Covid-19 Wuhan Coronavirus (COVID-19) - Part 4 - Ivermectin doesn't work either.

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Continued in Part 5:

All good healthy debate gang, well done.👍👍

What I don’t get in Adelaide atm is that we still have to wear masks pretty much everywhere.

We haven’t had community transmission in weeks, vax rates are high, borders intact, infact they’re trialling home quarantine.

I wonder sometimes if our leaders here are a bit too cautious.

Understand each state has different situations obviously.
Masks off outside! Yeah...afterx wearing n95s all day. Going mask free in the car is heaven. Walking the dog, mask on but under nose if noone is around. It's the little things...#
Masks off outside! Yeah...afterx wearing n95s all day. Going mask free in the car is heaven. Walking the dog, mask on but under nose if noone is around. It's the little things...#

I’m a N95er and with the weather getting better am gasping like a bear.

Go for long walks so I can take the bloody thing off!!

Don’t see why we aren’t maskless when it isn’t here.

Obviously when the 70% (prefer 80%) target is hit, the variant is loose & cases will surge.

Big worry is if the health system can cope with the surge.
I’m a N95er and with the weather getting better am gasping like a bear.

Go for long walks so I can take the bloody thing off!!

Don’t see why we aren’t maskless when it isn’t here.

Obviously when the 70% (prefer 80%) target is hit, the variant is loose & cases will surge.

Big worry is if the health system can cope with the surge.

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Lockdowns suppressed Covid, but may lead to other problems
The country is also suffering because of a lack of immunity. While lockdowns, social distancing, isolation and masks kept Covid-19 down, it also prevented other diseases from circulating.

In the 52 weeks to the week ending July 11, 2021, there was a decrease in the number of reported infectious illnesses across diseases such as mumps (-72 per cent), rubella (-84 per cent) or yellow fever (-100 per cent) compared to the pre-pandemic five year average.

Last year, the influenza-like illness rate peaked at 3.8 per 100,000, compared to a peak of 59 per 100,000 in 2017/2018.

While this undoubtedly saved lives, we are beginning to experience a rise in infectious diseases that could hit us harder than ever this winter as we have less protection than normal.

The danger is that these added pressures on the NHS will force the Government into locking down the country again this winter, mandating masks and work from home rules.

If it does, we could end up in a perpetuating state of low-immunity in winter that it will be difficult to escape from. The Covid-19 response may have inadvertently created an ongoing health crisis from which there is no way back.
Of the quoted ones the only significant would be influenza; the others have either effective vaccine or correlates with travel (yellow fever)
All good healthy debate gang, well done.👍👍

What I don’t get in Adelaide atm is that we still have to wear masks pretty much everywhere.

We haven’t had community transmission in weeks, vax rates are high, borders intact, infact they’re trialling home quarantine.

I wonder sometimes if our leaders here are a bit too cautious.

Understand each state has different situations obviously.
Same in Qld. Very few cases, long stretches between small outbreaks. Masks have to be carried at all times and worn indoors, ie shops, businesses, cafes etc. This even applies to remote centres of the state that have never seen a case! I went to a doctor’s appointment and was astounded that we both had to keep masks on throughout the consultation. The CHO said the decision on masks would be reviewed fortnightly - that was months ago!
I searched for any follow up. It was strange that there was virtually nothing, whether confirming or denying his findings. There is definitely some funny business going on with internet searches.

He's not some fringe nutcase. He's the acting chairman of the German Society of Pathology and director of the Institute of Pathology at Heidelberg University Hospital.

The Federal Association of German Pathologists is also pushing for more autopsies of vaccinated people. This is the only way to exclude or prove connections between deaths and vaccinations, says Johannes Friemann, head of the autopsy working group in the association.​

Potentially the known side effects could be severe enough to directly endanger the frail.
Blood pressure spikes can cause internal haemorrhage, stroke, heart issues.
Dehydration can cause problems, and of course anaphylaxis.
Doctors would love it, all the sick people coming in to see them have to wear a mask instead of coughing and spluttering all over them.
There is that, but when you’re not coughing and spluttering…
Makes looking down someone’s throat a bit difficult though. Still, in these days of contactless medicine - “you have a sore throat? Here, take these, see how you go…”
Yeah that must be it...not questioning Schirmachers credentials that trialsitenews article you linked has bullshit written all over it.

Here's the same information from a mainstream centre-left oriented German newspaper.

In Baden-Württemberg, the pathologists therefore worked with public prosecutors, the police and resident doctors, reports Schirmacher. More than 40 people have already been autopsied who died within two weeks of being vaccinated. Schirmacher assumes that 30 to 40 percent of them died from the vaccination. In his opinion, the frequency of fatal consequences of vaccinations is underestimated.​
There are some differences of opinion stated in the article but Schirmacher and his colleagues are the ones doing the investigative research on the ground. You would think that his findings merit further study. The Federal Association of German Pathologists requested more autopsies of vaccinated people in a letter to Federal Health Minister in March but it went unanswered.

If it was found that the vaccines had a higher rate of fatal adverse effects than previously acknowledged it would be extremely inconvenient to the governments that have pushed the vaccines on their populations and given indemnity to the Pharma companies for any adverse effects.

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Potentially the known side effects could be severe enough to directly endanger the frail.
Blood pressure spikes can cause internal haemorrhage, stroke, heart issues.
Dehydration can cause problems, and of course anaphylaxis.

He's clearly not doing this work to undermine the vaccines.

The findings of more than 200 autopsies so far have led, among other things, to better treatment and ventilation of Covid sufferers, he says. "The knowledge gained here helps to be able to treat sick people better and more successfully and to save lives,"​

If he can bring some evidence in to prove it, he’s got something.

You would think that his findings merit further study. The Federal Association of German Pathologists requested more autopsies of vaccinated people in a letter to Federal Health Minister in March but it went unanswered.

If it was found that the vaccines had a higher rate of fatal adverse effects than previously acknowledged it would be extremely inconvenient to the governments that have pushed the vaccines on their populations and given indemnity to the Pharma companies for any adverse effects.
in the article but Schirmacher and his colleagues are the ones doing the investigative research on the ground

Investigative work? Again there is nothing here- no proposed mechanism of death, no evidence, just anecdote. Two months ago and nothing since. Weird.
Investigative work? Again there is nothing here- no proposed mechanism of death, no evidence, just anecdote. Two months ago and nothing since. Weird.

Geez, this is like getting blood out of a stone. You keep snipping my posts so I have to repeat the same information again.

In Baden-Württemberg, the pathologists therefore worked with public prosecutors, the police and resident doctors, reports Schirmacher. More than 40 people have already been autopsied who died within two weeks of being vaccinated. Schirmacher assumes that 30 to 40 percent of them died from the vaccination. In his opinion, the frequency of fatal consequences of vaccinations is underestimated.

You would think that his findings merit further study. The Federal Association of German Pathologists requested more autopsies of vaccinated people in a letter to Federal Health Minister in March but it went unanswered.

If it was found that the vaccines had a higher rate of fatal adverse effects than previously acknowledged it would be extremely inconvenient to the governments that have pushed the vaccines on their populations and given indemnity to the Pharma companies for any adverse effects.
Geez, this is like getting blood out of a stone. You keep snipping my posts so I have to repeat the same information again.

In Baden-Württemberg, the pathologists therefore worked with public prosecutors, the police and resident doctors, reports Schirmacher. More than 40 people have already been autopsied who died within two weeks of being vaccinated. Schirmacher assumes that 30 to 40 percent of them died from the vaccination. In his opinion, the frequency of fatal consequences of vaccinations is underestimated.

You would think that his findings merit further study. The Federal Association of German Pathologists requested more autopsies of vaccinated people in a letter to Federal Health Minister in March but it went unanswered.

If it was found that the vaccines had a higher rate of fatal adverse effects than previously acknowledged it would be extremely inconvenient to the governments that have pushed the vaccines on their populations and given indemnity to the Pharma companies for any adverse effects.
And you keep repeating yourself.

Schirmacher assumes that 30 to 40 percent of them died from the vaccination. In his opinion, the frequency of fatal consequences of vaccinations is underestimated

How? He apparently “assumes” 30-40% died from the vaccination. But he proposes no mechanism and offers no evidence.

What are his assumptions based on? This is not reported on, nor is it followed up, which is very strange.

And in the interests of clarity, seeing as I dont speak German, what are these “differences of opinion” in the article.
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If it was found that the vaccines had a higher rate of fatal adverse effects than previously acknowledged it would be extremely inconvenient to the governments that have pushed the vaccines on their populations and given indemnity to the Pharma companies for any adverse effects.
Kind of screws your argument that the Germans earlier suspended Astra Zeneca on suspicion of adverse effects.
And you keep repeating yourself.

How? He apparently “assumes” 30-40% died from the vaccination. But he proposes no mechanism and offers no evidence.

What are his assumptions based on? This is not reported on, nor is it followed up, which is very strange.

And in the interests of clarity, seeing as I dont speak German, what are these “differences of opinion” in the article.
At this point in time it's a 'I seen it on the internet' story.

The Oz runs another disinforming editorial Why comparing Covid-19 to the Spanish flu is absurd ( saying it's ridiculous to compare Spanish Flu to Covid. The stimulus to this was the US reaching the milestone of covid19 deaths equaling Spanish flu deaths in 1918. The gist of his article is that Spanish Flu was much worse by the numbers and we have all been silly hysterical nambi pambi's, heck it's not even as bad as the flu!

'Unlike Covid-19, where 95 per cent American victims have at least four comorbidities and die around age 80, according to the US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, Spanish flu killed those with the most to live for, the youngest and strongest, those starting their families.

New York City quickly had to find homes for 21,000 orphans.

Australian scientist and Nobel laureate Macfarlane Burnet, decades later, put the total death toll between 50 million and 100 million, in a world with fewer than a quarter of the almost eight billion people on Earth today.

More than 5 per cent of the world’s young adults were killed by Spanish flu, Barry estimates. The virus used the host’s immune system to kill the victim; the healthier, the quicker the death. The US in 1918 wouldn’t have noticed Covid-19, which has taken 18 months to kill 4.5 million globally (from or with), having an infection fatality rate of 0.3 per cent at most, including 0.05 per cent of those under 70.'

What he fails to mention, is that Covid19 has struck at a time of advanced medical therapeutics, modern diagnostics, vaccines and even effective antiviral medications. He also fails to mention the effective use of public health measure has reduced the spread and deaths from covid19, dog whistling that masks don't work. Many of the differences are because we have responded successfully, not because Covid is trivial.

If it was Covid19 running amok in the sick old world of 1918 I think it would have been just as bad or worse than the Spanish flu. No rapid diagnosis with PCR, no vaccines, no antivirals, you would be lucky to get oxygen, I don't think O2 was in general medical use in 1918. The death rate from Covid 19 could have easily been 10+ times higher, taking us to Spanish Flu levels (50+ million).

He also runs the ageist trope and blame sick (comorbidities) folks. The Oz remains a very sick newspaper if this is truly their editors opinion, mind you, this continuing diminishing covid19 has been a feature of the coverage by the Oz. If you are having trouble reading the Oz try here.
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At this point in time it's a 'I seen it on the internet' story.

The Oz runs another disinforming editorial Why comparing Covid-19 to the Spanish flu is absurd ( saying it's ridiculous to compare Spanish Flu to Covid. The stimulus to this was the US reaching the milestone of covid19 deaths equaling Spanish flu deaths in 1918. The gist of his article is that Spanish Flu was much worse by the numbers and we have all been silly hysterical nambi pambi's, heck it's not even as bad as the flu!

'Unlike Covid-19, where 95 per cent American victims have at least four comorbidities and die around age 80, according to the US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, Spanish flu killed those with the most to live for, the youngest and strongest, those starting their families.

New York City quickly had to find homes for 21,000 orphans.

Australian scientist and Nobel laureate Macfarlane Burnet, decades later, put the total death toll between 50 million and 100 million, in a world with fewer than a quarter of the almost eight billion people on Earth today.

More than 5 per cent of the world’s young adults were killed by Spanish flu, Barry estimates. The virus used the host’s immune system to kill the victim; the healthier, the quicker the death. The US in 1918 wouldn’t have noticed Covid-19, which has taken 18 months to kill 4.5 million globally (from or with), having an infection fatality rate of 0.3 per cent at most, including 0.05 per cent of those under 70.'

What he fails to mention, is that Covid19 has struck at a time of advanced medical therapeutics, modern diagnostics, vaccines and even effective antiviral medications. He also fails to mention the effective use of public health measure has reduced the spread and deaths from covid19, dog whistling that masks don't work. Many of the differences are because we have responded successfully, not because Covid is trivial.

If it was Covid19 running amok in the sick old world of 1918 I think it would have been just as bad or worse than the Spanish flu. No rapid diagnosis with PCR, no vaccines, no antivirals, you would be lucky to get oxygen, I don't think O2 was in general medical use in 1918. The death rate from Covid 19 could have easily been 10+ times higher, taking us to Spanish Flu levels (50+ million).

He also runs the ageist trope and blame sick (comorbidities) folks. The Oz remains a very sick newspaper if this is truly their editors opinion, mind you, this continuing diminishing covid19 has been a feature of the coverage by the Oz. If you are having trouble reading the Oz try here.

The measures we've used against SARS-CoV-2 have quashed influenza cases. It's significantly more transmissible.
At this point in time it's a 'I seen it on the internet' story.

The Oz runs another disinforming editorial Why comparing Covid-19 to the Spanish flu is absurd ( saying it's ridiculous to compare Spanish Flu to Covid. The stimulus to this was the US reaching the milestone of covid19 deaths equaling Spanish flu deaths in 1918. The gist of his article is that Spanish Flu was much worse by the numbers and we have all been silly hysterical nambi pambi's, heck it's not even as bad as the flu!

'Unlike Covid-19, where 95 per cent American victims have at least four comorbidities and die around age 80, according to the US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, Spanish flu killed those with the most to live for, the youngest and strongest, those starting their families.

New York City quickly had to find homes for 21,000 orphans.

Australian scientist and Nobel laureate Macfarlane Burnet, decades later, put the total death toll between 50 million and 100 million, in a world with fewer than a quarter of the almost eight billion people on Earth today.

More than 5 per cent of the world’s young adults were killed by Spanish flu, Barry estimates. The virus used the host’s immune system to kill the victim; the healthier, the quicker the death. The US in 1918 wouldn’t have noticed Covid-19, which has taken 18 months to kill 4.5 million globally (from or with), having an infection fatality rate of 0.3 per cent at most, including 0.05 per cent of those under 70.'

What he fails to mention, is that Covid19 has struck at a time of advanced medical therapeutics, modern diagnostics, vaccines and even effective antiviral medications. He also fails to mention the effective use of public health measure has reduced the spread and deaths from covid19, dog whistling that masks don't work. Many of the differences are because we have responded successfully, not because Covid is trivial.

If it was Covid19 running amok in the sick old world of 1918 I think it would have been just as bad or worse than the Spanish flu. No rapid diagnosis with PCR, no vaccines, no antivirals, you would be lucky to get oxygen, I don't think O2 was in general medical use in 1918. The death rate from Covid 19 could have easily been 10+ times higher, taking us to Spanish Flu levels (50+ million).

He also runs the ageist trope and blame sick (comorbidities) folks. The Oz remains a very sick newspaper if this is truly their editors opinion, mind you, this continuing diminishing covid19 has been a feature of the coverage by the Oz. If you are having trouble reading the Oz try here.

Spanish Flu had its skeptics.

Can't help you there (not yet). Maybe one of my minions will find the answer. But apparently on the rare occasion it IS injected into the bloodstream and this is why it's been linked to heart problems particularly in men.

By "minions" you mean conspiracy theorists right?
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