Certified Legendary Thread We can win this year premership

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I think it took a while for people to catch on that he was ill, not uneducated. It obviously was an effort for him to post. Shame no one who knew him was able to let us know what happened, although we suspect the worst. :(

Perhaps not educated. Certainly english was his second language. Neither important to his character.

Sadly it's all but certainly the worse - he posted a few times that his cancer was terminal. This was posted about a month before his last post :(

Buddy I am Topdog69 some off the poster have not respond to me reply in past but when I told them that had cancer in middle off the year in 2015 last but I am slowly getting weaker and will die in the coming week or month
So you knew him MD ?
Without giving up his identity , can you give us a snapshot what he was like ?
We all certainly miss him.

No mate I didn't know him other than to say hello and I'm sure he had no idea who I was :)

Ripping bloke from all reports and a fantastic long term club man but again I will say I did not have the pleasure of knowing him personally
I'm an unabashed Topdog fan for the simple fact he gave me the joy of laughing which is a great emotion.
I have put a post in the POTY thread to have this award named after him and encourage people to like and support this cause.
We all new Topdog for his broken English and in some ways that's what won us over and what we enjoyed. I say this with the utmost respect but with honesty that it took time for Topdog to win some of us over but he eventually did,not because of the way he posted,but in the end that's what I enjoyed the most.
When Topdog first joined he fell into the trap,as many do,of trying to make out he had inside info. He started a thread saying he had info that Balclivs was about to sign with the dogs but he re signed with Geelong that same day, that caused some heat to head his way.
This was was hot on the heals of his thread that the dogs should relocate to Tasmelia (sic). This obviously went down like a lead balloon but it is true and now apart of history. I think the turning point was when he started an excellent thread on the Western Jets and slowly his place in folk law began. From then on he was much loved by all and he found his posting ground.
Bev has taught us to embrace the entire club and that's why we have a flag,Macca in some ways taught us this as well,individuals might make prelims but clubs win flags. Topdog69 is a legend and I seriously hope he is honoured as such in our premiership year.

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His broken English did win him some comments in replies asking just what the hell he was trying to say. Because of this he was known around here, probably a bit in an infamous way. Even so, he kept posting because he loves the Dogs, so he'll always be one of us. It's still a shame nobody knew him personally or knew who he really was
topdog69 is now a Bigfooty legend but his story gives us a salutary lesson in not coming to conclusions about a person until you understand his/her personal circumstances. He did cop a bit of flak for his murder of the English language but, thankfully most of the responses from WB posters were good-humoured. He loved the club and certainly had more faith in our fortunes than most of us, as his prophesy clearly shows.
topdog69 is now a Bigfooty legend but his story gives us a salutary lesson in not coming to conclusions about a person until you understand his/her personal circumstances. He did cop a bit of flak for his murder of the English language but, thankfully most of the responses from WB posters were good-humoured. He loved the club and certainly had more faith in our fortunes than most of us, as his prophesy clearly shows.
Summed up my thoughts perfectly - thanks DnB.
Topdog69 was my boy. Darthbards summed him up very well. It was nice having a poster who could make us laugh without even trying. RIP big fella. I enjoyed keeping this thread bumped throughout the year. I lost two family members to cancer this year who were both massive Dogs supporters. It kills me that I didnt get to celebrate the premiership with them but in a way it made it all the more cathartic.
Surely a DM will end up in his email inbox and be picked up by his family?? It'd be nice for them to know that a bunch of people he never met are thinking of him.
I've sent a couple of PM during the year but have never heard back from anyone.
Topdog69 was my boy. Darthbards summed him up very well. It was nice having a poster who could make us laugh without even trying. RIP big fella. I enjoyed keeping this thread bumped throughout the year. I lost two family members to cancer this year who were both massive Dogs supporters. It kills me that I didnt get to celebrate the premiership with them but in a way it made it all the more cathartic.
Scrag,you did get to ruffle Topdogs feathers once when you tipped the Dockers to beat us by a goal on one occasion. Your response was very polite though as is generally the case. :thumbsu:
I'm hardly a paragon in this regard, but I don't mind admitting that TD69's mangling of the English language drove me a little nuts.

I never quite got my head around whether it was for real or a subtle long running troll.
I'm hardly a paragon in this regard, but I don't mind admitting that TD69's mangling of the English language drove me a little nuts.

I never quite got my head around whether it was for real or a subtle long running troll.
I lean towards it being a symptom/result of his illness :(. Doubt if he was up to trolling.

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I admit I got into TD as he really should never have been given a pen licence - but he took it in good humour and seemed willing to have a laugh at himself (assuming he understood as he really only seemed to have a passing acquaintance with English).

Passionate Dogs man who seemed to have a big heart.

Good to see his presence kind of living on in this thread.
Hmmm yeah lets not go down that road - I think everyone who had a bit of fun with his writing style regrets it now
Yeah, that's definitely something I did a bit and something I'd take back if I could. I guess at this stage all anyone can really do is learn from it. Apologies to topdog though. He didn't deserve to be made fun of like that. Good on him for continuing to post despite people like me who wrote him off as a troll for a while. He really grew on me over time and I genuinely did enjoy his posts.
Yeah, that's definitely something I did a bit and something I'd take back if I could. I guess at this stage all anyone can really do is learn from it. Apologies to topdog though. He didn't deserve to be made fun of like that. Good on him for continuing to post despite people like me who wrote him off as a troll for a while. He really grew on me over time and I genuinely did enjoy his posts.

You certainly weren't alone in doing it, and nor were others like Norm alone in thinking that it was an elaborate troll. It became clear over time that he wasn't trolling and had language difficulties,.

What matters though is that he was a true Bulldog and that he contributed in his own way to this board! He had an amusing style that really grew on me too. I think that people taking the piss out of him was something he handled well so no biggie.
God this thread is beautiful and upsetting.
Send this to the players. Do it for top dog (and to piss off andrew dunkley). Keep jones fit and we can win it

(Ps apologies for name I tried to predict when we’d win it and got it wrong by a year!)

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Certified Legendary Thread We can win this year premership

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