Covid-19 Wuhan Coronavirus (COVID-19) - Part 4 - Ivermectin doesn't work either.

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Continued in Part 5:

Meanwhile in the sane world:




Worth noting that they are far ahead of us in terms of vaccine coverage but good to see.
Completely agree. It's scary to see how many authoritarian nutjobs are out there.

In a pandemic such as this....we want to stop it spreading.

If we can stop people gathering together and breathing each others phlem , we can stop it spreading.
This doesn't work when you make it optional. It requires everyone to do it.
Most people can understand this....its pretty simple. Funny how the ones that don't understand it label them nutjobs.
Funny how those who can't understand something so simple consider themselves "evolved".

Either that or they are just selfish , think that it wont affect them, and don't give a damn about anyone else.
In a pandemic such as this....we want to stop it spreading.

If we can stop people gathering together and breathing each others phlem , we can stop it spreading.
This doesn't work when you make it optional. It requires everyone to do it.
Most people can understand this....its pretty simple. Funny how the ones that don't understand it label them nutjobs.
Funny how those who can't understand something so simple consider themselves "evolved".

Either that or they are just selfish , think that it wont affect them, and don't give a damn about anyone else.
If we all saw speed signs on the side of the road that offered advice only and weren’t policed a fair amount of people would drive faster.

Victoria haven’t policed anything. NSW were criticised for taking a long time to lockdown, but when they did (and quite rightly only LGA’s affected) they policed what mattered. Businesses managing check-ins, construction sites etc. We did none of that, so the result has been we’ve not only been the most locked down place on the planet but we’ve got cases that will probably exceed NSW soon (even with much lower population).

Daniel Andrew’s handling of this pandemic couldn’t have been more worse. You couldn’t script it. The second wave was because he gave a tender to security guards in hotel quarantine without them even being part of the procurement panel. He lied in the enquiry and sacked one of the few integral ministers he had with no shame to blame her. He has let construction run without lockdown for 18 months whilst they’ve disregarded all Covid safe policies other businesses would be shut down for. He’s pulled the pin on elective surgeries in our second wave, crippling our private hospitals, he‘s created insanely inconsistent and illogical rules all geared towards his union votes at the sacrifice of families and children. I cant believe he is still here. Blows my mind. Narcissists are very bad people to meet. Having one as your state leader during a pandemic, holy cow that’s why we’re the worst affected place on Earth with Covid.

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12 months ago the Andrews government were being criticised (albeit mainly just from Sky News) for not bringing in the army to oversee hotel quarantine. As if having soldiers in the hotels would prompt returned travellers to stay in their suites. Now the same muckrakers are getting their knickers in a twist about the optics of having guns, camo and a military-style vehicle on our streets to counter violent protests and ensuing riots? Astounding.
12 months ago the Andrews government were being criticised (albeit mainly just from Sky News) for not bringing in the army to oversee hotel quarantine. As if having soldiers in the hotels would prompt returned travellers to stay in their suites. Now the same muckrakers are getting their knickers in a twist about the optics of having guns, camo and a military-style vehicle on our streets to counter violent protests and ensuing riots? Astounding.



Lockdowns suppressed Covid, but may lead to other problems
The country is also suffering because of a lack of immunity. While lockdowns, social distancing, isolation and masks kept Covid-19 down, it also prevented other diseases from circulating.

In the 52 weeks to the week ending July 11, 2021, there was a decrease in the number of reported infectious illnesses across diseases such as mumps (-72 per cent), rubella (-84 per cent) or yellow fever (-100 per cent) compared to the pre-pandemic five year average.

Last year, the influenza-like illness rate peaked at 3.8 per 100,000, compared to a peak of 59 per 100,000 in 2017/2018.

While this undoubtedly saved lives, we are beginning to experience a rise in infectious diseases that could hit us harder than ever this winter as we have less protection than normal.

The danger is that these added pressures on the NHS will force the Government into locking down the country again this winter, mandating masks and work from home rules.

If it does, we could end up in a perpetuating state of low-immunity in winter that it will be difficult to escape from. The Covid-19 response may have inadvertently created an ongoing health crisis from which there is no way back.

Lockdowns suppressed Covid, but may lead to other problems
The country is also suffering because of a lack of immunity. While lockdowns, social distancing, isolation and masks kept Covid-19 down, it also prevented other diseases from circulating.

In the 52 weeks to the week ending July 11, 2021, there was a decrease in the number of reported infectious illnesses across diseases such as mumps (-72 per cent), rubella (-84 per cent) or yellow fever (-100 per cent) compared to the pre-pandemic five year average.

Last year, the influenza-like illness rate peaked at 3.8 per 100,000, compared to a peak of 59 per 100,000 in 2017/2018.

While this undoubtedly saved lives, we are beginning to experience a rise in infectious diseases that could hit us harder than ever this winter as we have less protection than normal.

The danger is that these added pressures on the NHS will force the Government into locking down the country again this winter, mandating masks and work from home rules.

If it does, we could end up in a perpetuating state of low-immunity in winter that it will be difficult to escape from. The Covid-19 response may have inadvertently created an ongoing health crisis from which there is no way back.

From the article.

Since the beginning of July, there have been thousands of excess deaths that were not caused by coronavirus.​
According to health experts, this is highly unusual for the summer. Although excess deaths are expected during the winter months, when cold weather and seasonal infections combine to place pressure on the NHS, summer generally sees a lull.​
This year is a worrying outlier.​
According to the Office for National Statistics (ONS), since July 2 there have been 9,619 excess deaths in England and Wales, of which 48 per cent (4,635) were not caused by Covid-19.​
So if all these extra people are not dying from coronavirus, what is killing them?​

They seem remarkably incurious about the possible adverse effects from the vaccines that were introduced to the masses in world record time. This factor should at least be considered.

Peter Schirmacher with the University of Heidelberg in Germany reports that his group has studied 40 people who have died within two weeks of vaccination; he concluded that around 30% to 40% of the total did truly die from the vaccine. This particular researcher believes that the overall deaths following vaccination are underreported. Yet the mainstream here in Germany disagrees—such as the Standing Vaccination Commission and the prestigious Paul Ehrlich Institute. As is the case in most developed worlds, actually proving the vaccines cause deaths is very difficult.​

Schirmacher has called for more autopsy evidence.

From the article.

Since the beginning of July, there have been thousands of excess deaths that were not caused by coronavirus.​
According to health experts, this is highly unusual for the summer. Although excess deaths are expected during the winter months, when cold weather and seasonal infections combine to place pressure on the NHS, summer generally sees a lull.​
This year is a worrying outlier.​
According to the Office for National Statistics (ONS), since July 2 there have been 9,619 excess deaths in England and Wales, of which 48 per cent (4,635) were not caused by Covid-19.​
So if all these extra people are not dying from coronavirus, what is killing them?​

They seem remarkably incurious about the possible adverse effects from the vaccines that were introduced to the masses in world record time. This factor should at least be considered.

Peter Schirmacher with the University of Heidelberg in Germany reports that his group has studied 40 people who have died within two weeks of vaccination; he concluded that around 30% to 40% of the total did truly die from the vaccine. This particular researcher believes that the overall deaths following vaccination are underreported. Yet the mainstream here in Germany disagrees—such as the Standing Vaccination Commission and the prestigious Paul Ehrlich Institute. As is the case in most developed worlds, actually proving the vaccines cause deaths is very difficult.​

Schirmacher has called for more autopsy evidence.

The article you responded to suggests the excess deaths were cause by an overloaded health system.
People with heart conditions for example were not getting the treatment they would have normally.

So they didn't die of Covid , but they died because of Covid.

Alarmingly, many of these conditions saw the biggest drops in diagnosis in 2020, as the NHS struggled to cope with the pandemic
The article you responded to suggests the excess deaths were cause by an overloaded health system.
People with heart conditions for example were not getting the treatment they would have normally.

So they didn't die of Covid , but they died because of Covid.

Alarmingly, many of these conditions saw the biggest drops in diagnosis in 2020, as the NHS struggled to cope with the pandemic
He was attempting to link the extra deaths to the vaccines.

So if all these extra people are not dying from coronavirus, what is killing them?

They seem remarkably incurious about the possible adverse effects from the vaccines that were introduced to the masses in world record time. This factor should at least be considered.

As per usual it's hearsay not backed up with data or evidence.
The article you responded to suggests the excess deaths were cause by an overloaded health system.
People with heart conditions for example were not getting the treatment they would have normally.

So they didn't die of Covid , but they died because of Covid.

Alarmingly, many of these conditions saw the biggest drops in diagnosis in 2020, as the NHS struggled to cope with the pandemic

That's not people dying because of Covid. The suggestion in the article was that it was due to the health system's response to Covid. The people not getting treatment for heart conditions, cancer and many other serious conditions was not factored into the general response to the pandemic. Sick old people were kicked out of hospitals into care homes. It was almost impossible to see a GP in the UK for months on end, and millions of essential diagnoses and treatments were cancelled. Apparently there are 5.6 million people, that's about one in every 10 people in England, who are waiting for treatments such as knee and hip replacements, cataract surgery and other common procedures.

But that's a separate issue. My point was that the article did not even consider the possible adverse effects from vaccines that were
  • of a technology never used before on humans
  • introduced to the masses in world record time
  • with contracts that insisted on indemnity from action from adverse effects
  • by companies that have spent more on political lobbying and campaign contributions than any other
I'm just saying it should be included in the discussion of why there have been thousands of excess deaths.
That's not people dying because of Covid. The suggestion in the article was that it was due to the health system's response to Covid. The people not getting treatment for heart conditions, cancer and many other serious conditions was not factored into the general response to the pandemic. Sick old people were kicked out of hospitals into care homes. It was almost impossible to see a GP in the UK for months on end, and millions of essential diagnoses and treatments were cancelled. Apparently there are 5.6 million people, that's about one in every 10 people in England, who are waiting for treatments such as knee and hip replacements, cataract surgery and other common procedures.

But that's a separate issue. My point was that the article did not even consider the possible adverse effects from vaccines that were
  • of a technology never used before on humans
  • introduced to the masses in world record time
  • with contracts that insisted on indemnity from action from adverse effects
  • by companies that have spent more on political lobbying and campaign contributions than any other
I'm just saying it should be included in the discussion of why there have been thousands of excess deaths.
Exactly, government response to Covid is what got all these extra people killed.

Shutting down; dentists, heart surgeons, cancer wards etc wasn't going to prevent Covid, all it did was prevent people from getting the medical attention they required.
That's not people dying because of Covid. The suggestion in the article was that it was due to the health system's response to Covid. The people not getting treatment for heart conditions, cancer and many other serious conditions was not factored into the general response to the pandemic. Sick old people were kicked out of hospitals into care homes. It was almost impossible to see a GP in the UK for months on end, and millions of essential diagnoses and treatments were cancelled. Apparently there are 5.6 million people, that's about one in every 10 people in England, who are waiting for treatments such as knee and hip replacements, cataract surgery and other common procedures.

But that's a separate issue. My point was that the article did not even consider the possible adverse effects from vaccines that were
  • of a technology never used before on humans
  • introduced to the masses in world record time
  • with contracts that insisted on indemnity from action from adverse effects
  • by companies that have spent more on political lobbying and campaign contributions than any other
I'm just saying it should be included in the discussion of why there have been thousands of excess deaths.

They know what they died of.
They are excess deaths not mystery deaths.
Probably not talking about the vaccines because they are probably not responsible for the deaths.

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So it turns out that Deputy President of the Fair Work Commissioner Lyndall Dean (appointed by Michaelia Cash) is a legitimate Qanon conspiracy theorist.

The interesting part of her Judgement starts at paragraph 101. Here is a highlight:

Consent is required for participation in clinical trials


[116] All COVID vaccines in Australia are only provisionally approved, and as such remain part of a clinical trial 21. This is not part of a conspiracy theory. It is a fact easily verifiable from the website of the TGA, Australia’s regulatory authority responsible for assessing and registering/approving all COVID vaccines before they can be used in Australia.

She has to fired for that judgement, it so far beyond the pale. It straight up judicial malpractice.
That's not people dying because of Covid. The suggestion in the article was that it was due to the health system's response to Covid. The people not getting treatment for heart conditions, cancer and many other serious conditions was not factored into the general response to the pandemic. Sick old people were kicked out of hospitals into care homes. It was almost impossible to see a GP in the UK for months on end, and millions of essential diagnoses and treatments were cancelled. Apparently there are 5.6 million people, that's about one in every 10 people in England, who are waiting for treatments such as knee and hip replacements, cataract surgery and other common procedures.

But that's a separate issue. My point was that the article did not even consider the possible adverse effects from vaccines that were
  • of a technology never used before on humans
  • introduced to the masses in world record time
  • with contracts that insisted on indemnity from action from adverse effects
  • by companies that have spent more on political lobbying and campaign contributions than any other
I'm just saying it should be included in the discussion of why there have been thousands of excess deaths.
The technologies had been used before in humans. Moderna has phase 3 and number of phase 2 studies, and J&J have an approved vaccine based on the same platform.
So it turns out that Deputy President of the Fair Work Commissioner Lyndall Dean (appointed by Michaelia Cash) is a legitimate Qanon conspiracy theorist.

The interesting part of her Judgement starts at paragraph 101. Here is a highlight:

She has to fired for that judgement, it so far beyond the pale. It straight up judicial malpractice.

She's wrong , this process does not amount to a trial.

I suggest that anyone who's scared of Nanites take the AZ. Seriously something is wrong with you if you are worried about these vaccines, but not worried about Covid19.
The article you responded to suggests the excess deaths were cause by an overloaded health system.
People with heart conditions for example were not getting the treatment they would have normally.

So they didn't die of Covid , but they died because of Covid.

Alarmingly, many of these conditions saw the biggest drops in diagnosis in 2020, as the NHS struggled to cope with the pandemic

The drops in diagnoses seems certain. Whether it was the result of the health system being overloaded is debatable. Many restrictions on healthcare were arbitrary and without proven benefit.

In many cases the cause of the excess deaths is unknown until an autopsy is conducted. As I posted, Peter Schirmacher with the University of Heidelberg in Germany, reports that his group has studied 40 people who have died within two weeks of vaccination; he concluded that around 30% to 40% of the total did truly die from the vaccine.

There's a double standard here - that anyone who dies after a positive test is a 'Covid death'. But anyone who dies after a vaccine shot is considered to have died from their underlying condition. Schirmacher has called for more autopsy evidence. I don't see any problem with that.
has studied 40 people who have died within two weeks of vaccination; he concluded that around 30% to 40% of the total did truly die from the vaccine.

Did he mention the mechanism behind which the vaccine apparently killed these people? That article you produced was 2 months ago, has there been any corroboration or follow up? Any links to his “study”?
The drops in diagnoses seems certain. Whether it was the result of the health system being overloaded is debatable. Many restrictions on healthcare were arbitrary and without proven benefit.

In many cases the cause of the excess deaths is unknown until an autopsy is conducted. As I posted, Peter Schirmacher with the University of Heidelberg in Germany, reports that his group has studied 40 people who have died within two weeks of vaccination; he concluded that around 30% to 40% of the total did truly die from the vaccine.

There's a double standard here - that anyone who dies after a positive test is a 'Covid death'. But anyone who dies after a vaccine shot is considered to have died from their underlying condition. Schirmacher has called for more autopsy evidence. I don't see any problem with that.

I can understand that.
I have hypertension, and i was spiking during the time i was booked in for my vaccine.
I ended up reading some information online that vaccines could cause blood pressure to increase significantly even if its already high.
I ended up postponing until i got it under control. ( As it turned out it didn't change my BP ).
It was me that took the precaution though, they didn't mention it at the vaccine centre.

I've seen someone have fairly bad side effects, which i guess was a bit like a bad case of gastro. Like most people he shrugged it off after a day, but its possible that it could be a stress test for someone who was already somewhat frail.
The fifteen minute wait after the vaccine is mainly for anaphylaxis i guess. Other side effects can take longer to manifest.
Did he mention the mechanism behind which the vaccine apparently killed these people? That article you produced was 2 months ago, has there been any corroboration or follow up? Any links to his “study”?
It's been posted on the conspiracy thread last night - at least one aspect (#9943)
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