Young girl allegedly insulted by St Kilda player.

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St Kilda players are arrogant assholes..

If you ever met one, I can only assume you are a fat girl.

Now lets get more reasonable. Last year Ahmed Saad was in the VFL, is he now suddenly an Arrogent arseh*le.
Beau Wilkes played for West Coast. Oh dear Steven King was fine until he came to StKilda, because before then he was a humble cat.
If you believe your own post you are a dead set moron.
I don't see it as just a StKilda thing its more of a reflection of society and youth in general these days, the Saints fans defending it are imbeciles.
To be fair, some are defending it, some are just asking for recognition that these things are reported out of context or embellished. Mind you, there are supporters of other clubs, also defending it. It's not a St Kilda supporter issue, it's a personality type thing IMO.

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Am surprised at the responses here.
Everyone on this website has some kind of physical imperfection, whether it be their weight, to something as serious as a missing limb or something as 'trivial' as a receeding hairline. I am sure there are those who may think they are perfect, but perception and reality are different things. Nobody is.
Nothing gives anyone, footballer or not, the right to think they can comment on another person's physical appearance and make them feel inferior for any reason whatsoever.
It would not have been acceptable had it been a racist comment and it's not acceptable as a weight-related comment either.
Whether you think the young woman and her mother went about it in the wrong way or not (and remember these two people have kept the player's name or names away from the public), it doesn't excuse the player's alledged behaviour.
If you ever met one, I can only assume you are a fat girl.

Now lets get more reasonable. Last year Ahmed Saad was in the VFL, is he now suddenly an Arrogent arseh*le.
Beau Wilkes played for West Coast. Oh dear Steven King was fine until he came to StKilda, because before then he was a humble cat.
If you believe your own post you are a dead set moron.
Prime examples what happens when you go to that culture..
Some Saints player.. You know r*ped some teenager.. you know a few years back.. you know they still play today..


No they didn't.
But I know you like little boys. Hey I could never prove it in court and I dont have evidence but it doesnt matter because I KNOW. After a while on bigfooty you can work out what is true just from the way you read stuff eh.

So its OK for me to call you boylover I take it?
Treatable, but not curable. The drugs they give you can be a bit of a balancing act as you the condition puts many of its victims into diabetes territory, the over abundance of testosterone can make them hirsute and some of the treatments can put on weight, despite the fact that one of the best treatments is to lose weight, and to top it off, it can be many times harder to lose weight than somebody with a comparable diet and exercise regime. It's doable but takes a lot of dedication and in young women, already self conscious and hormonal, it's extremely difficult.

Look anything's possible, but you know what, obesity is a global epidemic generally caused by people's bad choices. Already it is the creating a heavy economic burden on our health system. Why make excuses?
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
Fluid Retention

Yes but these are in the minority of the obese. Most 21 year olds would not be suffering from fluid retention and most wouldn't be on strong medications. Hypothyroidism is most commonly found in middle aged women. POS is treatable. Tumour? Clear majority would be overweight because of poor choices, i.e. diet and lack of exercise. But this isn't even the issue, if the incident happened exactly as reported, it's poor. But, surely prior experience would indicate that public opinion as dictated by the shock jocks does't always lead to the right conclusion.

I'll start looking for the article, but statistics show that only 2% (or 3%, I can't remember exactly) of obesity/overweight cases are not a result of lifestyle factors, and are in fact caused by things such as what Old Dark Navy posted.

This has no reflection on my view on this matter (which, for the record, I think is BS as there is absolutely no proof of these claims), I'm just merely pointing out the fact that an overwhelming majority of weight issues are a result of an individual's choices, no matter how much they spurt the "woe is me" BS (and trust me, I know about that).
Why is it always a club thing when discussing issues on bigfooty? Are you really that thick?
Honestly, I think he might be. Fortunately most of us can admit when someone from our club has done something wrong and not condone that action, sadly there is a select few that appear so deluded that they will say anything to avoid admitting players of a team they support could possibly be responsible for doing something wrong. It is rather pathetic to read.
No they didn't.
But I know you like little boys. Hey I could never prove it in court and I dont have evidence but it doesnt matter because I KNOW. After a while on bigfooty you can work out what is true just from the way you read stuff eh.

So its OK for me to call you boylover I take it?

Has to be a Saint fan. Weird Saint like comments..
Look anything's possible, but you know what, obesity is a global epidemic generally caused by people's bad choices. Already it is the creating a heavy economic burden on our health system. Why make excuses?

Excuses? I responded to a post that said that obesity is their own fault. This isn't always true. POS is also something I am close to (not me obviously) and it is something that takes an age to finally get a proper diagnosis for, and it is difficult to treat. Not that obesity is the right word for the situation I speak of, but it is causing problems for sure.
Honestly, I think he might be. Fortunately most of us can admit when someone from our club has done something wrong and not condone that action, sadly there is a select few that appear so deluded that they will say anything to avoid admitting players of a team they support could possibly be responsible for doing something wrong. It is rather pathetic to read.

If you can find definite proof that one of our players did something wrong then I'll admit it and condemn them for it but so far it is our players word against this woman and Hinch's word and as I said before I prefer to give our players the benefit of the doubt, especially given what happened with Kim Duthie and Hinch.

You're aware of the phrase 'innocent until proven guilty'?

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Excuses? I responded to a post that said that obesity is their own fault. This isn't always true. POS is also something I am close to (not me obviously) and it is something that takes an age to finally get a proper diagnosis for, and it is difficult to treat. Not that obesity is the right word for the situation I speak of, but it is causing problems for sure.

Let's be honest, most people are obese as their calories in exceed their calories out. It's simply a case of eating too many cupcakes.
I have to disagree with this in the main.

The media, and their continuing slide into mediocrity, is the major issue here. I thought everyone would have learnt from the Duthie affair that the footy-related media are completely nuts in Melbourne. It appears, from reading this thread, that there are many that have not learnt a thing from a pretty ordinary episode.
The media got played big-time by a teenager of average intelligence inventing a web of lies. Then when the lies were discovered, there were no apologies from the likes of Hinch. Why? The whole episode showed how terribly low our journalistic standards had slipped. Quality journalism means checking your source is 100% reliable before publishing. Hinch and the other fools didn’t with the Duthie thing. And they somehow got away with it while the mud stuck on the whole St Kilda football club. The worrying thing for me in the whole thing was that all it took to show how pathetically desperate our football media is to drum up a “story” relating to football was a jilted, vindictive teenager and a story relating to footballers. If such a person can get supposedly credible journalists in this country to dance to her tune then god help us. A transparent, investigative and accountable media is fundamental to a country working well. If Hinch and his ilk are anything to go by, this country is in trouble.

Relating to what was allegedly said by the Saints player(s) here, I don’t think anyone thinks what they allegedly said is ok and of course no one would like their daughters/mothers/wives to be on the end of comments like this. But where will we draw the line about feeling what is, I think, completely out-of-proportion outrage about comments (especially alleged ones) made to a member of the public? Why are people getting in a frenzy about this? Misogyny and anti-fat jokes happen anywhere males, especially young ones, gather together in groups. I’m positive comments happen at all AFL clubs and nearly all workplaces every day. But is it worth reporting? The newspapers would be overrun with such reports every day if they were consistent in choosing to report alleged comments that were made. Keeping in mind the past poor form from the media in beating up stories involving footballers there is little wonder many posters, St Kilda ones especially, are coming out in force against the media and fair enough too.

On this issue, I see no victim mentality at play involving the Saints: more the calling out of shoddy journalism and out-of-proportion, on-cue outrage. There is nothing to say that there is any correlation between success on the footy field and a positive culture either (see every premiership winning team in the past decade, name your scandal) and that issues like this are holding the Saints back.

Thank you for your uncommonly rational response. Unfortunately, I doubt that most posters on this thread are sufficiently literate to read it through, let alone understand it!
Thank you for your uncommonly rational response. Unfortunately, I doubt that most posters on this thread are sufficiently literate to read it through, let alone understand it!


i just saw Honches name in there, I presume it is another attempt to blame a journo for half the Saints footy team making an underage girl pregnant and then eating her baby.
The obesity debate is probably best left to the SR&P board.

As for this story, I don't think anyone with half a brain would accept a player or official making a comment like that while representing the club.

I also think nobody with half a brain would believe such an obvious bullshit story.
If it weren't for your powerful president what's his name, and how rich your club is, they'd all be behind bars already.
Makes me SICK.
Talk about projection . . . man, you'd keep a therapist in business for years!
The obesity debate is probably best left to the SR&P board.

As for this story, I don't think anyone with half a brain would accept a player or official making a comment like that while representing the club.

I also think nobody with half a brain would believe such an obvious bullshit story.

Chris Pelchen believes her story.
Wow, they talk about 'school holidays' when people make outlandish comments on this site, yet there are BF posters that find this 'funny'. I hope the ones that find it funny are over the age of 18. I don't see the humours side of this.

Shows that this sport is still full of boof-head sportsmen with no education, and some supporters who are the same.

Ow apologise, being an AFL footballer who gets to sleep with minors is sooooo much more precious than a fan who has done nothing wrong.

I agree with what the poster has said, doesn't mean I have offended anyone like the St Kilda player has alledgedly done. Did I hurt YOUR feelings? Are you a St Kilda player? Or the minor?

Go find your other eye.
Stop contradicting yourself. No you haven't upset me, I was just pointing out your hypocrisy.
On top of that, you have written it as minors, plural meaning more than one.

By your own words, you are a boof-head with no education.

Are you off your horse yet? I need to get the ladder back to Mr Haberdasher.
I also think nobody with half a brain would believe such an obviously bullshit story.

Which half of the brain are we talking? If just the right side they're probably more likely to believe. That is presuming of course, having only half a brain, that they are not a complete vegetable.

Which half do you have Jeffrey?
Not yet, but the day of reckoning is coming. If it weren't for your powerful president what's his name, and how rich your club is, they'd all be behind bars already.

Makes me SICK.

The only player that has been behind bars is on Collingwood's list and who you seem to have taken your username from.

Says a lot about you when you idolise someone like that.
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