Europe War in Ukraine - Thread 4 - thread rules updated

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This is the thread for discussing the War in Ukraine. Should you want to discuss the geopolitics, the history, or an interesting tangent, head over here:

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Finally: If I see the word Nazi or Hitler being flung around, there had better have a good faith basis as to how it's applicable to the Russian invasion - as in, video/photographic evidence of POW camps designed to remove another ethnic group - or to the current Ukrainian army. If this does not occur, you will be threadbanned for posting off topic

This is a sensitive area, and I understand that this makes for fairly incensed conversation sometimes. This does not mean the rules do not apply, whether to a poster positing a Pro-Ukraine stance or a poster positing an alternative view.

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On the new Kursk Oblast incursion, ASTRA passes on a information from Russian milbloggers "Two Majors" & "Rybar" and the Ukrainian "Khorne" group of the forces :
The Ukrainian Armed Forces have broken through the border in a new location in the Kursk region, fighting is underway in the Glushkovsky district, Z-publics report

According to the channel "Two Majors", the Ukrainian Armed Forces are consolidating their positions in the village of Vesyoloye in the Glushkovsky district. A number of channels write that the village is already under Ukrainian control.

“The Ukrainian Armed Forces’ equipment is being dragged to the settlement of Novy Put, the landing force is being landed and they are leaving back,” writes “Two Majors.”

According to information from Rybar, a person close to the Russian Ministry of Defense, fighting on the outskirts of Veseloye, "where Ukrainian formations reached after overcoming the barriers on the border several days earlier," has been going on for more than a day. The settlement of Novy Put is being used "as a transit point, where assault groups of the Ukrainian Armed Forces dismount for further entry into battle near Veseloye."

As Zapiski Veterana writes, the intensity of the fighting is comparable “to the fighting at the beginning of the invasion of the Ukrainian Armed Forces into the Kursk region.”

On the Ukrainian side, the Khorne Group unit of the 116th Separate Mechanized Brigade commented on the situation: "For many days, we have been hearing stories about the Russian "counteroffensive". Listen: do not waste your time on the Russian IPSO and the media that have sold out to the Russians. Now we are starting a new operation, and the Russians have only two options - to leave a much larger territory or to be surrounded. This is the Ukrainian Operation Bagration."

K1 Channel also reports on this:
The Ukrainian Armed Forces have probably entered the second village in the area of the third border breach in the Kursk region.

Russian Z-channels report a worsening situation on the front line near the village of Vesyoloye in the Glushkovsky district. According to some reports, the Ukrainian Armed Forces have already entered the settlement and are continuing to increase their pressure.

[K1 TG]
Oryol police officers will be paid 10 thousand rubles for each person they recruit for the war in Ukraine. These can be both Russians and migrants who have signed a contract for service. Oryol Region Governor Andrei Klychkov ordered that this amount be paid for each recruit.

In the Yaroslavl region, they pay more for attracting volunteers to military service - 100 thousand rubles. Until July, the amount was less - 30 thousand rubles, but Governor Mikhail Evraev decided to increase the payments.

[K1 TG]

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Unsure if two prisoner exchanges within a couple of days, or the one exchange with discrepancies in the numbers:

Russia and Ukraine have once again exchanged prisoners. The Russian Defense Ministry announced a prisoner exchange with Ukraine, during which 103 people were released from each side. Among those released were prisoners from the Kursk region. The day before, Volodymyr Zelensky announced a 49-for-49 exchange.
[K1 TG]

It's surely good news for the families of those Russian conscripts who were caught unawares after not expecting to even be caught in the conflict.

Conscripts from the Kursk region who were returned to Russia are going to be returned to military units after the exchange, — Verstka

The conscripts who were captured in the Kursk region during the breakthrough of the Ukrainian Armed Forces are going to be returned to their military units after the exchange, the mother of one of the conscripts exchanged today, Ekaterina, told the publication.

She said her son called her and said they were being taken to Moscow and were then expected to be returned to a military unit in Klintsy in the Bryansk region bordering Ukraine, where many conscripts who had previously been captured were assigned.

"He called and said that they were going to Moscow. No one was letting them go. They would continue to serve out their term, like all the other 115 [conscripts exchanged on August 24]. They would continue to serve. Where they served in Klintsy, that's where they all went to finish their service. Who would send them where? Where they were assigned, that's where they would continue to serve."
— said Catherine.

The conscripts exchanged in August are indeed still in the military unit, said the mother of another conscript who was on the exchange lists. According to her, the unit's leadership is not telling the relatives anything about what is happening to their sons now.

The first prisoner exchange between Russia and Ukraine after the breakthrough of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Kursk region took place on August 24, when 115 conscripts were exchanged from each side. The second exchange took place on September 13-14, and conscripts were also among the servicemen who returned to Russia.
[K1 TG] [Verstka TG] [Verstka website]

Oh ...
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One interesting story that has been floating around for a few days is the report from RF specialists who were sent to their deaths after arguing with their superiors. It's been all over a few channels recently.

The Russian Defense Minister ordered "to look into the situation related to the information about the death of "Ernest" and "Goodwin" - UAV specialists who were sent to the assault unit after a conflict with their superiors. After that, they died.

Andrei Belousov instructed his deputy Viktor Goremykin and Chief of the General Staff Valery Gerasimov to study the matter, together with the Department of Military Counterintelligence of the FSB of Russia. The Minister of Defense put this order under his personal control.

The death of "Ernest" and "Goodvin" (former head of the "DPR" air reconnaissance unit Dmitry Lysakovsky) became known yesterday morning - the military's appeals were published by z-channels, which reported that they were sent to the assault for criticizing their superiors.

After this, military-related channels began writing that the practice of sending soldiers to assaults after a quarrel with superiors is an existing practice in some areas that needs to be addressed.
[K1 TG]

Earlier post on same topic (includes the video mentioned in the post):
“If you fight for your country, fight for your country, not for your pocket, you painted bitches. You have to win the war first, and then share the profits”

Pro-war channels told the story of the military men “Goodwin and Ernest” — experienced UAV specialists transferred to the assault squad after a quarrel with their superiors. Both died.

Servicemen of the First Slavic Brigade with the call signs "Ernest" and "Goodwin" (this is the former head of the aerial reconnaissance unit of the Donetsk People's Republic Dmitry Lysakovsky) recorded a video in which they said that they ("commanders of unmanned units") were sent to the infantry for criticizing the command. They blamed the commander with the call sign "Evil" (Igor Viktorovich Puzik) for this - the soldiers said that they were warned that "this was a one-way ticket", but they decided to carry out the order because of the oath. They accused "Evil" of having drugs sold in their unit with his approval. They also said that at first he did not use their data to strike targets, and then liquidated the "best unmanned unit".

In another video, Lysakovsky stated that "Zloy" had previously lied about taking the settlement of Lesovka in the Pokrovsk-Kurakhovsky direction (according to him, only allied units were entering there, suffering losses). As he claims, such lies are happening on all sections of the front. And he deliberately destroyed a long-range air reconnaissance unit because he was influenced by another military man who allegedly had connections in the West. Today, these videos were published en masse by Z-channels, which reported on the death of soldiers during the assault.

Neither of them are alive today. They asked to publish these videos in case of their deaths… The unwanted are buried in assaults, the big bosses found a convenient way to deal with the inconvenient
— Yegor Guzenko wrote on the Thirteenth channel.
[K1 TG]
Is this the same as his 50+ other posts about his and your point of viewpoint.I will debate you anytime about Ukr Rus conflict you obviously are lacking in the old grey matter.

You do realise that the next place to be bombed will be UK sure as apples.
More cr*p. Vlad's mighty army can't take Ukraine, he certainly can't take on NATO, it would be the end of them and him. His self preservation is important, hence his willingness to waste hundreds of thousands Russian lives in his vain attempt to take Ukraine. As Andre said in a brilliant post a bit early, stupid Putin has been suckered by the sunk cost fallacy.
Correcting issues with my map yesterday:

Earlier I posted a map I made to show both the Russian counter-offensive, and the new Ukrainian incursion(s) in Kursk Oblast. I think I had the Russian counter wrongly mapped. I based it on DeepState however they have been withholding updated situation, and I interpreted a big punch in the blue Ukrainian occupation as the counter - it was actually just an area DeepState have not been willing to call as Ukrainian controlled yet.

This spot here is not called by DeepState yet as Ukrainian occupied:
(you can see the new Ukrainian push in gray on the left of the map)

The actual RF counter came from the north, not the west. ISW is not a place I go to often as I prefer to get my data directly from Ukraine or Russian milbloggers, but I believe they have correctly mapped it here (prior to the new Ukrainian push):
(note there's a second, smaller, posited RF counter near Zhuravli - we hear less about it, but I think it's much smaller)
Russia actively began to withdraw its military fleet from Novorossiysk to the South, towards Gelendzhik and Sochi.
The reason is the fear of the arrival of long-range missiles Storm Shadow / SCALP EG.
Ukraine may have received permission for their use on the territory of the Russian Federation.

[Mysiagin TG]

Note: Gelendzhik is pretty much where the reputed "Putin's Palace" is located. If they are moving ships from Novorossysk to Gelendzhik, does this mean they consider it outside range, and therefore the palace is also safe?
...not sure how Stalin gets the blame for losses stopping a genocidal regime

...The US knew this and went ahead backing the nationalists, costing maybe a million lives so far

You are the person who attempts to divert from the established facts. LovethePies speaks the truth and for a person of your political bent this is unacceptable, you attack me for my grammar but at least I can spell and do not deny facts.
And yet despite all the talk and words you write, you never post anything to back it up…..

So in your mind you can say all the BS you want, never be accountable for it, but keep on hoping everyone believes you.

Just like Donald Trump and Putin.
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Just like all the other imaginary red lines from Putin he is all hot air. It's pathetic.

He also told his military they had until Oct 2022 to conquer all of Donbass. 2 years later..

This is a good thing. What Putin is actually saying is he believes he can't maintain a Ukrainian invasion with the full gambit of cruise missiles available to Ukraine.

Putin is a desperate, bitter fascist that is rapidly approaching the end. Nobody will batter an eyelid at his laughable threats..

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Just like all the other imaginary red lines from Putin he is all hot air. It's pathetic.

He also told his military they had until Oct 2022 to conquer all of Donbass. 2 years later..

This is a good thing. What Putin is actually saying is he believes he can't maintain a Ukrainian invasion with the full gambit of cruise missiles available to Ukraine.

Putin is a desperate, bitter fascist that is rapidly approaching the end. Nobody will batter an eyelid at his laughable threats..

he'll have no other option if Ukraine hits key infrastructure ie. nuclear power plants

dont poke the bear too much 🐻
he'll have no other option if Ukraine hits key infrastructure ie. nuclear power plants

dont poke the bear too much 🐻
I doubt very much Ukraine are going to hit nuclear power plants, otherwise Russia wouldn't see the need to occasionally pretend that they had.
he'll have no other option if Ukraine hits key infrastructure ie. nuclear power plants

dont poke the bear too much 🐻

He's said numerous times he has no other option. You and I know Putin is a coward and it's all talk.

Do you reckon the US would declare war on Russia because Putin has turned Zaporizhia NPP into a military base and is sabotaging it?
Russians channels seem to have starting panicking about this new offensive front by the UAF in Kursk.

But don’t worry, the genius that is petrie pie assured all of us yesterday that the Russians are in control and it will all end in 2 weeks…

He's said numerous times he has no other option. You and I know Putin is a coward and it's all talk.

Do you reckon the US would declare war on Russia because Putin has turned Zaporizhia NPP into a military base and is sabotaging it?

putin is being baited by the west

all roads lead to israel - russia will declare war with iran on israel in the near future (bookmark this)
Ukraine is just the minor party in this war, its Israel where this war will end up.

both the middle east war + ukraine war will join up.

russia will come to aid of iran

you've seen zelensky threaten iran for potentially providing weapons to russia and vice versa

Russia is an ally of Israel. There is a large Jewish population in Russia.

You are talking nonsense. This is the Ukraine war, please keep the discussion to the Ukraine war.
Ukraine is just the minor party in this war, its Israel where this war will end up.

both the middle east war + ukraine war will join up.

russia will come to aid of iran

you've seen zelensky threaten iran for potentially providing weapons to russia and vice versa
But the bit about Ukraine attacking nuclear power plants ... you were saying Ukraine might attack nuclear power plants ... keen to learn what you've heard.

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Europe War in Ukraine - Thread 4 - thread rules updated

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