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  1. P

    RDFL Thread 2008

    Yes I was at this game and though a little late was def not reportable. One thing I do have to ask Matt is were you taking stats for Robbo because in your last report of 20 or so..........well. He would have been lucky to have 10 and those besides his one goal (which was a good goal) had no...
  2. P

    RDFL Thread 2008

    Re: R.d.f.l Thread 2008 You had to have a dig about Blake Whiteway again, bet you loved that. Hope you remembered to bring in a spare pair of jocks today, as those will def need washing after all that talk of Robbo. Did you run out after the game and get him to sign your jumper? You are a...
  3. P

    RDFL Thread 2008

    Re: R.d.f.l Thread 2008
  4. P

    RDFL Thread 2008

    Re: R.d.f.l Thread 2008 From what I hear he is one of about 5 Quality players going from Therry along with Brett Barron, Darren, Steve and Tim Goodwin. Would have to keep injury free though which could be hard for him going on his past few seasons.
  5. P

    RDFL Thread 2008

    Re: R.d.f.l Thread 2008 Thanks Trueblueroo on the confirmation, you know there are about 6 Goodwin Brothers, depending on who he gets of them to play will make macedon a much more competitive side this year. There are 3 brothers that would nearly be walk up starts in any side. Also wonder who...
  6. P

    RDFL Thread 2008

    Re: R.d.f.l Thread 2008 I enjoy reading your threads. I hear a rumour that Macedon have signed Goodwin as coach, anyone tell me if this is true? He will be a first year coach but the up side is that he has a lot of contacts down in Melb. Any recruit news on Macedon?
  7. P

    D GRADE: Give me something...

    Cheers guys I thought the Big Red would have copped a pasting on here this morning. Come on ILSS I have come out of hiding I am sure you could do the same! What can I say about our game again we were 5 goals up at half time and again we fell a sleep in the 3rd quarter. We have a must win against...
  8. P

    D GRADE: Give me something...

    Sorry ILSS I just had to pick myself up off the floor, that comment about Rupo having a massive heart.............mate I had the pleasure of sitting on the sidelines (due to injury) to watch your game against Therry, and as I have been quoted in saying before Rupo are very skillful and are...
  9. P

    D GRADE: Give me something...

    Thanks, yes was at the crown function there were a fair few other nice fillies there as well, Phar Lap need some sugar cubes that night
  10. P

    D GRADE: Give me something...

    I think Therrys ground is one of the better ones, you want bad grounds go play in the DVFL! ILSS - I love your banter mate, but there is some lines you just don't cross........hope you have a will made out, I mean I would hate to see your farm and 7 sheep go to the state!!
  11. P

    D GRADE: Give me something...

    I also hear that club champion, a grade rep Jason Reddick is making a return. I here he is currently the runner and looks as good as he ever did! Experince is the key here and I would say they are looking at a return to c grade next it to late though!! Also heard the "Easty" was...
  12. P

    D GRADE: Give me something...

    ILSS, thanks for your concern about me mate..........nice to see. What can I say we were just outplayed by a side that wanted to win more than us. I hate to harp on about injuries but losing Bannister and Goodwin is crucial. We may not be a top two side now but we can still make finals. We are...
  13. P

    D GRADE: Give me something...

    Well don't say The Big Red didn't tell you so...........huge inclusion this week. One Darren Goodwin will be making his return from injury, has trained the house down for the past month so knew it wasn't far away. Had a few gallaps with him in the past month and was in ore of how smoothe he...
  14. P

    D GRADE: Give me something...

    Yes HB, great performance the other day reminded me of myself back before I was murdered (thank god for reincarnation).
  15. P

    D GRADE: Give me something...

    Come on KB a little bit of healthy banter never hurt anyone, no doubt ILSS and Myself will catch up after the game for a beer and some sugar cubes. Mystery Dog I have just been out in the paddock grazing and taking in my supplements for this weekends game. I am hoping to have another gallop...
  16. P

    D GRADE: Give me something...

    No need for me to start on Rupo, but I must say I always do enjoy reading Sundays paper a little more when I see Rupo being given a flogging. Was at Therry -V- Banyule game yesterday and was a great hard tassle. Banyule play there ground perfectly, Therry were just to big and strong towards the...
  17. P

    D GRADE: Give me something...

    Hey Guys Had a gallop tonight and let me tell you that D Goodwin trained the whole session tonight not playing this week maybe still a week away. Moved like a gazelle as well! Couple of changes to the ones but no real shocks.....Therry in a canter.............. Back to grazing for me
  18. P

    D GRADE: Give me something...

    Sideshow my friend, don't say I didn't tell you so when you see D Goodwins name in the best sometime soon, I don't know where you get your info from but I did some track work with the great man on tuesday and he has told me he will play a few more games this year. Rumour has it that 250 gamer...
  19. P

    D GRADE: Give me something...

    Hansie and DG Man, I was just acting on what a few people told me at the Glenferrie a few weeks back. Anyway hopefully it gets the boys up for this weekend.
  20. P

    D GRADE: Give me something...

    ILSS, the fact that you do bring up mum jokes shows of your intelligence. You are prob still a virgin and jack off to Home and Away. Nether the less I would rather have a mum who is a whore than two dads like you. How is the gay marriage coming along.................... Anyway time to talk...
  21. P

    D GRADE: Give me something...

    ILSS Why don't you personal message me with you name and I will be more than happy to venture down to Scunbury and play tag with you all. I am only asking OC37............I don't dislike OC37 (yet) or OC as a club........just Rupo. Which girl would you like me to bring as I am close with all...
  22. P

    D GRADE: Give me something...

    OC37, Can you please explain further on a rumour I heard that there is a split down at the club since Dolly has been captain, certain players haven't been performing as they usually would?
  23. P

    D GRADE: Give me something...

    ILSS, firstly thanks for acknowledging the my missus is hot and could get a job at the mens gallary, what I would like to know is why are you going to the mens gallery, wouldn't you be more suited to The Peel in Collingwood or is that your dad paying what ever it costs to try and get you to get...
  24. P

    D GRADE: Give me something...

    Are all you Rupo boys back from Holidays and ready to play footy this weekend? How relaxing was the weekend, full of Ring a Ring a Rosey and kiss chasey.................................
  25. P

    D GRADE: Give me something...

    Who are the ones to watch from Banyule?
  26. P

    D GRADE: Give me something...

    Rumour has it ILSS that Bannister has been out on the track, to what training he is doing is unknown! Also Darren Goodwin is looking right to go for this weekend, he is having surgery after the Rupo game and wants some payback...........feel sorry for that bloke!?
  27. P

    D GRADE: Give me something...

    Henry24, First post mate glad you have waited all this time to join, maybe you should have waited another 7 years. From reports one bloke had a spew which could have been from a number of factors, one being he ate before he came to training. Therry did have a hard session but what is really...
  28. P

    D GRADE: Give me something...

    I here that a player did spew, but that was during the boxing training.......
  29. P

    D GRADE: Give me something...

    I heard that is the game they played as 1 out of every 3 players at Rupo is a GOOSE, where as St Kevs players just play Goose, Goose, Goose........
  30. P

    D GRADE: Give me something...

    There is no reason that Therry couldn't win every game from now on in, heard they had a very hard taining session last night, didn't even touch a football..................anyone tell me if this was true?