Player Watch Zac Taylor

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Talents likely to be getting pretty skinny by our 3rd pick with 6 clubs picking before us in every round if they rate players?

Can't see too many clubs taking 3 picks with the talent pool diminishing after the 1st round.
Surely if Taylor is out long term (which now looks unlikely) we’d be using our third pick for any SANFL cover possible.
Surely if Taylor is out long term (which now looks unlikely) we’d be using our third pick for any SANFL cover possible.
I don't see it sorry, if we don't think they're a chance at making it at AFL level it makes no sense.
I don't see it sorry, if we don't think they're a chance at making it at AFL level it makes no sense.
Our SANFL side looks pretty uncompetitive if Taylor is out of it. Don’t think an uncompetitive side would help with development of youth. We’ve had form in this previously with Kayne Turner.

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Zac has played some reasonable games this year, I wouldn't say he has set the world on fire though. Can't see him forcing his way into the AFL team just yet. He'd be behind Dowling for a gig imo.
He has had no luck with injuries since joining us but he has finally had a clear run over the last two months.

I have said for more than a year that imho he has more to offer at AFL level than Dowling. He is more versatile and could be very effective in the high half forward role. I expect him to be our next debutant.
Got on emergency bench first time this year and maybe ever.

Needs a big week against south and hopefully we can see him in seniors

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Being named an emergency could be a sign that the club is shifting direction and focus and starting to think about its current depth situation with injuries. We have been exposed badly and this should mean Taylor should get games in the coming weeks. I for one hope it happens. He has always looked good. The club was stoked to see that he was available, thinking it was a choice between him and Soligo from memory. Lets hope he gets a break and can show something at AFL level.
Zac has improved this year. His defensive game is much better and he is running harder and further in his spread. He has much better vision than many of our senior players. This week or next is Taylor made for him. Has now got an increasing number of solid/ good games in his portfolio now. If we are looking for future success he must play soon. For me it would be this week
Zac has improved this year. His defensive game is much better and he is running harder and further in his spread. He has much better vision than many of our senior players. This week or next is Taylor made for him. Has now got an increasing number of solid/ good games in his portfolio now. If we are looking for future success he must play soon. For me it would be this week
What should happen and what Nicks wants are two very different things though?

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