Covid-19 Wuhan Coronavirus (COVID-19) - Part 4 - Ivermectin doesn't work either.

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Continued in Part 5:

Look out, MAGA alert.
I think it's very acceptable, if each of those 1000 have made the choice to take on a virus, and thus risk spreading it onto others who have not chosen that option, rather than getting a simple, free and safe injection.
How does one make the choice to take on a virus? Vaccinated people can be infected with and spread the virus.
I know a few lefties. They all hate the lockdown.
The BF SRP lefties love them.
Just got off a conference call, which included a guy in the USA.

Everyone in their plant has a choice , be fully vaccinated or have a covid test every week. The unvaccinated also have an app they need to use, where they report how they feel each day, and they have to invest in IR temperature scanning.

In the area where they are , they are never going to get a high vaccine take up.

In the last week they had something like 20 people with Covid.

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How does one make the choice to take on a virus? Vaccinated people can be infected with and spread the virus.

This argument is so tiring at this point.....

Yes you can spread it and potentially catch it if vaccinated, although both of these are heavily reduced.

The headline is this, since January this year only 1.2% of Coronavirus deaths in UK hospitals have been from fully vaccinated people. The other 98% are from those not vaccinated or only 1 jab. How is this data not obvious?

By getting the vaccine, you are reducing your chance of requiring a hospital bed signficantly and therefore putting strain on the system.
This argument is so tiring at this point.....

Yes you can spread it and potentially catch it if vaccinated, although both of these are heavily reduced.
Do you have stats or a peer reviewed study as evidence?
The headline is this, since January this year only 1.2% of Coronavirus deaths in UK hospitals have been from fully vaccinated people. The other 98% are from those not vaccinated or only 1 jab. How is this data not obvious?

By getting the vaccine, you are reducing your chance of requiring a hospital bed signficantly and therefore putting strain on the system.
I'm aware. That wasn't my argument. Nuance isn't your strong suit.
I'm at the stage of fu** it, let the anti vaxers go and do what they want. Just triage them to the back of the health system queue. Freedom of choice is not freedom of consequences.
Should their Medicare levy be reduced?
You can look at the data here.

So if you are aware of it, was relevance is bringing up anecdotal evidence that you can 'still catch COVID' with the vaccine?

Your claim is
Yes you can spread it and potentially catch it if vaccinated, although both of these are heavily reduced.
Please provide relevant evidence rather than diversions. Thanks.
You're the one that brought the "If Trump did this, then ..." bollocks into it. Hence the MAGA alert.

How does one make the choice to take on a virus? Vaccinated people can be infected with and spread the virus.
Well, if you choose to avoid a vaccine that helps prevent the infection, and almost entirely prevents the accompanying disease, you are clearly making a choice to allow your own immune system to take it on.

Dr Norman Swan often cites peer reviewed research on the greater reduction in transmission and viral loads of vaccinated individuals on the daily Coronacast. It's a podcast - I very rarely take the trouble to write down the links. There's never been any suggestion that it totally prevents infection or transmission.

The BF SRP lefties love them.
Why? I don't get it. I'm in the field of child psychology and I can tell you the only people in the world I've met who have taken a liking to the lockdowns are autistic children. And they, to my knowledge, have very little in the way of political leanings.
It's a crazy turn of events, yes. For once we agree.

The right are fighting for freedom. The left are fighting for police brutality.

Why would I want to involve myself in that sh*t? I'll ride out the storm until my favourite restaurants, pubs, and retail stores open again.

The right are fighting for freedom when it will be handed back fight free in a couple of weeks/months. LOL.

The left are fighting for police brutality because, let's be honest, a couple of knocks to the head with a baton is what those #manbabynazis deserve.
The right are fighting for freedom when it will be handed back fight free in a couple of weeks/months. LOL.

The left are fighting for police brutality because, let's be honest, a couple of knocks to the head with a baton is what those #manbabynazis deserve.
We'll see. The narrative keeps shifting and you lockdown junkies never seem to notice it.

We're still flattening the curve, right?

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I'm not a lefty, I don't like viruses.
I don't like lockdowns, but i can see the obvious need for it.
I don't like anti maskers and people who ignore lockdowns and the loons in the city because they did everything in their power to ensure the lockdown remained.

I can't make the virus go away by throwing a big group tantrum, and it wont make the need for lockdown to go away.
Heh well if they want a user pay health services sure.
I'm not against giving that option to unvaxxed people if it keeps everyone happy. It seems unfair to place unvaccinated people at the end of the queue for their personal choice unless we apply the same standard to smokers and obese people.
I'm not against giving that option to unvaxxed people if it keeps everyone happy. It seems unfair to place unvaccinated people at the end of the queue for their personal choice unless we apply the same standard to smokers and obese people.

Medical insurance company, pandemic special. Pay for two comorbidities, and we'll throw in the third for free.
Look out, MAGA alert.

I think it's very acceptable, if each of those 1000 have made the choice to take on a virus, and thus risk spreading it onto others who have not chosen that option, rather than getting a simple, free and safe injection.

I know a few lefties. They all hate the lockdown.
Lockdowns aren't a response of the left. That's why.
We'll see. The narrative keeps shifting and you lockdown junkies never seem to notice it.

We're still flattening the curve, right?

We've had '5G', 'Gates','it's just the flu', 'mental health', 'kids mental health', 'kids/school','dictator', 'police state', 'look at Sweden, I mean Singapore, I mean Israel', 'fake tradies'....what's next?
We've had '5G', 'Gates','it's just the flu', 'mental health', 'kids mental health', 'kids/school','dictator', 'police state', 'look at Sweden, I mean Singapore, I mean Israel', 'fake tradies'....what's next?
Only a RWNJ doesn't care about kids mental health and schooling. When did you turn?
Believe it or not , not everyone has a political agenda in this.

Some of us would just like to get things back to normal.
Yep, totally. Anybody who thinks any of this would've been hugely different had it been Albanese rather than Morrison or O'Brien/Guy rather than Andrews is kidding themselves.

The major parties are effectively Coles and Woolworths in this country.
The original had the filmer saying "heeee's back" at the start. That seems to have been cut out because too many people realised that something was going on before the bit you see here. We simply don't know what was going on in the time immediately prior to the tackle.

There is an ongoing theme of "trying to make the police look bad".
They have used an old lady disguise and they edit videos carefully to support this agenda.

You are getting into tinfoil hat territory.

I don't care how you edit that video the copper slammed the guy's head to the ground. It could have caused severe brain trauma, debilitating spinal injuries, even death.

You keep doubling down on the 'old lady disguise'. Was she an old lady or a trans guy? Either way, how does it make it right to push them to the ground and blast pepper spray in their face?

Did the alt-right media concont the story when the mentally ill guy was slammed by a police car then left in a coma as the police head-stomped him then doused him with capsicum spray? Strangely the officers concerned "forgot" to switch their body-cams on.
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