Why do you hate Collingwood?

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Fair call, but I don't understand why you would hate us with that as part of your reasoning, yet it's hardly as if your own club is overly different (wouldn't call your record unblemished)? Just find that interesting. And no doubt that goes for a lot of clubs (lol didak/shaw/tarrant = culture, when they, too, have players with poor records, if not worse than many of the Pies players).
All clubs have had their problems it's just that your club seems to have the most and why should I hate your club because of it, well you have to couple that with your obnoxious supporter base, it's the complete package.
Go through your answers, you'll find I'm not alone with these thoughts, most will say because of your supporters firstly.
Only sunday one of your brethren stole a Cops cap, just another reason for your pres to get on TV to somehow justify or defend his supporters actions.
Then of course there is the continuing saga of violence attributed your fans.
Would you like me to wikpedia that as well ?

Now you have asked the questions you simply have to accept the answers.

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Took our kids down to the 2002 Grand Final, walking along the street the with our Brisbane colours on, feeling excited the night before the GF, and a young man around 19, with his Collingwood scarf on, spat on us.

Don't hate the team, but Collingwood supporters in general let the code/AFL down.
A simple question, but the answers it evokes may not be simple. It's just always intriguing to hear from supporters of every club, every week 'we hate your mob', and to hear it with such passion and vigour means it ain't just a throw away line. Would just be interesting to hear. Hopefully it's not as basic as 'your fans are feral' - what makes us feral? Any experiences, or just going on popular opinion?

One for sides such as the Crows/Dockers/Eagles (though we have some recent finals history with the Eagles), if you hate us, why? It's not like we have any real history with you - how can you hate what you don't have much history with? Enlighten me.

Collingwood is like the rich trust fund brat, haven't earned anything this generation, been spoilt, arrogant and done nothing other than live off the fat generated generations ago and getting whatever they want just because they have money and influence.

Without Collingwood's large supporter base that is a result of people doing something right a long time ago, the club would be as meaningful as University. Whenever Eddie opens his fat mouth, he talks about a lot of shit he had nothing to do with, premierships, generating huge support and all that crap, seeing Jabba the Hutt slither around like he has done anything for Collingwood or Collingwood has achieved anything meaningful just makes bile rise.
A simple question, but the answers it evokes may not be simple. It's just always intriguing to hear from supporters of every club, every week 'we hate your mob', and to hear it with such passion and vigour means it ain't just a throw away line. Would just be interesting to hear. Hopefully it's not as basic as 'your fans are feral' - what makes us feral? Any experiences, or just going on popular opinion?

One for sides such as the Crows/Dockers/Eagles (though we have some recent finals history with the Eagles), if you hate us, why? It's not like we have any real history with you - how can you hate what you don't have much history with? Enlighten me.

This could get ugly.
Where would you find that?
Thankyou Mister moral high ground. None of our players to my recollection have mistreated unconscious opponents. Every club had a list of misdemenors and but some are far worse than others which is something you should take into consideration the next time you preach from the pulpit.

I'll give you credit though for your encyclopedic and some would say obsessive knowledge of Collingwood. You should just do what the rest of us do and buy a membership
What an easy questions to answer, let's have a go at this from a Crows supporter's perspective:

1) Collingwood supporters. As others have mentioned, not every Collingwood fan is a foul mouthed feral who is aggressive to opposition supporters....it must just be the ones I have met over the last 18 years.

2) The disproportionate amount of media interest relative to their sorry lack of success over the last 50 years. Even this year, their press exceeds St Kilda, and the Saints have had a record year.

3) Smart arse little goalsneaks that bob up out of the blue and kick cheap goals. You know how Stephen Milne usually tops the AFL's list of most annoying players? You guys have 4 who are just as annoying - Thomas, Didak, Medhurst and Davis. Out of these 4 players, only Didak and Davis are any good, with the media spotlight on Thomas far outweighing his ability. Didak likes over-celebrating goals he "earns" after receiving a handball over the top in the goalsquare.

4) Dale Thomas' hair

5) Mick Malthouse's existential musings on life at press conferences which often have nothing to do with the match itself. The way he gets less scrutiny that any other coach when the Magpies hit a form slump. I think journalists are scared to take him on, in case he frowns in an angry manner at them, or fires them a tough question about their own football knowledge.

6) Cloke's thug act of breaking Edwards' jaw in the 2002 Prelim Final when the Crows were looking dangerous in the 3rd term.

7) The way Collingwood have made excuses and defended their players for the litany of off-field dramas over the past 5 years. Eddie going off half-cocked defending Heath Shaw was a classic. You had to feel a bit sorry for Ed when they admitted they had lied!
I think its the supporters and the way the media cover them. I have better things to do with my time then read about Collingwood.

Grand Final week 2004 they were on the Cover of the Herald-Sun 3 times............................................they didn't even make the finals that year.
I don't hate them either, I also am a little mythed about this big succesfull club thing. On their overall history they are but you simply have to look at the last 50 years to see that they are one of the bottom 4-5 clubs in the league.

They have a great President who pumps them up and most people simply buy what he says. But it must be just as hard for him to put his head on his pillow every night knowing he has an ordinary football club he is pumping up as something totally different.

But one thing i do admire is the passion of their supporters, like em or love em they really love their club and I think thats great.
By anyone's standard we are successful, 14 flags, 4 in a row, the 1st AFL premiership, the most wins of any club.. and the greatest win rate over 112 years

Collingwood's famous four premierships in a row between 1927 and 1930 became the catalyst for change to the system. The other clubs felt that the Magpies had an unfair advantage from finishing all four seasons on top of the ladder when the right of challenge saved them on a number of occasions. In 1927, 1928 and 1930, the biggest crowd of the year was drawn to the semi final and not the Grand Final. The Page-McIntyre system (or 'final four") was introduced for 1931, whereby the semi finals (1 v 2 and 3 v 4) were followed by the preliminary final and then the grand final, with the right of challenge abolished. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Afl_grand_final#Problems_With_the_System)

So really all that bragging about 4 in a row all those years ago is a crook as 3 of those years they didnt even make the GF, therefore dont deserve to be recognised as Premiers of those years.

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Where would you find that?

Google search of Milne/Montagna ought to yeild desired results.

I don't "hate" them, I just get a little over over when the supporters prattle on about "Most finals appearances EVA!".
Great buddy, but what have you got to show for it?

Collingwood FC "When just getting there is good enough"

I dont hate Collingwood.

Collingwood are a nothing team who since we joined the comp have won nothing. They only have any profile because of a large supporter base, but heck WCE and Adel have as large a supporter base and at least they have won more than 1 flag in 50 years.

I dislike how the AFL bends over backwards to skew timeslots, draws etc to favour Collingwood, yet Collingwood then thinks its helping out other sides financially when those sides could probably get themselves back on their own feet if they didnt have the prime slots stolen from them, (witness Norths Friday night takeover by Collingwood and Essendon once it became lucrative )

I dislike the fact that many of the supporters at the game are anti-social to the point where you have to watch where you take your family. As much as I despise Port, I have sat amongst their fans at games with no problems at all.
I have sat amongst Richmond fans at the dome who also cheered on my 3yo when she stood up and cheered a Crows goal, never once making us feel intimidated.

Also you keep pulling this 'why do you hate Collingwood' thing as if your side is still the side it was when you probably did generate this ill feeling. As it is you are like France, a rich nation but one that was a power so long ago that noone can remember why it still feels like it deserves to be top dog.
6) Cloke's thug act of breaking Edwards' jaw in the 2002 Prelim Final when the Crows were looking dangerous in the 3rd term.

And then have himself and his dad go on the footy show and have a cry as to how unfair it is that he cant play in the Grand Final that year.
Because their administration, players and supporters are nothing but a bunch of whining, attention seeking bitches who have nothing better to do than to manipulate stupid journalists and start dumb threads on BF all for the sole purposes of talking about themselves.
The media saturation of Eddie McGuire from the mid 90s, the culture of booing players (even if they haven't punched), the constant false advertising for being a blue collar club when they are anything but.

Most of the hate is really envy, who wouldn't want their media exposure, money and status.

Not going to say they have bogan supporters, because everyone has them.
Google search of Milne/Montagna ought to yeild desired results.

Right next to the word alleged, but lets not let the facts get in the way of a great retort about culture because it's also well alleged that neither Carlton or Collingwood are filled with males with genitals and actually procreate through spores.

To answer the OP though, the thread is ultimately a prime example of why since curiosity or not it is all about Collingwood, thus the answer is as simple as because they are Collingwood.
Then don't read it.. but Collingwood puts bums on seats and people will always use us to sell papers

Thats fine but don't cover other more important things just to have an extra Collingwood story in the paper annoys me.
I asume the OP was looking to expose the hated as "jealousy" - FAIL

Several resaons

1) Dale Thomas and the mass of up themself w***er players they continue to draft. Mark my words Dayne Beams will join this club. They do it (draft these guys) every year and then try and claim they don't have a bad culture. Stop drafting w***ers and it you won't have a bad culture.

2) The ferals: The fans have to be the most disgusting group of people as a whole. Collectively, they have more tools and bogans and ferals than any other team. Sure, they have decent ones as well. But overall, there are continually more incidents of bashings, violence, abuse etc with their fans compared to other clubs.

3) The claim to be a super massive successful club. Yes, you have money, well done, but 1 flag in 50 years. Sure, there are 13 others, but ffs, teams could finish last and win the flag in the years the pies won. Teams went off to war. Accept that as a modern day football club, you suck, and i'll be able to drop reason 3.
AS much as Collingwood are not my most favourite team - I dislike the Power more.

So much so the 2007 GF is my 3rd most fav game to watch after 97/98:D

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Why do you hate Collingwood?

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