Europe War in Ukraine - Thread 4 - thread rules updated

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Do you know how many basis there are in Russia, in Europe, in the US even in Australia. Should Putin invade all those countries too. The AZOV stuff was a big con, an excuse to invade. He has shown he wants to destroy Ukrainians, their culture , the whole of Ukraine and undercut for Russia’s needs.
Look at the Ukrainian ekection results to see how many voted for the nazi party. Of course in the US we actually have the Nazi party in power, yet Putin wants to be a ‘friend’ to America.
Your argument falls apart in every way. Stop being conned by psyops.
Racists? I presume.

Yes I'm aware every country has their special characters. The fact that the new regime in Ukraine made it illegal to question Bandera must raise some questions?

And no, barbarism against women and children there is zero excuse zero.
Ahhhhh western Ukraine, where the ultranationalists are based. I always doubt those that flee socialists govts

I think the lebensraum policies that murdered everyone slavic/jewish/other in their wake meant that the wide scale rape/murder of particularly Germans, but also collaborators is understandable if not defensible.

Millions of Ukrainians served in the red army compared to not that many in the OUN or SS divisions.
Racists? I presume.

Yes I'm aware every country has their special characters. The fact that the new regime in Ukraine made it illegal to question Bandera must raise some questions?

Ahhhhh western Ukraine, where the ultranationalists are based. I always doubt those that flee socialists govts

I think the lebensraum policies that murdered everyone slavic/jewish/other in their wake meant that the wide scale rape/murder of particularly Germans, but also collaborators is understandable if not defensible.

Millions of Ukrainians served in the red army compared to not that many in the OUN or SS divisions.
First you excuse the abduction of children.
Now you are excusing rape? Raping women? Raping children?
What an absolute low life.

Do you have family in Ukraine? In Russia?
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First you excuse the abduction of children.
Now you are excusing rape?
What an absolute low life.
That's why you avoid war. You think Australian soldiers haven't r*ped and pillaged their way around the world?

The Poles are still pissed about the massacres the OUN did, it's now illegal to question the OUN's leader in Ukraine. Square that circle

You should read more about lend lease. The USSR had won Stalingrad by the time that the US had sent a little grain over, the war had turned. The US did help a little with trucks and such by the time of Kursk but it was all over by then. Most lend lease went to the Brits, it kept them in the fight

The US is still supplying Ukraine with ISR and weapons, to suggest that they're helping Russia is laughable. They held back ISR for a week and Kursk collapsed, was heading that way before tbf. How are they helping Russia?
You should read more about lend lease. The USSR had won Stalingrad by the time that the US had sent a little grain over, the war had turned. The US did help a little with trucks and such by the time of Kursk but it was all over by then. Most lend lease went to the Brits, it kept them in the fight

The US is still supplying Ukraine with ISR and weapons, to suggest that they're helping Russia is laughable. They held back ISR for a week and Kursk collapsed, was heading that way before tbf. How are they helping Russia?
Are you Russian?
You should read more about lend lease. The USSR had won Stalingrad by the time that the US had sent a little grain over, the war had turned. The US did help a little with trucks and such by the time of Kursk but it was all over by then. Most lend lease went to the Brits, it kept them in the fight

The US is still supplying Ukraine with ISR and weapons, to suggest that they're helping Russia is laughable. They held back ISR for a week and Kursk collapsed, was heading that way before tbf. How are they helping Russia?
FMD, that is historical revisionism at it's best. You're hopeless.

You are so dumb, you don't think the 14,000 aircraft, 7000 tanks, thousand of various artillery pieces, 375,000 other vehicles, millions of tonnes of food and aid etc that the allies provided made a difference to the soviet war effort. Most scholars believe it was critical.

Really you are becoming so depressingly stupid, I think you should take a break.
FMD, that is historical revisionism at it's best. You're hopeless.

You are so dumb, you don't think the 14,000 aircraft, 7000 tanks, thousand of various artillery pieces, 375,000 other vehicles, millions of tonnes of food and aid etc that the allies provided made a difference to the soviet war effort. Most scholars believe it was critical.

Really you are becoming so depressingly stupid, I think you should take a break.
You need timelines man, look how much they had at Stalingrad? sweet fa. Most scholars would tell you that's where the war turned

Had a fair bit a Kursk, that's when there was no hope for the Nazis. Of course all the things you mentioned made the counter attack a lot quicker and finished the war quicker.

It's constantly this narrative in this thread and general western propaganda, oh the USSR only held out because we helped them etc
You need timelines man, look how much they had at Stalingrad? sweet fa. Most scholars would tell you that's where the war turned

Had a fair bit a Kursk, that's when there was no hope for the Nazis. Of course all the things you mentioned made the counter attack a lot quicker and finished the war quicker.

It's constantly this narrative in this thread and general western propaganda, oh the USSR only held out because we helped them etc
Yes, they did hold on because of Western supplies and more importantly it provided the arms and the vehicles to drive the Nazis out of Russia. It would not have happened without that aid. It's not western propaganda. Material transfers started in 1941. The battle for Stalingrad started mid 1942. The Studebaker US6 use in the battle of Stalingrad is well documented, but someone like you just prefers to spreads lies rather than truths. Repeat Russian propaganda. The Russians only manufactured 200,000 vehicles during the war, but they received 2 to 3 that number from the allies. You can't prosecute high intensity modern warfare without the products of a significant industrial base and that aid was crucial to Russia being able to fight the Nazis successfully.
Yes, they did hold on because of Western supplies and more importantly it provided the arms and the vehicles to drive the Nazis out of Russia. It would not have happened without that aid. It's not western propaganda. Material transfers started in 1941. The battle for Stalingrad started mid 1942. The Studebaker US6 use in the battle of Stalingrad is well documented, but someone like you just prefers to spreads lies rather than truths. Repeat Russian propaganda. The Russians only manufactured 200,000 vehicles during the war, but they received 2 to 3 that number from the allies. You can't prosecute high intensity modern warfare without the products of a significant industrial base and that aid was crucial to Russia being able to fight the Nazis successfully.
Sure, I don't think anyone would say it didn't help. The allied invasion of Normandy probably fails without the Romanian oilfields being taken, battle of the bulge is turned when the Germans run out of fuel

Stalingrad is won by the end of 1942(essentially, Germany refused to withdraw), only ~16% of lend lease by tonnage had been delivered by then and it was favoured to the food etc categories.

It's propaganda itself to suggest that the soviets only turned the tide with US help. It definitely helped but they would have still turned the tide regardless imo. The USSR would maybe have talked peace around Ukraine rather than taking Berlin without lend lease(*history what ifs, which I shouldn't do)
Just cause I feel like it i'll add

Yes the US shipped them cars and trucks, maybe 400k
The USSR built 90k T-34's

Which one wins the war?

There's a deeper message about energy here. The Nazi's and Japan only really lose when they run out of oil, which is why Stalingrad was so important and goes to show how important it still is in this current conflict
How does the fuel and munitions get to the 90k T-34s without the 400k trucks and vehicles?

How do the troops get supplied?

How many T-34 would they have manufactured if they also had to manufacture 400k vehicles too?

Logistics wins wars.

Stalingrad is only important because it was one of Hitler's downfall - should have never split his armies, should have just gone for the oil.
That's why you avoid war. You think Australian soldiers haven't r*ped and pillaged their way around the world?

The Poles are still pissed about the massacres the OUN did, it's now illegal to question the OUN's leader in Ukraine. Square that circle
Perhaps tell your hero Putin to avoid war. It was he who invaded Ukraine.

I think you are Russian.
Why does Putin kill his opposition leaders?
If you hate war so much why are you the cheer squad for Putin?
If you hate war so much why are you not demanding he pull his army out of Ukraine?
Why does he have the right to invade his neighbour?
Why do you excuse genocide, stealing children, raping women and children?
Why are you a Putin apologist?
Are you aware Ukraine gained Independence from the Soviet Union?
Are you aware he interferes in the politics of all countries?
Why have you never denounced him?
If Putin is such a good guy why are the Baltic states and most of Europe denouncing him and preparing to defend themselves?
Are they all nazis now??

You are just a plain old and quite disgusting, might I add, Russian troll.
Perhaps tell your hero Putin to avoid war. It was he who invaded Ukraine.

I think you are Russian.
Of course comrade
Why does Putin kill his opposition leaders?
Because he's an autocratic dictator of an empire......and ex kgb
If you hate war so much why are you the cheer squad for Putin?
If you hate war so much why are you not demanding he pull his army out of Ukraine?
Why does he have the right to invade his neighbour?
Why do you excuse genocide, stealing children, raping women and children?
Why are you a Putin apologist?
Are you aware Ukraine gained Independence from the Soviet Union?
Are you aware he interferes in the politics of all countries?
Why have you never denounced him?
If Putin is such a good guy why are the Baltic states and most of Europe denouncing him and preparing to defend themselves?
Are they all nazis now??
Repeat all of the answers for the one above
You are just a plain old and quite disgusting, might I add, Russian troll.
Why did the US empire advance into eastern Europe? This is the question that drives it
Aid to Ukraine ~380 billion, Aid to the USSR ~152 billion

You are lying again. Up to date aid figures for Ukraine:

As of Feb 2025, the total was $247 billion.

Adding to this a huge amount of military aid from the US was obsolete equipment, expired munitions that were being disposed of / retired.

Instead of discarding them using them to hold off Nazi Russia was a great move.

USSR was charged 10 cents in the dollar for its aid it received under lend lease from the US.

In real terms it's worth nearly 1.8 trillion however the obligation was only $180 billion. In today's money.

Trump should turn around and demand payment in full for the complete lend lease value from Russia as the state who inherits all USSR debts.

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Europe War in Ukraine - Thread 4 - thread rules updated
