Young girl allegedly insulted by St Kilda player.

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So let's not go near a child rapist and tell people he was convicted of child rape because it might hurt the child rapists feelings. Nice logic there.

Do I need to explain to you that being fat is different from raping children?

I think I'll just leave this discussion now.
Wow, I can't believe this is even a topic. Whether there is truth to this or not, regardless of footy team, I'm shocked at the amount of ignorant people on this site that think there is nothing wrong with the act of judging someone.

Whether its obesity, by choice, or body, whether its a drug-addiction, smoking, whatever it may be, he who is without sin, may cast the first stone. To those that want to judge, I've got noooo doubt, there is something imperfect about you, but that doesn't give others the right to judge you about it. Some people seriously need to grow some grey matter in the head.

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Why the f' are people so sensitive to what somebody calls another?

What happened to the sticks and stones might break my bones but words will never hurt me? Far out these days is becoming more and more a nanny country.

There's always going to be something someone says (whether intentional or not) that the recipient does not like. You just ignore it and move on. You don't need to go and whine about it. Most of the time, its just general rubbish anyway. Why people take it to heart is just silly. All you can do is control your own actions.

Anything said on the football field for example is always going to be junk. If someone called me a "stick", would that get the same attention as being called "fat"? Or how about if someone said I had a "Big Head"? Or a stupid nose? I could go on.

I think society has changed to become too nanny, yet I regularly hear at the football that Milne is a rapist from other supporters (which is quiet tiring I might add) which is imo far worse and incorrect.

Hinch was a joke to write that article.
Why the f' are people so sensitive to what somebody calls another?

What happened to the sticks and stones might break my bones but words will never hurt me? Far out these days is becoming more and more a nanny country.

It turned into "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will get me a free guernsey...or a lawsuit"
correct me if im wrong but in energy intake > energy expenditure then you get fat

not being snide - but is there something i am unaware of ?


Read some of my previous posts.

Or The Old Dark Navy's posts just above.
Is there any evidence that this actually happened?

It is pretty suspicious that this occured on the eve of womens round, involving the Saints and also that it was a letter sent using the term "fat chicks".

Couldnt someone simply send an email to a club (cc in the media) and state any manner of things??

Im not saying that it didnt happen, just questioning it.

Hey stop talking sense, all the hysterical wowsers in this thread don't want to hear that as they climb up on their high horses.

So by "damned if you do, damnned if you don't" you are saying:

You are damned if you have sex with school girls.

You are damned if you call them fat and ugly when they ask for an autograph.

I can see how this is such a difficult position for those St Kilda players, what possible middle ground could there be!?!?

Hypocrit much?

On one hand you're happy to label St Kilda players as paedophiles who sleep with schoolgirls (Kim Duthie was no longer at school and also lied that she was 19 btw) and you probably call Milne a rapist like your arseh*le ex-coach and the rest of the moron Collingwood supporters but now you get up in arms about some insubstantiated claim that one of the St Kilda players called a rude 21 year old woman fat.

Give me a break.
Some Saints player.. You know r*ped some teenager.. you know a few years back.. you know they still play today..

Saints players have poor attitudes towards young people these days. Especially young woman. Couldn't even let the poor young girl get a photo.. hope she doesn't commit suicide like other young people who get teased over there weight. And to have her favorite players to say it could just tip her over the edge.

Poor form all round by these St Kilda players.. hearing that more similar stories are about to come out about the Saints culture within a day or two..Shocking individuals never grow up. Ego's are out of control..
Geez Pinhead if i had a missis size 8 i would be rapt but then again i have seen some of the pussie supporters enough said, and by the way i think there was a simular thing that happened to a geelong player many many years back but being a pissant like yourself you would not remember that:eek:
Some Saints player.. You know r*ped some teenager.. you know a few years back.. you know they still play today..

Saints players have poor attitudes towards young people these days. Especially young woman. Couldn't even let the poor young girl get a photo.. hope she doesn't commit suicide like other young people who get teased over there weight. And to have her favorite players to say it could just tip her over the edge.

Poor form all round by these St Kilda players.. hearing that more similar stories are about to come out about the Saints culture within a day or two..Shocking individuals never grow up. Ego's are out of control..

F*** off troll.

You can trust a thread like this to attract the biggest morons and trolls here.
You forgot to mention she was appaently a size 8 telling people she could fit into a size 6 like i said in another post its that time of the year again and she seen the saint players thinking here is some publicity for me and so far it has worked for her especially when that oxygen thief Hinch got hold of it:mad:

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Wow, I can't believe this is even a topic. Whether there is truth to this or not, regardless of footy team, I'm shocked at the amount of ignorant people on this site that think there is nothing wrong with the act of judging someone.

Whether its obesity, by choice, or body, whether its a drug-addiction, smoking, whatever it may be, he who is without sin, may cast the first stone. To those that want to judge, I've got noooo doubt, there is something imperfect about you, but that doesn't give others the right to judge you about it. Some people seriously need to grow some grey matter in the head.
In life we all have to make quick judgments at times, and that can be a strength of many successful people. We're never going to know all of the facts about someone else, so we have to start with what we see at first and then build on that knowledge. Clearly the Saints player in question didn't have good judgment in this scenario, but footballers being stupid shouldn't be news to anyone.
Some Saints player.. You know r*ped some teenager.. you know a few years back.. you know they still play today..

Saints players have poor attitudes towards young people these days. Especially young woman. Couldn't even let the poor young girl get a photo.. hope she doesn't commit suicide like other young people who get teased over there weight. And to have her favorite players to say it could just tip her over the edge.

Poor form all round by these St Kilda players.. hearing that more similar stories are about to come out about the Saints culture within a day or two..Shocking individuals never grow up. Ego's are out of control..

Yea and Stokes didn't take drugs and Jesse Stringer treated a woman fine too right... checkmate?
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
Fluid Retention

Yes but these are in the minority of the obese. Most 21 year olds would not be suffering from fluid retention and most wouldn't be on strong medications. Hypothyroidism is most commonly found in middle aged women. POS is treatable. Tumour? Clear majority would be overweight because of poor choices, i.e. diet and lack of exercise. But this isn't even the issue, if the incident happened exactly as reported, it's poor. But, surely prior experience would indicate that public opinion as dictated by the shock jocks does't always lead to the right conclusion.
When is the AFL going to get serious and deregister this football club for bringing humanity in to disrepute?

Do the players actually take classes in this stuff? It is the only way to explain how good they are at it.

Rapists, bullies, pedophiles, where does it end?
How would anyone even support such a bunch of egotistic arrogant self centered bunch of clowns is beyond me..

So why do you support Geelong then?

Going back to the original comment: it was an outrageous thing to say, and I hope that as well as the official apology the Saints player was made to apologise personally- but I do wonder what size the guernsey was.

Do you know which Saints player it is? The St Kilda players have all denied they said anything and she doesn't know who it was other than they had brown hair.

When is the AFL going to get serious and deregister this football club for bringing humanity in to disrepute?

Do the players actually take classes in this stuff? It is the only way to explain how good they are at it.

Rapists, bullies, pedophiles, where does it end?

I wouldn't be talking when you have guys like Didak, Shaw, Krakouer, Swan and Beams on your list.
I wouldn't be talking when you have guys like Didak, Shaw, Krakouer, Swan and Beams on your list.

You realize it is not my list, for a start?

And I don't count a rapist or pedo among them. A fight or two and some drink driving, but when did that every harm anyone.

It is clear that St Kilda have to go, society can't take any more of this.
I don't see it as just a StKilda thing its more of a reflection of society and youth in general these days, the Saints fans defending it are imbeciles.

What about the imbeciles trolling and making up complete bullshit?
I doubt they'd think it was all that funny if someone that their mother, or daughter, or little sister looked up to had said it to them, especially in front of others they looked up to.

If it did happen it was selfish, cruel and very poor form.

Unfortunately, this is what I have noticed happens pretty much every time someone from our club does something like this, or gets into trouble.

On the St Kilda forums and boards they generally start attacking anyone and everyone else like hyenas, trying to put the blame on everyone else they can think of, instead of facing the fact that perhaps there are some issues we really ought to address and some attitudes that we need to change.

It's a real victim mentality (just like the "oh, if the ball had only bounced our way in the GF we'd have won") and until that changes and we start taking some responsibility for our actions, all this sort of shit will continue to happen and the ultimate success we strive so hard for will continue to elude us. That is for damn sure.

So that means you can understand why so many are critical of you on here. Glad about that. :thumbsu:

I have to disagree with this in the main.

The media, and their continuing slide into mediocrity, is the major issue here. I thought everyone would have learnt from the Duthie affair that the footy-related media are completely nuts in Melbourne. It appears, from reading this thread, that there are many that have not learnt a thing from a pretty ordinary episode.
The media got played big-time by a teenager of average intelligence inventing a web of lies. Then when the lies were discovered, there were no apologies from the likes of Hinch. Why? The whole episode showed how terribly low our journalistic standards had slipped. Quality journalism means checking your source is 100% reliable before publishing. Hinch and the other fools didn’t with the Duthie thing. And they somehow got away with it while the mud stuck on the whole St Kilda football club. The worrying thing for me in the whole thing was that all it took to show how pathetically desperate our football media is to drum up a “story” relating to football was a jilted, vindictive teenager and a story relating to footballers. If such a person can get supposedly credible journalists in this country to dance to her tune then god help us. A transparent, investigative and accountable media is fundamental to a country working well. If Hinch and his ilk are anything to go by, this country is in trouble.

Relating to what was allegedly said by the Saints player(s) here, I don’t think anyone thinks what they allegedly said is ok and of course no one would like their daughters/mothers/wives to be on the end of comments like this. But where will we draw the line about feeling what is, I think, completely out-of-proportion outrage about comments (especially alleged ones) made to a member of the public? Why are people getting in a frenzy about this? Misogyny and anti-fat jokes happen anywhere males, especially young ones, gather together in groups. I’m positive comments happen at all AFL clubs and nearly all workplaces every day. But is it worth reporting? The newspapers would be overrun with such reports every day if they were consistent in choosing to report alleged comments that were made. Keeping in mind the past poor form from the media in beating up stories involving footballers there is little wonder many posters, St Kilda ones especially, are coming out in force against the media and fair enough too.

On this issue, I see no victim mentality at play involving the Saints: more the calling out of shoddy journalism and out-of-proportion, on-cue outrage. There is nothing to say that there is any correlation between success on the footy field and a positive culture either (see every premiership winning team in the past decade, name your scandal) and that issues like this are holding the Saints back.
POS is treatable.

Treatable, but not curable. The drugs they give you can be a bit of a balancing act as you the condition puts many of its victims into diabetes territory, the over abundance of testosterone can make them hirsute and some of the treatments can put on weight, despite the fact that one of the best treatments is to lose weight, and to top it off, it can be many times harder to lose weight than somebody with a comparable diet and exercise regime. It's doable but takes a lot of dedication and in young women, already self conscious and hormonal, it's extremely difficult.
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