Certified Legendary Thread Sack Hinkley 12 - Finals Are Scary

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If they're gonna take a broom to the club, can they sweep out NTUA, the club song, and our guernsey while they're at it?
Our guernsey is now tarnished & will only forever represent our failure in the last 14+ years since we've started wearing it.
NTUA and our club song can go because they're cringey shit.
I've always thought that Do You Hear the People Sings from Les Miserables would have been a great club song. Adapred excerpt below . . .

Do you hear the people sing?
Singing the song of angry men?
It is the music of the people
Who won’t take Ken again!
When the beating of your heart
Echoes the beating of the drum
There is a life about to start
When we sack the gormless bum!

Do you hear the people sing?
Singing the song of Alberton?
It is the music of the Port fans
Who just want ol’ Donuts gone!
For people saying Carr should take over. He has also failed us. If he had ideas he would have implemented them given our track record in finals.

Im not sold on the idea of a coach needing to miss finals to be sacked. Ken is not the man to take us forward. Do it and do it now. Pay Buckley whatever he wants. Give him an island in the mediterranean.
Hinkley is well known for not working well with others, and things needing to be done his way.
How does Carr get to implement his own ideas working under Hinkley.

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Chewy - Before I think we were pretty much in agreeance that the fate of Hinkley would be down to the way we played as opposed to the result.

Surely nobody is going to be able to defend that as being a loss with any merit whatsoever.

That was as bad as the Western Bulldogs game just the end margin wasn't as bad. At no stage last night did I think we were going to win. I thought the first 3 minutes I liked that tackling pressure but it dropped off pretty much straight away.

We were playing obviously injured players as usual. This is always argued with the line everyone is carrying something at this time of year but Sydney looked much fresher and fitter.

I'm expecting Hinkley to resign and we'll pay him out in full to get rid of him. It will be a sacking but not in the eyes of the media.

I agree with you. And there are people within the Club who feel the same way.

For people saying Carr should take over. He has also failed us. If he had ideas he would have implemented them given our track record in finals.

Im not sold on the idea of a coach needing to miss finals to be sacked. Ken is not the man to take us forward. Do it and do it now. Pay Buckley whatever he wants. Give him an island in the mediterranean.

Ken has final say on all gameplan decisions, so you can't say that Carr would have added things to the gameplan if he actually had any different ideas.

People who have spoken to Carr directly know the way Port would play under him would be vastly different to the way they currently play.

Hey mate, what’s the likelihood in % terms that Ken will be gone by the end of the week?

The optimist in me says 60/40. The cynic says 50/50.
NTUA is a reasonable theme, and idea..the crowd and scarves

The problem is its a tempo downer
it doesn't uplift, inspire, motivate or lift our players adrenalin

Its a massive mood killer. Slow, boring, sheeit a peak Ron Jeremy full of Viagra would go soft listening to it.

we need to replace it, or rework it to a faster beat
NTUA is a reasonable theme, and idea..the crowd and scarves

The problem is its a tempo downer
it doesn't uplift, inspire, motivate or lift our players adrenalin

Its a massive mood killer. Slow, boring, sheeit a peak Ron Jeremy full of Viagra would go soft listening to it.

we need to replace it, or rework it to a faster beat
I like how the soccer clubs do it...

Some of the songs they do are great.
NTUA is a reasonable theme, and idea..the crowd and scarves

The problem is its a tempo downer
it doesn't uplift, inspire, motivate or lift our players adrenalin

Its a massive mood killer. Slow, boring, sheeit a peak Ron Jeremy full of Viagra would go soft listening to it.

we need to replace it, or rework it to a faster beat
Yeah, it really killed the vibe in Sydney

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I used to buy 11 game memberships with reserved seats every year for me and my wife travel 4 hours around every game then I started working in the mines so had to go to the 3 games membership absolute one eyed port supporter all my life and the last 2 years I've got a job back home I've only attended 1 of the 3 games I've paid for each year i just haven't got the passion any more it's grown stale I will always support my club I buy merchandise, watch every game, continue to buy memberships but those who are realist can see we've gone as far as we can with Ken it's just not working it's time to let it go ffs so if there is any port officials on here as stated that read this forum change has to happen ffs its been 12 years with no grand final there has to be change look to be fair thanks Ken for helping us get back on track (2013 2014 etc) but the ship has sailed a long time ago I'd rather go through a rebuild than have to go through this sh*t again how much disappointment can you expect your supporters to go through Koch you claim that we exist to win premierships now we all know that is a load of sh*t we now exist to be a stable club if you had any love for this club you would cut ties with him and give someone else a chance go and read the creed and keep reading it until it clicks in your thick head we have become a laughing stock make the changes and make them now and not only Ken but the players that are only in it for the pay check f*#k them off to nothing changes until changes are made
NTUA is a reasonable theme, and idea..the crowd and scarves

The problem is its a tempo downer
it doesn't uplift, inspire, motivate or lift our players adrenalin

Its a massive mood killer. Slow, boring, sheeit a peak Ron Jeremy full of Viagra would go soft listening to it.

we need to replace it, or rework it to a faster beat
Also a bit long in the tooth now.
And the oppo teams also get a rev up out of it. Geelong players have openly stated it gives them additional motivation and have one of the best records of oppo teams at Adelaide oval.
SEN Crunch Time panel broadly in agreement that we’re in the endgame. Effectively, we either announce the succession plan now or give Ken the golden handshake (which, as Derm suggests, all coaches get these days)

A golden handshake for our malignant tumour of a coach.

They should take him out behind Allan Scott Power Headquarters like one of Kenny's greyhounds.
I agree with you. And there are people within the Club who feel the same way.

Ken has final say on all gameplan decisions, so you can't say that Carr would have added things to the gameplan if he actually had any different ideas.

People who have spoken to Carr directly know the way Port would play under him would be vastly different to the way they currently play.

The optimist in me says 60/40. The cynic says 50/50.

You would think the 25 goal turnaround against Sydney & another impotent PF failure would at least bump those odds up to 70/30?

But hey, we are Port Adelaide, we exist to make the community proud & provide employment opportunities to pot bellied grifters.
hey who are our directors? I'd like to go on linkedin and see the other boards they're on to make sure I never invest in them

Unless you were planning to invest in baldness, rainbows, pyramid schemes, or Eddie McGuire, there isn't much point.
I haven’t posted on this board as much as I used to but on the off chance that someone in a position of power is reading, here is my 2-cents.

I’m a classroom teacher - I deal with petulant children all the time. The worst ones though, aren’t the ones who throw chairs or swear or make asses of themselves. Sometimes the worst students are the students who think they deserve a better grade than they’ve earned. They make a big song and dance, refuse to listen to feedback, and when you tell them the truth, they go crying to mum and dad and suddenly you need to make a difficult phone call.

If Ken Hinkley was my student, I would feel uniquely confident in my upcoming confrontation with his parents. I will give him some credit, he seems to have good relationships with players, and he has made more finals series than most, but that doesn’t get you an A grade. He can whinge and moan about all the things he does well, but he doesn’t listen to feedback, he makes excuses when he fails and every time the shit hits the fan he runs to Koch and the media who pat him on the back and tell him he hasn’t done anything wrong.

Sure he could improve.

But he hasn’t.

Ken is a B-grade coach who will never win a premiership, he will never earn an A grade. He has provided 10 years of evidence to support this.

B grade coaches don’t win premierships.

Sack Ken Hinkley.


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Certified Legendary Thread Sack Hinkley 12 - Finals Are Scary

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