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  1. E

    TV Ratings/Programming Week 48

    How's the ABC's ratings compared to last year, they seem to be very low, must admit I rarely watch the ABC anymore.
  2. E

    TV Ratings/Programming Week 45

    Russian, is Seven news beating Nine news in Melbourne?
  3. E

    Sunrise: Nauseatingly 'Nice' TV.

    Don't understand how you can find the time to watch breakfast TV in the mornings, I've got just enough time to make myself pretty before I get to work, and if you all can't stand Sunrise, how about turning on the radio, 3AW or the ABC cover the news of the morning well, and no crap.
  4. E

    Nine set to retain AFL TV rights

    that's cool, Pie82, and your right, there's definetly room for all codes in Melbourne.
  5. E

    Nine set to retain AFL TV rights

    Bzzzttt your actually wrong, the new stadium has been approved, and will be completed in the next few years, Storm and Victory will be playing there.
  6. E

    Home and Away is on fire

    Home and Away seems to be in the top 3 programs every night, massive effort for a show that is close to 20 years old.
  7. E

    Mood Improver

    That has made my year too, I really believe if St Kilda actually had someone who could coach, they would've won the last two premierships, I hope they leave him there for years to come.
  8. E

    All Saints or Blue Heelers to be axed

    I reckon they both might survive now, both getting over 1 million in the ratings. The executives should take into account that All Saints has had Border Security and now Dancing with the Stars as lead in programs, which I am sure has boosted its ratings, while Blue Heelers has only had Beyond...
  9. E

    Farewell Colby

    On and off the field you are a true champion. Very emotional writing this, your the only North player who on retirement who has brought me to tears, such a courageous player, our "General" in defence, a wonderful person to talk to and someone who I respect immensely, thank you for the memories.
  10. E

    Delist Everybody

    Can't believe the crap I am reading today on this board, why don't we just delist everybody. We were terrible yesterday, its such a shame our year ended this way, but come on guys, 13 wins for the year, I'm rapt with that, thanks for a great year North Melbourne. My concern is for the last...
  11. E

    All Saints or Blue Heelers to be axed

    Read in "The Age" this morning that Seven plan to axe either "Blue Heelers" or "All Saints" at the end of the year. What show would you want axed? Personally I don't watch either show but would prefer Blue Heelers to survive as it is a Melbourne made show.
  12. E

    Predict this weeks attendance

    I'm scared it will be under 30,000, I hope not.
  13. E

    who has played the best role as a batman character

    Has to be Christian Bale, he has the complete package, just awesome.
  14. E

    Teams to Merge?

    must be a slow news days, there will be no mergers, thanks to the TV rights and the "fair" equalisation policy, the ten Melbourne clubs will survive. Oh yeah, happy to give up the Kangaroos handout from the AFL, as long as we get Friday night football back, its only fair, we did start it.
  15. E

    Best Broadcaster in 2005?

    Stan Alves, the best special comments man in the business. Heard if Channel 7 gets the rights, their Friday night footy team will be Bruce McAvaney, Dennis Cometti and Wayne Carey, now that's specialllllllll.
  16. E

    TV Ratings/Programming Week 35

    Russian, would you have any figures on The Bill for a Tuesday night, it has been taken off Sat nights due to low ratings.
  17. E

    Today Tonight - Melb (CRAP!!)

    I love Naomi, she's great, especially when she says "mmmm, we'll be back right after the break"
  18. E

    Monday's headlines

    Comback Kings 40 points down at 3/4 time, the Kangaroos have again pulled off a remarkable comeback to beat the Swans by 1 point. Shannon Grant scored three goals in time on, with Rocca kicking the winner after the siren.
  19. E

    Ratings site?

    Gasometer, this site is usually good,
  20. E

    Which player can you least afford to have injured?

    Has to be Leigh Colbert, the General of our defence.
  21. E

    Are North supporters supposed to be humble?

    I started up a thread on the AFL page, bagging Geelong (as you do) and I was told to bite my tongue by a North supporter, "North supporters are supposed to be humble" he or she said. What's with that? The Roos have had a fantastic year, why not rub it in a little, if it bites us on the arse...
  22. E

    All gone quiet at Geelong!!!!!

    ok, so by the sounds of it, Geelong supporters are quite happy with their year, sorry to suggest that you guys should've done better, well done cats, fantastic performance!!!
  23. E

    All gone quiet at Geelong!!!!!

    I'm quite happy with the Roos, its been an awesome year, Geelong and the Dees deserve to be slammed, both have under acheived this year, imagine if you barracked for either of them, oh, you do, very sorry.
  24. E

    All gone quiet at Geelong!!!!!

    "Room to Improve", sounds like a perfect slogan to describe your last 40 years!!!
  25. E

    All gone quiet at Geelong!!!!!

    Hello, is anyone there? Haven't read many posts from Geelong supporters in recent weeks, I wonder why? So close to a Grand Final last year, and now may even miss the eight, another wasted year, over 40 years without a flag, what a disgrace!!!!!
  26. E

    TV Ratings/Programming Week 33

    Russian, what's the chances of Channel 7 winning Nationally and in Melbourne again this week, they had a terrible Sunday, but have made up a heap of ground, any hope?
  27. E

    Radio Ratings

    Radio Ratings - Melbourne 3AW 13.7% (DOWN 2%) GOLD 12.2% (UP 0.2%) ABC 12.1% (UP 0.5%) MMM 10.8% (DOWN 0.8%) NOVA 10.2% (UP 0.6%) FOX 9.8% (UP 0.8%) MAGIC 6.4% (DOWN 0.3%) MIX 5.0% (UP 0.5%) SEN 2.4% (DOWN 0.2%) Gold is closing the gap on 3AW.
  28. E

    Finals not yet assured

    ummm, bandwagon jumper, I don't think so. you were going so well, and then you chucked in a negative at the end, I'll hate to sit behind you at the footy, I'll be abusing the opposition (in good humour of course) and you'll be saying from behind "Nathan Buckley isn't a tosser, he did his...
  29. E

    Finals not yet assured

    I wasn't having a pot at you Vlad, it was aimed at someone else.
  30. E

    Finals not yet assured

    Looking forward to hearing TAS view on this (NOT), perfect opportunity for you to again be totally negative on the Kangaroos fortunes, be proud of what we've done TAS, revel in it.