Toast Warren Tredrea - Elected to the Port Board (Football discussion only)

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I hate Kane Cornes so much. As if the players even have an opinion on it.

They probably do. The playing group being averse to criticism marries up perfectly with their weak and mentally soft on field performances. The whole place needs a total cultural reset. Tredders is just the start.
I know Tredders maybe muzzled and will have to tow the party line a little in the media if he gets in, but if he's true to his word and is asking questions, being a conduit for the "white noise" and trying to instill old port culture back into the place behind the scenes then that's alright by me.

Also the fact that Kane, Koch, players and footy staff have a problem with him is even better.

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A mate of mine just messaged me to say Kane Cornes had his say this morning. He expects Tredrea will win despite the President, the coaching staff and the players all having a problem with him. :D

That makes it even better. Time to bring back some accountability and professional standards. If it upsets those within the Alberton Social Club then so be it.
The more instability, the better - how has the club's infamous stability helped us in recent times???

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A mate of mine just messaged me to say Kane Cornes had his say this morning. He expects Tredrea will win despite the President, the coaching staff and the players all having a problem with him. :D

That makes it even better. Time to bring back some accountability and professional standards. If it upsets those within the Alberton Social Club then so be it.

What Cane Corner should have said, to be more accurate, was that Koch, Chadbro, and Big Bad Dix have a problem with him because he challenges Daddy. "The players" wouldn't really give a shit and if they did, it's an indictment on their acceptance of the mediocre.

Tredrea hasn't even said anything about Ken that's bad or wrong. He's just publicly asked questions via his role in the media, which is his ****ing job. The same questions that the supporters have been asking for several seasons at least.
A mate of mine just messaged me to say Kane Cornes had his say this morning. He expects Tredrea will win despite the President, the coaching staff and the players all having a problem with him. :D

That makes it even better. Time to bring back some accountability and professional standards. If it upsets those within the Alberton Social Club then so be it.
If any of the players have a photo of themselves at Alberton holding up the premiership cup they just won like Tredders does that I've missed, I'm willing to hear them out, otherwise they can shut the **** up.
Yeah good old "may you live in interesting times" instability ;)

Can't see Tredders all the way from the board actually propping up or prodding Ken into competency hands on like Walsh or Richo did as ACs, but I can see him opening some current players eyes to the limitations they put on their performance ceiling by living with what can only be called a "Ken dependency".
A mate of mine just messaged me to say Kane Cornes had his say this morning. He expects Tredrea will win despite the President, the coaching staff and the players all having a problem with him. :D

Kane, i've already voted for Tredders, you don't have to keep selling him to me
I've voted in board elections before but this is the first time it's really mattered, and it's the first time i've felt the ability to exercise some agency as a Port member in my 27 years signed up.

I suspect that Kornes is speaking for a very select group of people, but if he's not, it's arguably even better. The distaste of accountability needs to purged from the club, and this is the first shot across the bow.
I always wondered how many votes the board can whip up themselves after losing to Trevor no Profile Thiele.

I’d assuming with their memberships, staff that are members, friends of the board perhaps what 1,000?

Of this board is anything like my former board, they’d be calling all their mates asking to vote person X over Y
Also love the bit where two certain former players are more loyal to some dickhead from Geelong for extending their fading careers by a couple of years than to the guy who actually carried them to a premiership.
That premiership was 7061 days ago - and counting, and you can probably add a 1 to the front of that number unless we see change.

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I always wondered how many votes the board can whip up themselves after losing to Trevor no Profile Thiele.

I’d assuming with their memberships, staff that are members, friends of the board perhaps what 1,000?

Of this board is anything like my former board, they’d be calling all their mates asking to vote person X over Y
I'm assuming that the majority of ground level staff think about as highly as Koch and Richo as we all do...
I'm assuming that the majority of ground level staff think about as highly as Koch and Richo as we all do...
I don’t know, their jobs are aligned to these influencers.

If they can raise 1,000 votes from a 3,500 average, that leaves 2,500 natural votes. Hmmmm they’d only need another 750 to slant it in their favour. Under 20% of the natural
What Cane Corner should have said, to be more accurate, was that Koch, Chadbro, and Big Bad Dix have a problem with him because he challenges Daddy. "The players" wouldn't really give a s**t and if they did, it's an indictment on their acceptance of the mediocre.

Tredrea hasn't even said anything about Ken that's bad or wrong. He's just publicly asked questions via his role in the media, which is his ******* job. The same questions that the supporters have been asking for several seasons at least.

You've hit the nail on the head mate. In fact, people would be questioning Tredrea's role in the media if he wasn't holding the Club to account based on the on-field performances. If he said everything was hunky-dory we'd all be casting him off as another Kane Cornes.
A mate of mine just messaged me to say Kane Cornes had his say this morning. He expects Tredrea will win despite the President, the coaching staff and the players all having a problem with him. :D

Can someone correct me if I’m wrong?

Both my wife and I are members with voting rights, but we only received 1 unique voting code under my name (which I promptly used).

How does my wife then vote?

The club has enacted the 1870 charter. She can't.
I always wondered how many votes the board can whip up themselves after losing to Trevor no Profile Thiele.

I’d assuming with their memberships, staff that are members, friends of the board perhaps what 1,000?

Of this board is anything like my former board, they’d be calling all their mates asking to vote person X over Y

Their biggest media mouthpiece is one of the least respected people in the footy media. Koch has been handed the keys to the club by the AFL but his political capital just isn't there to influence votes in a silent election. Man's got no rizz.

I doubt they could get 1000 votes through word of mouth. There would be plenty of staff there who will vote for Tredders. There will be other staff who will tell Koch they're voting for Aber, and vote for Tredders.
What a pathetic bunch of losers. The President, the coaching staff and the players????? have a problem with our only AFL premiership captain. * off, the lot of you.
As much as I agree with your post, I find it even more concerning that all these people are spoken about as if they have one unified groupthink. Its genuinely a ****ing cult. If you disagree you get silenced or traded. Toxic beyond words.
Can someone correct me if I’m wrong?

Both my wife and I are members with voting rights, but we only received 1 unique voting code under my name (which I promptly used).

How does my wife then vote?

Contact the Club's membership team to get it sorted. They'll be able to fix it for you.
Checked the reddit forum and they seem to lean Tredders too, though to far less of an extreme obviously. It seems that there could be a fair few people voting Tredrea by default because they don't think Abernathy is a better option. Anyone seen the vibe on Facebook or any of the other places with a higher happy clapper:genuine Port fan ratio?
As much as I agree with your post, I find it even more concerning that all these people are spoken about as if they have one unified groupthink. Its genuinely a ******* cult. If you disagree you get silenced or traded. Toxic beyond words.
I received an email this morning, urging me to get one of the few remaining memberships for 2024. My reply was abrupt, "As I've stated on numerous occasions, I won't be returning as a member until Ken Hinkley has been replaced as senior coach." Just doing my bit for the "white noise".

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Toast Warren Tredrea - Elected to the Port Board (Football discussion only)

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