Covid-19 Wuhan Coronavirus (COVID-19) - Part 4 - Ivermectin doesn't work either.

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Continued in Part 5:

Surely you’re trolling here. Just today, the government has laid out a roadmap for a return to a no lockdown environment. It has explicit numbers for vaccination. Therefore, those refusing vaccination impact the rest of us.

If you don’t like it, take it up with Scomo.
If only we had a roadmap for reducing the number of smokers or fat people or drug abusers or violent repeat offenders on the streets, then life would be far more convenient for the rest of us doing the right thing.
If only we had a roadmap for reducing the number of smokers or fat people or drug abusers or violent repeat offenders on the streets, then life would be far more convenient for the rest of us doing the right thing.
I suppose that’s the difference between lifestyle choices and a pandemic.
Surely you’re trolling here. Just today, the government has laid out a roadmap for a return to a no lockdown environment. It has explicit numbers for vaccination. Therefore, those refusing vaccination impact the rest of us.

If you don’t like it, take it up with Scomo.
And you want impact those who are cautious of the vaccines by denying them the universal healthcare they have helped fund. It's not only discrimination, it's theft.

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And you want to impact on those who are cautious of the vaccines by denying the universal healthcare they have helped fund. It's not only discrimination, it's theft.
Nah. They refused universal health care. They can pony up for the consequences.
Clearly, anyone who refuses free advice to do more exercise, stop smoking, stop drinking, stop eating fatty foods should be charged $4,000 per day if they get sick. If they’re not worried about getting sick they shouldn’t object, right?
Politicians aren’t locking cities down because people are smoking, d’oh.
Politicians aren’t locking cities down because people are smoking, d’oh.
Treating the ill health effects costs us all money and uses up vital health resources. Lung cancer is the most lethal form in Australia and one of the leading causes of death, with the leading being heart disease.

You love big government mandating what you do so much, let them know you want ciggies banned and people's tax to be increased for every point over an ideal body fat %.
Treating the ill health effects costs us all money and uses up vital health resources. Lung cancer is the most lethal form in Australia and one of the leading causes of death, with the leading being heart disease.

You love big government mandating what you do so much, let them know you want ciggies banned and people's tax to be increased for every point over an ideal body fat %.
Ciggies should be banned it's a no brainer. Might hit tourism dollars though.
So if they've got pneumonia no treatment.
Umm, no… everyone gets treatment. If they refuse a vaccine and get covid, they pay for it.

Eminently fair.
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Gaaawd you're dumb… everyone gets treatment. If they refuse a vaccine and get covid, they pay for it.

Eminently fair.
And if they can't afford treatment they go bankrupt like the US system. Unless of course they commit to annual boosters.

What happens to people who would rather wait for a conventional vaccine or pursue an alternative treatment?
And if they can't afford treatment they go bankrupt like the US system. Unless of course they commit to annual boosters.

What happens to people who would rather wait for a conventional vaccine or pursue an alternative treatment?
Does one really need boosters if COVID is circulating and therefore re stimulating the immune system?

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And if they can't afford treatment they go bankrupt like the US system. Unless of course they commit to annual boosters.

What happens to people who would rather wait for a conventional vaccine or pursue an alternative treatment?
They pay for the healthcare consequences. Personally I’d take the Macron approach and ban these neck beards from going anywhere. But I’m being generous.
I don't want my tax dollars going towards health care for fat people, those who smoke or those who take illicit drugs. Let's punish those people as well while we're at it. These people overload and put strain on our healthcare system, wasting resources that could go to those who are doing their part by living healthy.
Dead right. Let's deny universal healthcare to all the scumbags. The alcoholics, drug addicts, gluttons etc. We should be polling the homeless too, just to make sure they're not on the street due to poor choices.

theres a really important discussion in there somewhere that might be beyond BigFooty
I don't want my tax dollars going towards health care for fat people, those who smoke or those who take illicit drugs. Let's punish those people as well while we're at it. These people overload and put strain on our healthcare system, wasting resources that could go to those who are doing their part by living healthy.
I don't want my tax dollars going towards healthy pricks who don't need them.
You are moving the goalposts as your argument falls apart.

You started with a falsehood that Covid patients are taking up so many hospital beds that other serious illnesses are not being treated. As of July 22 Covid patients occupy 4% of NHS hospital beds. It is now the 26th leading cause of death in England, accounting for only 0.9% of all deaths registered in June. In Wales, COVID-19 accounted for 0.1% of all deaths.

How are people who refuse free advice to do more exercise, stop smoking, stop drinking, stop eating fatty foods not morons who shouldn't be subsidised?
I didn’t say anything of the sort, or can’t you read? I said it THREATENS to overwhelm hospitals. Currently there are nearly 60 in ICU from around 3,500 active cases. Almost all unvaccinated. You then refer to a country with triple our vaccination rate. Making my point for me.

This disease is clearly too dangerous to return to any sort of normal without sufficient immunisation levels. This is now explicit government policy (too little too late imho).

Personally I want to return to a situation where lockdowns are off the table. The anti vax loons seem determined to keep it there.
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You do realise that the vaccines are now being shown to be ineffective to stop infections and transmission vs Delta?

Morisson's plan is scaremongering sh*t. Likewise vaccinations will not break the NSW lockdown.
Nice how you ignore their amazing effect in stopping hospitalisations and deaths. Perhaps some of the greatest vaccines ever invented.
They pay for the healthcare consequences. Personally I’d take the Macron approach and ban these neck beards from going anywhere. But I’m being generous.
We should be banning overweight people from buying Maccas as well under this system.
Your system would also allow free immunotherapy for kids with allergies rather than free EPO for type 2 diabetics.

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Pfizer says we will, and what would they have to gain from pushing vaccines on us that aren't needed?

It's a brainbuster.

And meanwhile AZ which is not profiting from vaccine (reportedly) is demonised.
We should be banning overweight people from buying Maccas as well under this system.
Your system would also allow free immunotherapy for kids with allergies rather than free EPO for type 2 diabetics.

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And meanwhile AZ which is not profiting from vaccine (reportedly) is demonised.

I’m not proposing a “system”. I’m proposing a simple binary choice. Whatever logical progressions you come up with they’re entirely yours.
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