Covid-19 Wuhan Coronavirus (COVID-19) - Part 4 - Ivermectin doesn't work either.

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Continued in Part 5:

You are getting into tinfoil hat territory.

I don't care how you edit that video the copper slammed the guy's head to the ground. It could have caused severe brain trauma, debilitating spinal injuries, even death.

You keep doubling down on the 'old lady disguise'. Was she an old lady or a trans guy? Either way, how does it make it right to push them to the ground and blast pepper spray in their face?

Did the alt-right media concont the story when the mentally ill guy was slammed by a police car then left in a coma as the police head-stomped him then doused him with capsicum spray? Strangely the officers concerned "forgot" to switch their body-cams on.

I don't know what the police criteria is for physically restraining a violent person ( which he may well have been in the obviously cropped video ).
If it was an AFL game , how many weeks would they have got?

looked like a legit tackle to me.

From your post, you are either riding the same agenda as them, or are ignorant to their media tactics.
You don't seem the ignorant type.
Jumping into this thread nearly 400 pages in ... but ...

I would love to give all those manboynazis and manboyeschaes a real kicking. However, if I did I'd quite rightly be charged with assault. I am glad that our police force is upholding the public safety measures that the CHO has set, but they could be doing so with a little less violence.

Tear gas is fine, pepper spray is fine. Body slamming people into hard floors is not.
I'm at the stage of fu** it, let the anti vaxers go and do what they want. Just triage them to the back of the health system queue. Freedom of choice is not freedom of consequences.

I agree with this, once we ensure that everyone who wants the vaccine has had it. The frustrating thing about their current behaviour is that we'll be opening up with higher current cases in the community than necessary. While delta is a nightmare to contain it is clear that there is nowhere near 100% compliance with the public health measures. Have the zombies roam around on Saturday's and the last week has definitely added to that.

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You are getting into tinfoil hat territory.

I don't care how you edit that video the copper slammed the guy's head to the ground. It could have caused severe brain trauma, debilitating spinal injuries, even death.

You keep doubling down on the 'old lady disguise'. Was she an old lady or a trans guy? Either way, how does it make it right to push them to the ground and blast pepper spray in their face?

Did the alt-right media concont the story when the mentally ill guy was slammed by a police car then left in a coma as the police head-stomped him then doused him with capsicum spray? Strangely the officers concerned "forgot" to switch their body-cams on.

Yes i know you are happy to accept obvious propoganda.
It's quite a funny/sad/depressing thing to watch Australia from afar.

Im so ****ing glad I don't live there!

Your politicians are out of control!

Your Police are out of control!

It's easier for me to travel to North Korea right now than it is for me to travel to the country I was born in.
It's quite a funny/sad/depressing thing to watch Australia from afar.

Im so ******* glad I don't live there!

Your politicians are out of control!

Your Police are out of control!

It's easier for me to travel to North Korea right now than it is for me to travel to the country I was born in.
Must look shithouse.
My missus is from Belfast and her mum rang Wednesday night in tears worried about us, pleading for us to move there (who ever would have thought you’d hear anyone ever say that!)and we had to explain that whilst fed up to the eyeballs we weren’t in amongst all the **** wits.
She actually said it looked and sounded like we were living in East Berlin from another time 😂. Not funny but funny if you know what I mean.
It's quite a funny/sad/depressing thing to watch Australia from afar.

Im so ******* glad I don't live there!

Your politicians are out of control!

Your Police are out of control!

It's easier for me to travel to North Korea right now than it is for me to travel to the country I was born in.

I’m incredibly glad I live here. I live in a place that respects its vulnerable enough not to let the virus rip.
The crazies have popped up now but are a tiny proportion of the population.
If Trump used hard lockdowns enforced by police in riot gear armed with pepper spray and rubber bullets, the lefties on bf would be shitting on the tactic.
perhaps, although the lefties would have cheered if this was the tactic used on Jan 6
Look out, MAGA alert.

I think it's very acceptable, if each of those 1000 have made the choice to take on a virus, and thus risk spreading it onto others who have not chosen that option, rather than getting a simple, free and safe injection.

I know a few lefties. They all hate the lockdown.
can't be every single one, there is a level of unavoidable death even with vaccination (thinking older patients with comorbidity who are vaccinated - eg like the flu). FWIW the unavoidable death number for Victoria alone seems to sit around the 900 by end of Jan 2022 (from the Burnett modelling of events if lockdown was to continue until then)
You're resorting to the same style of argument used by anti-choicers.

Many prefer lockdown to acceptance of a small number of deaths. They're pro-lockdown.
for clarity, what is your definition of "small".
And for clarity I'm pro the current roadmap and no return to lockdowns for COVID. And proper economic analysis and modelling to inform future choices.
(such modelling may conclude we should have let it rip during the original COVID as life years lost were less per life lost - being predominantly nursing home/ aged care patients with less life years and less functionality in those years - compared to lives lost now due to lack of immunity which we are seeing in the yet to be vaccinated parts of population)
ACT just rolling along with what would be the equivalent in terms of per capita of NSW having 300 to 600 cases a day. It's not surprising, compliance is low and efforts to enforce compliance are worse with the police pretty well absent and if they are around ignoring people breaking the rules especially mask less teenagers spending all day at shopping centres.

Although according to store managers, under policing is the norm in Canberra and crims are generally treated as victims.

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can't be every single one, there is a level of unavoidable death even with vaccination (thinking older patients with comorbidity who are vaccinated - eg like the flu). FWIW the unavoidable death number for Victoria alone seems to sit around the 900 by end of Jan 2022 (from the Burnett modelling of events if lockdown was to continue until then)
Yeah, it's kind of unavoidable for sure. Hopefully not on the scale of Europe, USA and South America though, and hopefully only kills those who wilfully avoid the vaccine and not those who are medically unsuitable to have it.
for clarity, what is your definition of "small".
And for clarity I'm pro the current roadmap and no return to lockdowns for COVID. And proper economic analysis and modelling to inform future choices.
(such modelling may conclude we should have let it rip during the original COVID as life years lost were less per life lost - being predominantly nursing home/ aged care patients with less life years and less functionality in those years - compared to lives lost now due to lack of immunity which we are seeing in the yet to be vaccinated parts of population)
Many nations have been able to contain deaths to around 0.1-0.2% of total population with an even smaller number of excess deaths. I consider that number small.

At this point, yes, the best course of action is probably to wait for 70/80% vacc targets to be hit before opening up. Let's not kid ourselves though, we'll resort to the use of lockdowns even after those targets are hit. Meanwhile, other places in the world are dropping virtually all covid safe measures. Melbourne is a health dictatorship right now.
I’m incredibly glad I live here. I live in a place that respects its vulnerable enough not to let the virus rip.
The crazies have popped up now but are a tiny proportion of the population.

Did you want to visit a hospital before giving such opinions. 98.9 percent of beds in use. 50 percent elective surgery running and the worst hospital waiting times in W.A history. If we respected the vulnerable we wouldn’t treat them in hallways, make them wait 4 hours to see a doctor and also wouldn’t have situations where parents are begging doctors to see there child as she died in the hallway unseen...

I get where you are coming from because you are believing what the media tell you. The media story though is that. A story. Reality is where you need to be and the reality is that in 2021, Western Australia’s vulnerable are in a worse spot then ever before
Meanwhile in the sane world:



Melbourne is a health dictatorship right now.
Yeah I guess it is. But is that necessarily a bad thing? Throwing around words like "dictatorship" are suitably inflammatory make nice banner content and serve nicely to put the wind up those of us who rightly oppose totalitarian control with it's historical connotations, but it's very naïve and disrespectful to anyone who has survived or perished in a genuine despotic state to use such terms to describe how we currently live in the relative security of our society. And anyway, there are moments in time where even in a democracy, such as in a pandemic emergency, that a version of autocratic rule is suitable and appropriate while it persists at it's height.

If there is a large bushfire in our area, I don't want officials forming a series of subcommittees and voting on the best course to best suit all interests. I want strong, decisive leadership from the person or people mandated and charged with running the show - the captain of the local MFB or CFA or SES or whatever - to allocate the resources to where they're required and get as many people out unscathed as possible. Potential victims just want the damn thing put out, their loved ones safe, and we'll assess and address the damage to emotions and pride afterwards.

Now, whether or not our Federal various State governments have been able to properly do that is another debate entirely.
Many nations have been able to contain deaths to around 0.1-0.2% of total population with an even smaller number of excess deaths. I consider that number small.

At this point, yes, the best course of action is probably to wait for 70/80% vacc targets to be hit before opening up. Let's not kid ourselves though, we'll resort to the use of lockdowns even after those targets are hit. Meanwhile, other places in the world are dropping virtually all covid safe measures. Melbourne is a health dictatorship right now.
My hope (yes hope) is that Denmark shows itself to do well going into winter with no restrictions and 80% vaccination providing evidence going forward.
And your definition of small is 5k to 10k death in Victoria which is higher than the roadmap models.
Did you want to visit a hospital before giving such opinions. 98.9 percent of beds in use. 50 percent elective surgery running and the worst hospital waiting times in W.A history. If we respected the vulnerable we wouldn’t treat them in hallways, make them wait 4 hours to see a doctor and also wouldn’t have situations where parents are begging doctors to see there child as she died in the hallway unseen...

I get where you are coming from because you are believing what the media tell you. The media story though is that. A story. Reality is where you need to be and the reality is that in 2021, Western Australia’s vulnerable are in a worse spot then ever before

Seems you are believing the media stories when you quote a single highly publicised incident and present it as the norm.

I have visited plenty of hospitals, too many for my liking in the last 8 years.
There is a problem with our hospital system, no doubt. If the Triage system works then the wait times are pretty reasonable, but that has fallen down there.

We rely on supply nurses and doctors rather than actually employing them directly, so we end up with understaffing and inexperienced workers when full time staff have time off. I believe the hospital system needs a boost in staff funding so that we have too many health workers, so that when the shit hits the fan, there are still enough on the wards. Poach the supply workers; give them stability of employment and flexibility in work hours, and **** off the private employment companies that benefit most from a health crisis.

Meantime, yesterday I had a great time at the GF. Over 60,000 people and I saw 2 masks.
If Gladys had shown some leadership when Delta got out, or put up a boundary around Sydney to protect the rest of her state and country, then Victoria wouldn’t have been inundated with so many entry points of the virus.

If the selfish ****wits who ignore the health directives grew a brain, then there wouldn’t be as much spread. We look at the morons crying “mah freedom” and shake our heads.
Yeah I guess it is. But is that necessarily a bad thing? Throwing around words like "dictatorship" are suitably inflammatory make nice banner content and serve nicely to put the wind up those of us who rightly oppose totalitarian control with it's historical connotations, but it's very naïve and disrespectful to anyone who has survived or perished in a genuine despotic state to use such terms to describe how we currently live in the relative security of our society. And anyway, there are moments in time where even in a democracy, such as in a pandemic emergency, that a version of autocratic rule is suitable and appropriate while it persists at it's height.

If there is a large bushfire in our area, I don't want officials forming a series of subcommittees and voting on the best course to best suit all interests. I want strong, decisive leadership from the person or people mandated and charged with running the show - the captain of the local MFB or CFA or SES or whatever - to allocate the resources to where they're required and get as many people out unscathed as possible. Potential victims just want the damn thing put out, their loved ones safe, and we'll assess and address the damage to emotions and pride afterwards.

Now, whether or not our Federal various State governments have been able to properly do that is another debate entirely.
In the same vein, isn't it also disrespectful to compare covid to war or a bushfire?

Anyone who wants to protect themselves from covid is capable of doing so. Coles and Woolies do click and collect, and their staff will put the groceries in the boot of your car. Home delivery is available for anything you want. I had a car delivered to my home free of charge during lockdown because the dealership was outside my 5km radius.

Are we all at risk? Sure, to some extent. I'd argue that young healthy people are at more risk from extended lockdown than they ever were from covid. I know several cases of kids of friends and colleagues who've developed mental illness during lockdown, and I don't believe it's coincidental.

Does the captain of any fire fighter authority force people to stay at home during a bushfire? Not that I'm aware. They give instructions and let you make your own decisions.

Using thousands of cops in riot gear armed with rubber bullets to disperse protestors is a direct attack on our democratic rights afaic.
Seems you are believing the media stories when you quote a single highly publicised incident and present it as the norm.

I have visited plenty of hospitals, too many for my liking in the last 8 years.
There is a problem with our hospital system, no doubt. If the Triage system works then the wait times are pretty reasonable, but that has fallen down there.

We rely on supply nurses and doctors rather than actually employing them directly, so we end up with understaffing and inexperienced workers when full time staff have time off. I believe the hospital system needs a boost in staff funding so that we have too many health workers, so that when the sh*t hits the fan, there are still enough on the wards. Poach the supply workers; give them stability of employment and flexibility in work hours, and fu** off the private employment companies that benefit most from a health crisis.

Meantime, yesterday I had a great time at the GF. Over 60,000 people and I saw 2 masks.
If Gladys had shown some leadership when Delta got out, or put up a boundary around Sydney to protect the rest of her state and country, then Victoria wouldn’t have been inundated with so many entry points of the virus.

If the selfish *******s who ignore the health directives grew a brain, then there wouldn’t be as much spread. We look at the morons crying “mah freedom” and shake our heads.
Victoria hasn't been able to contain the spread of delta even with a hard lockdown. WA is a far more isolated state that lacks the border towns between Vic/NSW or NSW/QLD. You're comparing apples and oranges.

WA has effectively isolated itself from the outside world. It's going to be a hard sell to change strategy.
My hope (yes hope) is that Denmark shows itself to do well going into winter with no restrictions and 80% vaccination providing evidence going forward.
And your definition of small is 5k to 10k death in Victoria which is higher than the roadmap models.
Anyone who wants to protect themselves from covid can stay inside. Nobody is forcing anyone to die.
Victoria hasn't been able to contain the spread of delta even with a hard lockdown. WA is a far more isolated state that lacks the border towns between Vic/NSW or NSW/QLD. You're comparing apples and oranges.

WA has effectively isolated itself from the outside world. It's going to be a hard sell to change strategy.

I chatted with two South Australians at the footy yesterday. Both had flown over for the GF. We have isolated ourselves from places with the virus.

It’s true, the isolation of WA has helped reduce the number of incursions of the virus. But so has quick, effective lockdowns when there has been an outbreak, or the hint of an outbreak.
Queensland has performed well too, even though they have a closer border to NSW. Their lockdowns have also worked.

The problem was NSW. They never really had what we in WA would call a lockdown, at least until the horse had well and truly bolted. They never stopped intra state travel and indigenous communities in the west of the state suffered greatly as a result. And because Gladys’ aim was never to eliminate the virus but to “live with it”, people are dying with it.
She has been a monumental failure.
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