Roast Sack Koch - Chairman of The Redeem Team

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I would have thought all 18 coaches would have the loyalty of their players.
I'm certain that the players would be loyal to a new coach also.

If the players all love and are so loyal to Daddy Donuts why don't they put in for him in big games?
Compare the pair:

Coach 1:
  • 11 years at the one Club as senior coach
  • 141-93 record in the home and away season
  • 5-5 record in finals
  • 3 top 4 finishes at the end of the home and away season
  • 1 minor premiership
  • 47% win rate in Showdowns
  • 5 finals appearances (soon to be 6)
  • 3 preliminary final appearances
  • 0 grand final appearances
  • 0 premierships

Coach 2:
  • 12 years at the one Club as senior coach
  • 142-112 record in the home and away season
  • 8-9 record in finals
  • 5 top 4 finishes at the end of the home and away season
  • 3 minor premierships
  • 56% win rate in Showdowns
  • 7 finals appearances
  • 4 preliminary final appearances
  • 2 grand final appearances
  • 1 premiership

Coach 1 is Hinkley. Coach 2 is Choco.

Koch has ZERO right to say that Hinkley is the most successful coach in Port's AFL history. It is an embarrassment and shows exactly how blind and oblivious Koch is.

There are no ifs and or buts about it. He's got to go.

Right now getting rid of him is near impossible. But he has made his bed tying himself to Hinkley in spite of no urgency to do so prior to September. If Port shit the bed as many of us expect in this finals series, I'll be shocked if there isn't at least someone of high profile in the Port Adelaide Network who will challenge Koch and the Board with a ticket of their own to replace all of the No-Hopers.

The ultimate disaster for Koch would be to see Port finish 2nd or 3rd, lose in week 1 of the finals and then get knocked out in the 2nd week of the finals against 7th placed Adelaide. That scenario happens and the pitchforks will be out in earnest.
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To be fair you should include win/loss records in both home and away and finals. Otherwise it makes us no better than Kochie by selecting our stats.

Home and away
Choco just under 12 seasons, Ken into his 11th.

Home and away comparison
Ken - 60.26%
141 wins 93 losses from total of 234 matches

Choco - 55.86%
142 wins 2 draws 112 losses from total of 256 matches

Ken - 50.00%
5 wins 5 losses from 10 appearances

Choco - 47.06%
8 wins 9 losses from 17 appearances.

Stats are just numbers though, on numbers, I'd have the count 8-3 in Chocos favour.

Choco's 8 years from 1999-2007 over Ken's record. I always rated the finish as 2000 as being the springboard to 2001-2004.

Ken gets 3 for not bottoming out like 2008-2010.

That's just looking at pure stats, go into efficiency use of resources, not taking any prisons etc, hard calls like Nick Stevens non trade etc. Choco by the length of a grey hound straight.

Being a darling of the media, Kenny miles ahead of Choco
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To be fair you should include win/loss records in both home and away and finals. Otherwise it makes us no better than Kochie by selecting our stats

Edited, but the numbers you requested have absolutely zero bearing on what should be considered as success (premierships).
It doesn't help the cause when every radio caller on the subject.matter is either a happy clapper or somebody who's unable to form a coherent sentence let alone an argument. And yes, I realize this is by design, but come on. Can't somebody just get on air that sounds reasonable? How about somebody contrast out scenario with Collingwood? It's ok for them to sack Buckley (who got them to a GF at least). There's also the contrast with Williams, who wasn't afforded what Hinkley has, despite delivering us our first Premiership. I mean the crux of the argument is how you define success. Not in the short term, but how history will judge. Nobody will remember home and away records, minor premierships or prelim final losses.

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Kochies statement "based on the facts" that Ken Hinkley is the most successful coach of Port Adelaide in the AFL era isn't just a massive slap in the face to our actual most successful coach in Mark Williams, but tells you everything you need to know about his perspective of the club. If your whole perspective of the club is based around success in the home and away round, why wouldn't you re-sign Ken? In that context, it's difficult to argue with. But if thats the case, you have a clear divide between Port Adelaide's historical mission statement and the mission statement of the President. It seems as though we're happy to trot out the prison bars and refer to our history when it suits the suits and marketing team, but when it comes to the ethos, the foundations that were laid to make the club one of the most successful sports clubs in Australia (which we earned where it counts) then we are happy to make it up as we go along. Disappointing. Regardless of Ken's re-appointment or not, it's disappointing. They could have re-signed him and still kept high standards and maintained intellectual honesty, but instead they've chosen to bend everything around justifying the reappointment.

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Roast Sack Koch - Chairman of The Redeem Team

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