Toast Welcome Blake "Sherrif" Acres

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Can’t wait for A(i)sh also.

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If you don't try and play him as a ruckman, utility, forward and insideish mid every game he will come good I think. Was asked to "play a role" or as some might say "play a different game style and position with little notice and preparation for it". If you watch his highlights he's always been able to shrug tackles and get his arms free and although he doesn't look fast his ability to move in traffic can break lines.

Best of luck to Blake and you guys with him, has heaps of potential.

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Glad we got him - welcome aboard Blake.

Genuinely felt we needed a bigger body or two out there... but also think we've lost a lot of speed with both Billy and Ed gone... we'll miss Ed's run down tackles.

Anyone got any idea how quick Blake is over 20m? Or any idea who's best positioned to provide us some extra speed out there (besides perhaps Coyler)?
Good luck with Blake. A bit polarising amongst the Saints fans, but if Freo settle him on a wing and rotate him through the mids and get out his potential you have got an absolute steal.

Hope you do, we couldn't but sometimes a change of club can really bring out the best.

Good trading, see you in 2020.
Glad we got him - welcome aboard Blake.

Genuinely felt we needed a bigger body or two out there... but also think we've lost a lot of speed with both Billy and Ed gone... we'll miss Ed's run down tackles.

Anyone got any idea how quick Blake is over 20m? Or any idea who's best positioned to provide us some extra speed out there (besides perhaps Coyler)?
Henry, Giro, Carter and Sturt are the ones who can bring some pep for us. Eventually.
Glad we got him - welcome aboard Blake.

Genuinely felt we needed a bigger body or two out there... but also think we've lost a lot of speed with both Billy and Ed gone... we'll miss Ed's run down tackles.

Anyone got any idea how quick Blake is over 20m? Or any idea who's best positioned to provide us some extra speed out there (besides perhaps Coyler)?

He's pretty quick.

He didn't test at the draft camp because of injury but I think at one of the universities he tested low 2.9s for 20m sprint.

I will keep an eye on him, was one of my favorite players so sad to see him go but it may be the best for his future. He was always played out of position at the saints.
A touch concerning that Jlo already has him pegged as a winger when Saints fans seem to unanimously agree he's most suited for an inside role but I guess we've got to give him a chance. With Hill and Ed both leaving it was important to bring in another bloke in that 24-27yo sweet spot to mitigate the experience loss

I think I’d back JLo over some Bigfooty Saints fans.

From what I’ve seen of him, he’s not inside at all. Likes it uncontested does Blake.
Good luck to you guys and Blake.

He was the cause of much division of our supporters but a lot of us were not happy to see him go.

He has so much upside and can do some freakish things, unfortunately was Richo’ed for the first six years years of his development, played everywhere, even ruck and very seldom in positions to his advantage. He looks a little laconic at times but is pretty quick.

He’s a big lad, can bust through tackles and if your new coach plays him to his strengths I think you’ll have quite a player on your hands.

Will be watching his career with interest from this side of the country and hope he goes very well for you.
I was impressed with his press conference, seems like a decent person on first pass.

If nothing else, he brings some interest to see which way he will go as a player and what his position will be.
He's pretty quick.

He didn't test at the draft camp because of injury but I think at one of the universities he tested low 2.9s for 20m sprint.

I will keep an eye on him, was one of my favorite players so sad to see him go but it may be the best for his future. He was always played out of position at the saints.
Cheers. I note in his highlight package he's got good acceleration over those first two steps, especially when already moving. Pretty evasive for a big mid too. I can see why so many Saints fan were sorry to see him go.

On the plus side for you lot, you've landed Billy in exchange... treat him well, the guy's a freak with his running.

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