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  1. I

    Northern Football League Division 1 - Part II

    News just to hand Black and yellow baloons have been spotted adorning a letter box in mayona road (with the words tigers 08 below them) I thought Richmond failed to make the eight.........
  2. I

    Northern Football League Division 1 - Part II

    fair to say ya mate might want another set of eyes for two weeks time no matter who ya play, me thinks............
  3. I

    Northern Football League Division 1 - Part II

    Not before we have to play you cu.ts again where not:D
  4. I

    Northern Football League Division 1 - Part II

    Listen here tip rat, gay has smashed king to the side of the head twice this year from BEHIND (last week at preston and earlier in the year at heidelberg) both times after boundary throw in,s (round arm rights) rendering him un fit to play out the remainder of both games.I have WITNESSED...
  5. I

    Northern Football League Division 1 - Part II

    Let me tell you fatty, it was no clash of heads with your irishman:thumbsd:
  6. I

    Northern Football League Division 1 - Part II

    Mate you have embarrased your self enough (given the 10/10 tackle has know been aired) The hole you are digging for yourself is about to cave in!!!!!!!
  7. I

    Northern Football League Division 1 - Part II

    Lets hope THE PANTHERS or is that THE PUSSYS make the finals NEXT year (last chance) Better still go back to second division in 2010 and win another flag!!!!!!!
  8. I

    Northern Football League Division 1 - Part II

    Forget what Santoro has/has'nt done in the past,the tackle on Richardson was fair and within the rules of the game ,the tackle was perfect given he had his arms pinned and gave the player no opurtunity other than to drop the ball (a free kick should have been paid) The fact that Richardson was...
  9. I

    Northern Football League Division 1 - Part II

    Unfortunently Heidelberg will be far to good for everyone again this year,should win the big one by 10-12 goals.Its back to the drawing board for all other clubs i'm afraid:(
  10. I

    Northern Football League Division 1 - Part II

    cheers i hope your suckin a can boof .............its late!
  11. I

    Northern Football League Division 1 - Part II

    Hey head wanna have 5k on creek:D
  12. I

    Northern Football League Division 1 - Part II

    You are the smartest bloke at heidelberg fatty, extremely well said:thumbsu: Right up there with the greatest posts of all time!
  13. I

    Northern Football League Division 1 - Part II

    Just so you know hobo my $500 has been taken up in another deal offline Though $500 the win still stands for you hobo.Why dont you put your money where your mouth is!!!!!!!!! You still have two hours......................... Yeah did'nt think so!!!!!!!!! your full of...
  14. I

    Northern Football League Division 1 - Part II

    $500 the win mouth :eek:
  15. I

    Northern Football League Division 1 - Part II

    Heidelberg still the bench mark of the comp and should win both flags by 10 goals or more!!!!!!!!! .Remember you actually play 3 games on the weekend or have your 19's disbanded again??:eek:
  16. I

    Northern Football League Division 1 - Part II

    If you pay they stay (and thats where its headed )if you want sucess in the nfl so start savin boys!!!!!!!!!
  17. I

    Northern Football League Division 1 - Part II

    Following chocco Muleta is he ?
  18. I

    Northern Football League Division 1 - Part II

    Interesting call, i may tend to agree:thumbsu: not nessecairily wanting the job but certanly having a fair bit to say with regards to shaws demise and subsequent departure
  19. I

    Northern Football League Division 1 - Part II

    And you'll be the only thirsty losers at mont this year!!!!:D
  20. I

    Northern Football League Division 1 - Part II

    skeptical as to how much of an influence soccer will have in diminshing numbers Boof, fair enough soccer numbers are increasing but the reality of it is that there are 95 kids doing Auskick down at Heidelberg, you can be guaranteed that at least half of these kids are playing soccer as well...
  21. I

    Northern Football League Division 1 - Part II

    Howse Signed at slime 100%:(
  22. I

    Northern Football League Division 1 - Part II

  23. I

    Northern Football League Division 1 - Part II

    you have never seen santoro play! You are a dead set .... wit ,thats exactly what you are (my opinion of course!!!!!!!):D
  24. I

    Northern Football League Div 1 - CLOSED

    Re: Northern Football League Div 1
  25. I

    Northern Football League Div 1 - CLOSED

    Re: Northern Football League Div 1 Bundoora Heidelberg Montmorency (15 goals):p Lalor Norf
  26. I

    Northern Football League Div 1 - CLOSED

    Re: Northern Football League Div 1 Anarchist Somebody who believes that governments should be abolished as unnessesary. Somebody who tries to overthrough a government or behaves in a lawless way.:confused: Fact:Your a strange person and if thats you in the picture no oil painting...
  27. I

    Northern Football League Div 1 - CLOSED

    Re: Northern Football League Div 1 Read it again you idiot!:confused:
  28. I

    Northern Football League Div 1 - CLOSED

    Re: Northern Football League Div 1 Adam Grills also copped it on the chin and the jaw when rhys jones kinged him the week dog!get real:thumbsd:
  29. I

    Northern Football League Div 1 - CLOSED

    Re: Northern Football League Div 1 Thats exactly right boofhead.It was noted that you f--ked off after 15 mins of standing at the back door waiting for someone to come up to you and take a slab from you(the smart thing to do was to take the slab to the bar for safe keeping with your kind...
  30. I

    Northern Football League Div 1 - CLOSED

    Re: Northern Football League Div 1 Heidelberg SMASHED CONVINCINGLY! Mont in second gear! Mont with two still to come into side (all will be revealed round 11) Mont winners in all three games Plunketts with not much to smile about Heidelberg need to get rid of the artificial heart...