Covid-19 Wuhan Coronavirus (COVID-19) - Part 4 - Ivermectin doesn't work either.

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Continued in Part 5:

TL;DW version: vax must be injected into muscle, NOT the bloodstream:

They are. But not really what I was asking. I’m interested in these autopsies. What did they find? There seems to be no mention of it, let alone evidence produced.
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They are. But not really what I was asking. I’m interested in these autopsies. What did they find? There seems to be no mention of it, let alone evidence produced.
Can't help you there (not yet). Maybe one of my minions will find the answer. But apparently on the rare occasion it IS injected into the bloodstream and this is why it's been linked to heart problems particularly in men.
Are you referring to Moderna trials? Do you have a link for the J&J approved vaccine?
Yes, they have a number of trials on going. I don't know what the recruitment numbers for each stage is though.

J&J produce one of the ebola vaccines using Ad26

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Personally I think that there should be a deadline e.g. 1st January 2022, to encourage those in the 'covid-free' states to get the vax ASAP. After that date borders should be open. It's about so much more than just holidays and it's really condescending when people minimise the issue in such a way.
Well said.

It's about:
- connecting family; and
- it's about opening up the economy and revitalising tourism that, through taxes, funds our schools and healthcare system and the billions we've pumped into crisis management.

We can't continue to live in a bubble.
I’ve just about heard everything now.
Spoke to my cousin for the first time in a few weeks this morning, his dad (my uncle obviously)who I hadn’t seen for a fair while passed away about 3-4 weeks ago.
My mums sister (his mum) has long since remarried and I only found out recently her husband and her will not be having the vaccine 82 and 79 respectively and the 83 year old has had 2 heart attacks and cancer!
I found out it’s based purely on the brainwashing of my crazy cousin who also has his brothers convinced.
And the icing on the cake?
Well their father who died a few weeks ago did so after an aneurysm at age 84. Had a good knock ole uncle Jimmy he lived the life indeed! Love his beers and darts so pretty good innings.
But you know what got him don’t you?
Yep.. bloody had the vaccine 4 weeks prior to his death. That’s shocking luck but also it’s all the proof they need.
Couldn’t make it up.
Personally I think that there should be a deadline e.g. 1st January 2022, to encourage those in the 'covid-free' states to get the vax ASAP. After that date borders should be open. It's about so much more than just holidays and it's really condescending when people minimise the issue in such a way.
Condescending? To want our kids to be kept safe and our health to be preserved. I am personally fed up with the rhetoric about tourism operators doing it tough. We are in the middle of school holidays and it is almost impossible to get a holiday accommodation booking up here in Queensland. There is a monumental housing crisis in regional Queensland already because non residential owners have returned to their investment properties. Rents have effectively doubled for many. A myriad of long term renters have been turfed out due to eithe landlords occupying properties or opportunities to raise rents by over 100%. The amount of people in our community begging to get vacant rentals is phenomenal. Many hotels are housing workers who cannot get rentals.

The only tourism operators doing it tough are the top enders, catering to and relying on the nouveau rich to pay their exorbitant prices. Earls Smother, I am discussing Queensland operators, more than venues in Vic or NSW. Your states are operating and applying restrictions as they see fit, or not.

MrsEddieBetts you insinuate that the slow roll out of vaccines in Qld and WA as alluded to by a biased media are due to reticence on the part of the population. We have not had access, particularly to Pfizer. To take up vaccines our population largely had to take AZ or nothing regardless of age up until very recently. As for regional NSW, I have friends in the Central West. Until the Dubbo outbreak, vaccines were not available on the western side of the Great Dividing Range. Smaller communities are still not getting adequate access. NSW is now giving imminent access to regional areas to Sydney’s population who have been given priority access to vaccines. The amount of county folk screaming that their allocations were diverted to Sydney is phenomenal. The desire of politicians and the entitled to open everything up is very scary. City people have been the most vulnerable in outbreaks, but so many seem oblivious of the plight of their regional cousins.

To suggest anyone reluctant to give up a reasonable lifestyle is condescending is to say the least condescending, and if I was to say describe it more accurately I would be banned. Those of us with “freedoms” do largely empathise with our countrymen and women, and most of us have family in lockdown areas. As I stated, there needs to be an easier path to family reunions, but to open up the country completely is wrong. For those with vaccines to assume that the entire country has had the same access as you is clearly clouded and entitled with your desire to travel freely without regard for others.

The virus continues to mutate. If you listen to all information, children are not precluded from the effects of Delta. It is very disheartening that so many of those lamenting their plight in lockdown are champing at the bit to expose their fellow Australians. Are we not all listening to the surprising and glowing economic health reports thrown out? Those spruiking economic needs to 100% open the country are predominantly self serving. The health and welfare of the community at large is a far greater priority.
I didn't say anything about tourism operators.

Families have been separated for 18 months due to closed borders. It is not realistic for this to continue indefinitely. People need hope. Too many people are missing out on sharing final moments with loved ones and having to dial in to funerals. Take the AZ! I've had two doses of it and I'm 34 years old! The risk of blood clots is HIGHER from COVID than from the vaccination. There is plenty of access to a safe vaccine in Astra Zeneca.
There are numerous communities that have not even had access to AZ and if they have it has been a very recent first dose. You have done it tough and I empathise. But you assume the entire population has had your access. They have not. I am fed up with the numerous bleeding heart, politically motivated reports of people denied access, particularly to Queensland. Parents who sent their kids to interstate grandparents and the like in the middle of a pandemic, fully aware the borders could be closed at any minute. We have family desperate to reunite too, and we have missed weddings and funerals. To overtly place others at risk of illness or even death (vaccinated people are a part of the morbidity statistics that people wanting freedoms choose to ignore) Sydney, Melbourne and surrounds have had priority access to vaccines. The rest of the country has not. Listen.
There is insufficient data on vaccinating pregnant people women, children, and people who have recovered from Covid. Insufficient data on booster shots. But the relentless drive to vaccinate anything that has a pulse continues.
We were asked for opinions and I gave mine. I don't have the mental capacity to sit here and defend my position, just can't be f’ed after everything we've been through. Take care all xo

You didn't do anything wrong, the bloke has gone off on a complete tangent and made numerous false assumptions. He was condescending.
I’ve just about heard everything now.
Spoke to my cousin for the first time in a few weeks this morning, his dad (my uncle obviously)who I hadn’t seen for a fair while passed away about 3-4 weeks ago.
My mums sister (his mum) has long since remarried and I only found out recently her husband and her will not be having the vaccine 82 and 79 respectively and the 83 year old has had 2 heart attacks and cancer!
I found out it’s based purely on the brainwashing of my crazy cousin who also has his brothers convinced.
And the icing on the cake?
Well their father who died a few weeks ago did so after an aneurysm at age 84. Had a good knock ole uncle Jimmy he lived the life indeed! Love his beers and darts so pretty good innings.
But you know what got him don’t you?
Yep.. bloody had the vaccine 4 weeks prior to his death. That’s shocking luck but also it’s all the proof they need.
Couldn’t make it up.

When i'm old enough to pay attention to my kids when they peddle me that kind of crap, the brain has already stopped functioning.
I'm sure there is extremely low levels of data regarding pregnant men, and possible only a small amount on non -gender specific people. Sorted was accurate on this occasion.

It shouldn't be a distraction from my main point - there is insufficient data on vaccinating a number of categories of people but it is being pushed for anyway -
  • those are pregnant
  • children
  • people who have recovered from Covid
There is also insufficient data to justify booster shots.
Likewise re being asked and giving an opinion.

I provided the perspective from my part of Australia. I have family and friends in Melbourne and Perth that I can't see, and my wife also has family in Qld. Of course we want to see them, but when your livelihood is taken away, there are conflicting priorities. That battle had already been taken up by others, so I saw little need to add to that aspect.

The longer this goes, the more people are becoming frustrated by their own predicament. The southern Riverina is 600km from any significant virus to the north (further than Melbourne to Tasmania), and yet a ****ing river dictates that we have to sit idly by and watch businesses disappear. There is not a single valid reason why safe (i.e. exclude Shepparton, Ballarat etc. when necessary) regional Victorian towns cannot visit here.

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You didn't do anything wrong, the bloke has gone off on a complete tangent and made numerous false assumptions. He was condescending.
I prepared a large response, but deleted it as it would “fall on deaf ears”. No tangents, no false assumptions and responded to condescension. I hoped to encourage conversation involving all sides of the community, unfortunately only attracted bleaters interested in their own personal circumstances. If the jab dulls or completely masks the symptoms, people are going to be oblivious and unconcerned about their own well-being, placing others at risk. Vaccinated can carry and pass on the disease. The unvaccinated and other susceptible people in unaffected communities do not visit areas of risk. Why should individuals from those, at risk areas visit “clean” communities, because we have had a jab and we can? The thought that sooner or later it will reach that community should not be an excuse for any individual to expose these people.

I’m done. Will leave you to your own entitled lives.
I prepared a large response, but deleted it as it would “fall on deaf ears”. No tangents, no false assumptions and responded to condescension. I hoped to encourage conversation involving all sides of the community, unfortunately only attracted bleaters interested in their own personal circumstances. If the jab dulls or completely masks the symptoms, people are going to be oblivious and unconcerned about their own well-being, placing others at risk. Vaccinated can carry and pass on the disease. The unvaccinated and other susceptible people in unaffected communities do not visit areas of risk. Why should individuals from those, at risk areas visit “clean” communities, because we have had a jab and we can? The thought that sooner or later it will reach that community should not be an excuse for any individual to expose these people.

I’m done. Will leave you to your own entitled lives.
If you are that worried, you are well within your rights to self-isolate yourself, to:
- home school your children;
- order groceries through meal delivery services; and
- socialise through zoom.

It is not society's responsibility to say who can and cannot move around in society, absent that person committing some form of crime, it is only the individuals.

Are you truly suggesting we isolate from the rest of the world and within communities within Australia for ever?
I prepared a large response, but deleted it as it would “fall on deaf ears”. No tangents, no false assumptions and responded to condescension. I hoped to encourage conversation involving all sides of the community, unfortunately only attracted bleaters interested in their own personal circumstances. If the jab dulls or completely masks the symptoms, people are going to be oblivious and unconcerned about their own well-being, placing others at risk. Vaccinated can carry and pass on the disease. The unvaccinated and other susceptible people in unaffected communities do not visit areas of risk. Why should individuals from those, at risk areas visit “clean” communities, because we have had a jab and we can? The thought that sooner or later it will reach that community should not be an excuse for any individual to expose these people.

I’m done. Will leave you to your own entitled lives.

You have literally cast all sorts of aspersions at both MEB and myself. We aren't wishing harm on anyone and have EXPRESSLY stated we want these things to happen once everyone is afforded the opportunity to get vaccinated.

Talk about being entitled, you are acting like an absolute brat.
Did he mention the mechanism behind which the vaccine apparently killed these people? That article you produced was 2 months ago, has there been any corroboration or follow up? Any links to his “study”?

I searched for any follow up. It was strange that there was virtually nothing, whether confirming or denying his findings. There is definitely some funny business going on with internet searches.

He's not some fringe nutcase. He's the acting chairman of the German Society of Pathology and director of the Institute of Pathology at Heidelberg University Hospital.

The Federal Association of German Pathologists is also pushing for more autopsies of vaccinated people. This is the only way to exclude or prove connections between deaths and vaccinations, says Johannes Friemann, head of the autopsy working group in the association.​

If you are that worried, you are well within your rights to self-isolate yourself, to:
- home school your children;
- order groceries through meal delivery services; and
- socialise through zoom.

It is not society's responsibility to say who can and cannot move around in society, absent that person committing some form of crime, it is only the individuals.

Are you truly suggesting we isolate from the rest of the world and within communities within Australia for ever?
The thoughts espoused are that “once X amount of people are vaccinated all borders should be opened. This should not be the case. States, Territories, areas need controls. Test exists, they should be utilised before any individual travels in to an unaffected area. I do not advocate isolating people or communities, but there need to be controls. Nit, I am vaccinated I should be allowed to go wherever I desire. I would strongly advocate continuing to insist on overseas travellers being isolated until the real incubation period is reached. This should at least safeguard against mutations entering the country. As I type, watching The Project with an expert suggesting levels way beyond 80% vaccination levels are needed. Also advocating ongoing, regular testing, suggesting overseas people buying 10 pack rapid test kits as a way of life.

That is a far cry from I am vaccinated, I should be free to travel at will. I AM VAXXED **** THE REST is a derivation this board should understand.
It shouldn't be a distraction from my main point - there is insufficient data on vaccinating a number of categories of people but it is being pushed for anyway -
  • those are pregnant
  • children
  • people who have recovered from Covid
There is also insufficient data to justify booster shots.
I know women who are pregnant who have been vaccinated.

The efficacy of the vaxes fades over several months. The flu vax lasts 4-5 months, over the winter when it’s most prevalent.

In time they may develop a longer-lasting vaccine but meanwhile we have to work with what we have.
There is definitely some funny business going on with internet searches.

Yeah that must be it...not questioning Schirmachers credentials that trialsitenews article you linked has bullshit written all over it.
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The thoughts espoused are that “once X amount of people are vaccinated all borders should be opened. This should not be the case. States, Territories, areas need controls. Test exists, they should be utilised before any individual travels in to an unaffected area. I do not advocate isolating people or communities, but there need to be controls. Nit, I am vaccinated I should be allowed to go wherever I desire. I would strongly advocate continuing to insist on overseas travellers being isolated until the real incubation period is reached. This should at least safeguard against mutations entering the country. As I type, watching The Project with an expert suggesting levels way beyond 80% vaccination levels are needed. Also advocating ongoing, regular testing, suggesting overseas people buying 10 pack rapid test kits as a way of life.

That is a far cry from I am vaccinated, I should be free to travel at will. I AM VAXXED **** THE REST is a derivation this board should understand.
Why do you propose that the majority should have to amend they way they move and travel to maintain your ability to move and travel within your state or community. Why should the many subsidize the few. As I have said, you are welcome to protect yourself as you see fit. You are not welcome to tell me how to live my life. What is difficult to understand about that concept?
All good healthy debate gang, well done.👍👍

What I don’t get in Adelaide atm is that we still have to wear masks pretty much everywhere.

We haven’t had community transmission in weeks, vax rates are high, borders intact, infact they’re trialling home quarantine.

I wonder sometimes if our leaders here are a bit too cautious.

Understand each state has different situations obviously.
Why do you propose that the majority should have to amend they way they move and travel to maintain your ability to move and travel within your state or community. Why should the many subsidize the few. As I have said, you are welcome to protect yourself as you see fit. You are not welcome to tell me how to live my life. What is difficult to understand about that concept?
Well, you show true colours. My fear is correct. Why should you feel free to come to my backyard with no safeguards. You subscribe to survival of the fittest and stuff any collateral damage along the way. Nice to know the type of person I am dealing with.
I have no problem at all with rapid testing done before all flights boarded to anywhere. Nor having any type of mandated testing before I travel.
I expect that to be the way of life for all of us into the forseeable future.
It is natural that things get heated where we discuss protecting our loved ones. We will have boosters and testing and Lord knows what else for many years to come you'd think.
Small price to pay to get our freedoms back.
I imagine there will be hoops to jump through for us and would hope the same applies for those visiting us from overseas. Double vaxxed and covid free test...before and after flights.
The thoughts espoused are that “once X amount of people are vaccinated all borders should be opened. This should not be the case. States, Territories, areas need controls. Test exists, they should be utilised before any individual travels in to an unaffected area. I do not advocate isolating people or communities, but there need to be controls. Nit, I am vaccinated I should be allowed to go wherever I desire. I would strongly advocate continuing to insist on overseas travellers being isolated until the real incubation period is reached. This should at least safeguard against mutations entering the country. As I type, watching The Project with an expert suggesting levels way beyond 80% vaccination levels are needed. Also advocating ongoing, regular testing, suggesting overseas people buying 10 pack rapid test kits as a way of life.

That is a far cry from I am vaccinated, I should be free to travel at will. I AM VAXXED **** THE REST is a derivation this board should understand.

Controls which I myself have suggested earlier in this thread and you have called me entitled and insinuated I have no consideration for anyone but myself. I just want my partner to see her family, celebrate the things she has missed and grieve the people she has not been able to properly grieve.

You are putting words in my mouth and frankly it has completely derailed your argument. It was a civil discussion until you unleashed on people that were on side with you. Pathetic.
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