Young girl allegedly insulted by St Kilda player.

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Wow, you mean guys at St Kilda are cautious about being friendly with young girls that they don't know?

Well who'd have thought?

Damned if you, damned if you don't.
Wow, they talk about 'school holidays' when people make outlandish comments on this site, yet there are BF posters that find this 'funny'. I hope the ones that find it funny are over the age of 18. I don't see the humours side of this.

I'm definitely not precious, and wouldn't give two Fs about it, but you'd think people would be mature enough to realise insulting strangers and commenting on their image is pretty immature and cruel. If I had a child who was fat, I definitely wouldn't appreciate someone battering her self-esteem like that, and non of you would appreciate it either.

Shows that this sport is still full of boof-head sportsmen with no education, and some supporters who are the same.

You say this.. But then you clicked 'like' on this quote \/ \/ \/
I think the problem wasn't that she was fat, it was that she was 21.

Way too old for the Saints players to give any consideration to.

So you are against calling anyone fat, but the insinuation of pedophilia tickles your fancy?

Wait, stay there while I go and grab a ladder to help you down from your high horse...

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I can't believe people are discussing whether or not it's okay to insult a complete stranger who's done nothing wrong.

I'll help some of you morons out... it's not.

I can't believe people are discussing this as truth, we all know what happened last time 3AW went with a non credible story?
So ..... if a fat person comes up to you and asks for an autograph, how can you tell which category they fill? The bottom line is, people are human beings and unless they've done something to deserves being abused, then they should be treated with common courtesy.

I won't name the Test cricketer, but a mate of mine idolised him many years ago. He rushed up to him after a day's play, asked for an autograph and the player told him to "F... off". Someone needs to tell these arrogant tossers that if people didn't show an interest in what they did, they'd be picking fly poop out of the pepper at Anchor Foods.
The quit council abuses and criticises smokers every day for their habit. Obesity however is an equally as big problem that is getting worse daily and it is suddenly politically incorrect to comment negatively about them? What the players did was human nature too bt as it doesn't fill your views on what is acceptable then I guess we overlook that too.
You say this.. But then you clicked 'like' on this quote \/ \/ \/

So you are against calling anyone fat, but the insinuation of pedophilia tickles your fancy?

Wait, stay there while I go and grab a ladder to help you down from your high horse...
Ow apologise, being an AFL footballer who gets to sleep with minors is sooooo much more precious than a fan who has done nothing wrong.

I agree with what the poster has said, doesn't mean I have offended anyone like the St Kilda player has alledgedly done. Did I hurt YOUR feelings? Are you a St Kilda player? Or the minor?

Go find your other eye.
Ow apologise, being an AFL footballer who gets to sleep with minors is sooooo much more precious than a fan who has done nothing wrong.

I agree with what the poster has said, doesn't mean I have offended anyone like the St Kilda player has alledgedly done. Did I hurt YOUR feelings? Are you a St Kilda player? Or the minor?

Go find your other eye.
Who was the AFL player from St Kilda who slept with the minor?
So ..... if a fat person comes up to you and asks for an autograph, how can you tell which category they fill?[/B] The bottom line is, people are human beings and unless they've done something to deserves being abused, then they should be treated with common courtesy.

That is exactly what my issue is.

Even if abusing a fat person could be definitely shown (which it never, ever will) to be beneficial for them, it still involves an assumption that all fat people are that way universally through self-inflicted means, i.e. eating crap and not exercising.

This is an assumption you simply cannot make.
That is exactly what my issue is.

Even if abusing a fat person could be definitely shown (which it never, ever will) to be beneficial for them, it still involves an assumption that all fat people are that way universally through self-inflicted means, i.e. eating crap and not exercising.

This is an assumption you simply cannot make.
I was abused for being fat as a kid and it made me want to lose and keep it off.
Wow, you mean guys at St Kilda are cautious about being friendly with young girls that they don't know?

Well who'd have thought?

Damned if you, damned if you don't.
Probably helps if you don't stick your dongle in every usb port that moves. Seriously, can't hurt to restrain yourself sometimes. Give it a whirl. Sam Gilbert, I'm looking at you.

If I had a child who was fat, I definitely wouldn't appreciate someone battering her self-esteem like that, and non of you would appreciate it either.

If somebody insults your fat child it's your own fault. You literally control everything they eat and do for more than a dozen years of their life. There is no excuse for fat children, it's irresponsible and dangerous to their health.

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Is there any evidence that this actually happened?

It is pretty suspicious that this occured on the eve of womens round, involving the Saints and also that it was a letter sent using the term "fat chicks".

Couldnt someone simply send an email to a club (cc in the media) and state any manner of things??

Im not saying that it didnt happen, just questioning it.
Cant wait for the next one...the hypocritical self important super sensitive types who think joking about someone being fat is a bloody crime...u lot better formulate your answer to the blonde who now thinks its not on for you to joke about blondes being dumb.

Afterall, whats worse...joking about someone's body or their brain ? With your heightened sense of moral outrage i would've thought if you heard someone joking about the intelligence level of a woman would be far worse.

Blonde jokes now officially out also...we need to do another seminar at all clubs, coz this disgusting practice simply must stop.

Players need to be told they are not part of society, cannot joke around about anything, and need to treat women as some sort of sub humans, who are obviously far too silly to either take a joke or ignore anything they dont like. We must drum this into them now, so we can dodge the wowser bullets from the assorted ingrates and self important moral police on a footy site.

If you so much as hear a blonde joke...ring Hinch or report it. I cant believe anyone would think that its ok to say or joke about that sort of thing in public.

So you'd have no problem if someone came up to your mother and called her a whore as long as it was funny?
Wow, you mean guys at St Kilda are cautious about being friendly with young girls that they don't know?

Well who'd have thought?

Damned if you, damned if you don't.
So by "damned if you do, damnned if you don't" you are saying:

You are damned if you have sex with school girls.

You are damned if you call them fat and ugly when they ask for an autograph.

I can see how this is such a difficult position for those St Kilda players, what possible middle ground could there be!?!?
As for fat kids.

It amounts to child abuse letting your child get that fat.

If they want chocolate everyday, say no! Pretty simple.

Since there are sooo many fat kids around these days, do they even get picked on anymore? Or is it the healthy kid payed out because his parents 'cant afford' chocolate.
So you'd have no problem if someone came up to your mother and called her a whore as long as it was funny?
If there was truth to it I wouldn't. This discussion is about as PC thuggish as the Jews who complain people are anti semites for simply calling them a Jew and black people who complain about being described in that way.
If somebody insults your fat child it's your own fault. You literally control everything they eat and do for more than a dozen years of their life. There is no excuse for fat children, it's irresponsible and dangerous to their health.

Firstly, as has been pointed out, sometimes people (including children) are fat for reasons other than bad diet and lifestyle.

How is this hard to understand?

Secondly, parents who feed their kids junk are reprehensible and need to be made aware what they are doing is not much better than child abuse. HOWEVER, that still does not excuse people going out of their way to abuse the fat child. There is no justification for being an outright dickhead, and if you seriously believe teasing a kid will always work, then you are kidding yourself.

It might work for some. For others, prolonged abuse from others tends to lead to other things. Like, for example, self-harm.
If somebody insults your fat child it's your own fault. You literally control everything they eat and do for more than a dozen years of their life. There is no excuse for fat children, it's irresponsible and dangerous to their health.

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
Fluid Retention
If there was truth to it I wouldn't. This discussion is about as PC thuggish as the Jews who complain people are anti semites for simply calling them a Jew and black people who complain about being described in that way.

So it's okay to say whatever you want about people or to them so long as it's true?

My parents actually raised me to show respect to other people, but I guess not everyone is brought up with such soft****, namby pamby, PC values.
So it's okay to say whatever you want about people or to them so long as it's true?

My parents actually raised me to show respect to other people, but I guess not everyone is brought up with such soft****, namby pamby, PC values.
So let's not go near a child rapist and tell people he was convicted of child rape because it might hurt the child rapists feelings. Nice logic there.
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