Covid-19 Wuhan Coronavirus (COVID-19) - Part 4 - Ivermectin doesn't work either.

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Continued in Part 5:

Look at the police numbers and equipment. They corralled the protesters to the Shrine then started shooting them and charging them with horses. Then the Ministry of Propaganda kicks in - Zoh Mah Gawd these scumbags disrespected the Shrine!
Really? Are you seriously going all-in for these arseholes? With all of the genuinely horrific human stories to emerge out of the pandemic and lockdowns, is this really the hill you want to die on?

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Look at the police numbers and equipment. They corralled the protesters to the Shrine then started shooting them and charging them with horses. Then the Ministry of Propaganda kicks in - Zoh Mah Gawd these scumbags disrespected the Shrine!
Whilst scumbags kick dogs, spit in woman’s face on the bridge, charge at police, destroy police cars, go against health advice etc etc ?
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Apparently in Australia now its not appropriate for police to stop people from breaking the law. :/

It's all about proportionate response.

I'm not sure the police have proportionately responded to some of these situations, or attempted to de-escalate them sufficiently.

I'm sure in some cases it's been reasonable and proportionate, but that doesn't excuse the cases where it isn't.
Look at the police numbers and equipment. They corralled the protesters to the Shrine then started shooting them and charging them with horses. Then the Ministry of Propaganda kicks in - Zoh Mah Gawd these scumbags disrespected the Shrine!
Wrong again. They were given an avenue to leave peacefully. Some left, others didn't. The hardcore remained to clash with the police and to film themselves. The ones who remained are just hoodlums, no better than soccer hooligans with nothing better to do than to clash with police.
It's all about proportionate response.

I'm not sure the police have proportionately responded to some of these situations, or attempted to de-escalate them sufficiently.

I'm sure in some cases it's been reasonable and proportionate, but that doesn't excuse the cases where it isn't.

To me , one of that crowd's agenda items is to make the police look bad.
Every cop has a mobile device aimed at them.
Some people fall for their bullshit.

That whole "old lady" thing seems like a plant to that end.
To me , one of that crowd's agenda items is to make the police look bad.
Every cop has a mobile device aimed at them.
Some people fall for their bullshit.

That whole "old lady" thing seems like a plant to that end.
The protest leadership uses social media to spread disinformation. The "old lady" trick is a prime example.
It's all about proportionate response.

I'm not sure the police have proportionately responded to some of these situations, or attempted to de-escalate them sufficiently.

I'm sure in some cases it's been reasonable and proportionate, but that doesn't excuse the cases where it isn't.
I'm not sure how the police are supposed to deal with hooliganism. What is the best practice in Europe for dealing with soccer hooligans?
Whilst scumbags kick dogs, spit in woman’s face on the bridge, charge at police, destroy police cars, go against health advice etc etc ?

It was a disorganised rabble. Of course there will be some bad behaviour. No one would defend it but I've seen worse by Leeds United fans at a game.

Organised peaceful protest has been prohibited by Victoria's extended State of Emergency since March last year. 19 continuous months. At what point do you think protests should go ahead despite the state banning them? Two years? Maybe three?

The behaviour of Vic police certainly deserves scrutiny. There's plenty of evidence that they have been the instigators of violence against peaceful protesters, and creating the situations that inflame the situation rather than defuse it. Is it really necessary to charge into a peaceful crowd with horses, or shoot people as they are running away from the shrine? This is the responsibility of the tactical commanders. As was the call to block media access of the fly zone coverage of the incidents. What do they have to hide?

Then you have rogue coppers who are pushing old ladies to the ground and spraying them in the face with pepper spray, or spraying journalists in the face. Any arrest seems to be a slam to the ground. It's like these young police grads think they can get away with anything right now. That is not a good environment for our society.

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Then you have rogue coppers who are pushing old ladies to the ground and spraying them in the face with pepper spray, or spraying journalists in the face. Any arrest seems to be a slam to the ground. It's like these young police grads think they can get away with anything right now. That is not a good environment for our society.

Then you have rogue coppers who are pushing old ladies to the ground and spraying them in the face with pepper spray, or spraying journalists in the face. Any arrest seems to be a slam to the ground. It's like these young police grads think they can get away with anything right now. That is not a good environment for our society.
That's already been debunked. There is an avalanche of misinformation now on social media.
Organised peaceful protest has been prohibited by Victoria's extended State of Emergency since March last year. 19 continuous months. At what point do you think protests should go ahead despite the state banning them? Two years? Maybe three?
Well when the lockdowns are over. We are under a state of emergency because of a pandemic and the state is following the National plan laid down by National cabinet. The sooner people vaccinate and we hit the targets the less restrictions again as per National plan.

The vaccines have been tested. Other vaccines such as polio, whooping cough, smallpox sometimes still have side effects with a small percentage of population. These diseases barely exist these days and there is clear correlation between rates of vaccinations in every country and decrease in those diseases. Yet here we are during a pandemic and there are unqualified ****wits running around virtually saying ‘how dare you try and help me’. Just f***** extraordinary state of affairs.
sorted is a misinformation superspreader.

Chief any chance of awarding him a forum medal thing as a disclaimer?
Or just kick him out of this thread like I was from the Conspiracy thread. For being a trouble maker. Can you believe that?

The original had the filmer saying "heeee's back" at the start. That seems to have been cut out because too many people realised that something was going on before the bit you see here. We simply don't know what was going on in the time immediately prior to the tackle.

There is an ongoing theme of "trying to make the police look bad".
They have used an old lady disguise and they edit videos carefully to support this agenda.
So go ahead, dismiss it , ignore it and pretend it doesn't matter.
Why is it on me? Why doesn't the person show the whole footage instead of just 12 secs of it. Where's the responsibility of the original poster of this footage? Maybe if I saw that I could come to some conclusion as to what happened instead of just "I hate the Police"?
So go ahead, dismiss it , ignore it and pretend it doesn't matter.

It doesn't matter when its fabricated without full context . Either you are ignorant to the manipulation being attempted or you are supporting and pushing it.

The police investigate legitimate claims of brutality. They will investigate this one if there's anything to it. Do the rabble hold their own accountable?
Or just kick him out of this thread like I was from the Conspiracy thread. For being a trouble maker. Can you believe that?

That's weird - some of them were actually calling for violence a few days back.
I originally went in there with competing conspiracies about the antivax crisis actors. They certainly weren't happy!
They seemed to think it was a safe space echo chamber at first.
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