saying it set an example for the rest of his team.

Round 11, 2004 Brown suspended for four matches for king-hitting Jason Winderlich in the dubbed ''line in the sand'' match. Brown strikes Winderlich as the pair leaves the ground due to the blood rule.

■Lloyd says: ''That's the thing that I was most upset about from the weekend, more so than the melee, was just that incident.''

■Four Hawks are suspended for a total of 15 matches and the clubs were fined a record $70,700 for the melee.


Great post!

Why has no-one from the hawks addressed this? And look at the video on youtube with brown trying to take out wells early this year... I wonder what brown has to say about that one.

Brown is an angry little twat because like his old man he never had any respect at school because they have an IQ of about 60 and have to use physicality to get their way.

**** the hawks are twits, so glad they are out of the finals and back where they belong in 9th like the pieces of sh1t they are.

Also, Brown will be traded within the year because he has no skills.
Many hawk fans on here have been living in a balloon during 2008 and when it popped this year they've gone about blaming injuries, umpires, conspiracies, aliens etc. But thats what happens when a team goes from premiers to 9th. Hopefully we can be a little more realistic now, we have one of the youngest teams and clear list issues.

Strikes me that Essendon and the 2009 season generally have given the Hawks a huge boost for 2010.

Get a tough pre-season under their belt.
Fire in the belly over Buddy incident
Fighting back from the pain of 09's poor performance and the indiginity of not making the finals the year after winning the flag.

These things build momentum, it was the same with Essendon after the 99 prelim loss to Carlton. It hurt bad and in 2000 there was no stopping us.


Great post!

Why has no-one from the hawks addressed this? And look at the video on youtube with brown trying to take out wells early this year... I wonder what brown has to say about that one.

Brown is an angry little twat because like his old man he never had any respect at school because they have an IQ of about 60 and have to use physicality to get their way.

F**k the hawks are twits, so glad they are out of the finals and back where they belong in 9th like the pieces of sh1t they are.

Also, Brown will be traded within the year because he has no skills.
lol... brown went to probably the best school in the state... And is highly educated get off your high horse idiot..
Strikes me that Essendon and the 2009 season generally have given the Hawks a huge boost for 2010.

Get a tough pre-season under their belt.
Fire in the belly over Buddy incident
Fighting back from the pain of 09's poor performance and the indiginity of not making the finals the year after winning the flag.

These things build momentum, it was the same with Essendon after the 99 prelim loss to Carlton. It hurt bad and in 2000 there was no stopping us.


No doubt it will. Better to finish off in a game like this than a stroll in the park other clubs do.
Congratulations, another thread beating down on the Hawks.

Hopefully all the bullshit of the last week will give us the motivation to annihilate the competition next year.

To the Essendon fans, take your hollow un-deserved finals campaign and f**k off

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The tale of 3 clubs-Hawks,Tigers and Dons

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