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  1. Fruit_Platter

    News New Jumpers for 2021

    How so?
  2. Fruit_Platter

    Backfire Hawks are cooked

    Your 2 heads have some company.
  3. Fruit_Platter

    Live Event ICE vs COLA: Ladder Leaders vs Handout Leaders

    Penrif On [device_name] using mobile app
  4. Fruit_Platter

    Live Event ICE vs COLA: Ladder Leaders vs Handout Leaders

    Least he has his teeth, unlike that Joffa campaigner. On [device_name] using mobile app
  5. Fruit_Platter

    The "Package", please return to sender!

    Is that John Candy in your avatar or is it Sooz?
  6. Fruit_Platter

    Player with hottest girlfriend/wife

    The eponymous character from that kid's tv show, Sooz Clues. On [device_name] using mobile app
  7. Fruit_Platter

    Live Event No one cares (Brions vs Kenny)

    Already forgotten about Chris Newman?
  8. Fruit_Platter

    Who or what will the angry midget blame this time??

    Crazyhorse on Elizabeth St, Clarko seems like the 'share a booth' type, the gutless sniper.
  9. Fruit_Platter

    Clarkson vs Sydney

    You're obviously of a superior intellect to spot the fact I made a typographical error. Touche douce.
  10. Fruit_Platter

    Clarkson vs Sydney

    Not touch at all pole smoker. You obviously fail to spot the irony in your previous post
  11. Fruit_Platter

    Clarkson vs Sydney

    So they're basically like SA is to the Commonwealth of Australia ?
  12. Fruit_Platter

    Clarkson vs Sydney

    You got me there by employing logic. Well done
  13. Fruit_Platter

    Clarkson vs Sydney

    But you're from Sth Australia, therefore you're a campaigner and your opinion is irrelevant.
  14. Fruit_Platter

    Clarkson vs Sydney

    Lol at a bullflog supporters suggesting someone get over the umpiring and focus on their own side The #freekickbulldogs and#freekickhawks memes didn't just appear ut of nowhere, neutral supporters agree that 2016 was the worst officiating in a granny in living memory
  15. Fruit_Platter

    Live Event Shithouse Saturday | Filthy Handbaggers vs The AFL

    Swap him back for Tommy boy?
  16. Fruit_Platter

    No wonder we have so many members, and hot chicks go to our games!

    Do you also use the phrase "Selling The Candy"?:rolleyes:
  17. Fruit_Platter

    I'm bored like Iggy Pop

    Hope the OP isn't on what Mr Osterberg took when he performed said song on Countdown ;)
  18. Fruit_Platter

    AFL bending the rules for Sydney

    Your members voted to merge, If it wasn't for Don Scott, you would be following the GC Demons or GWS Fuchsias.
  19. Fruit_Platter

    Racism disgrace as Sydney rednecks boo Jetta in openly racist attack.

    Does everyone now develop their political ideology by trawling through the /pol/ board on 4chan?
  20. Fruit_Platter

    Who do you think is the best indigenous person to ever play?

    Dean Rioli when he wasn't going hard on turtles :D
  21. Fruit_Platter

    Live Event COLA v COKE

    He is also the number one ticket holder :$ Can't say he ever espoused his love of the club pre 2005.
  22. Fruit_Platter

    Will Swans fans boo Lewis Jetta this weekend?

    Cuzzy score some good shit for the boyz?
  23. Fruit_Platter

    Sack Hardwick

    No, it is slightly disturbing.
  24. Fruit_Platter

    Voting time: Worst Moniker in global sport! (Poll Added)

    Mustard pots :$
  25. Fruit_Platter


    They chaired off an xbox one launch title?
  26. Fruit_Platter

    Meltdown Buddy out with "mental health" issue

    Drink driving Norm Smith medallists need not apply.
  27. Fruit_Platter

    Mega Thread The Adam Goodes Megathread - Now with Added Poll!

    White people being discriminated? that is abhorrent. Best we stick to discriminating those dark people then.
  28. Fruit_Platter

    Mega Thread The Adam Goodes Megathread - Now with Added Poll!

    Why shouldn't he have said the truth? because it made you slightly uncomfortable. Thomas Sowell, the Freidman fellow? No thanks, I can do without his kind of philosophy.
  29. Fruit_Platter

    Mega Thread The Adam Goodes Megathread - Now with Added Poll!

    Sorry but this is my only account. I don't have the need to hide behind numerous accounts