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  1. The Dominator7

    MRP / Trib. 2024 - MRO Chook Lotto - Carlton Tribunal News & Reports

    At first glance it looks like it AndyLucimitis but go back and have a look at it again with particular attention to Danger’s legs I haven’t heard anyone mention the most dangerous part of the tackle - it’s not the dump/sling combined with the arm hold, it’s the hip drop. Have a look at this...
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  4. The Dominator7

    No Oppo Supporters General AFL Discussion #13 - Carlton Posters ONLY!

    Playing for Lauderdale in the TSL mate….he freakin’ gigantic
  5. The Dominator7

    List Mgmt. 2024 List Management 📃

    I was sneaky hoping we’d have a look at Brayden George as this years budget pick up - OOC and coming back from his draft year knee and playing out of position in Kangas ressies - thought he might have been surplus to requirements. Unfortunately poor bugger did his knee again today…shocking luck
  6. The Dominator7

    List Mgmt. Mid Season Draft 2024 - From 7PM Wed 29th May Live on

    Yeah the level is a bit suss as I think a lot of it is SANFL ressies but certainly worth a look at with those traits. I asked a mate who is clued in on the SA junior scene and he essentially said Had his best year last year and spent more time up and around ball Previously pure small fwd and...
  7. The Dominator7

    Prediction 2024 - Consensus Best 23 - 7 Forwards

    Yeah Cotts needs to be here
  8. The Dominator7

    Injury Blue Healers Discussion - 2024

    Goosey Loosey and Turkey Lurkey are that way ————->>>>>
  9. The Dominator7

    Official Club Stuff From the CEO - Brian Cook

    You legend My Hat - sat down on the deck in the sun with a morning coffee, saw this and pissed myself laughing. thanks for setting up a good day :thumbsu:
  10. The Dominator7

    Injury Blue Healers Discussion - 2024

    You might be right, but it’s Marchbank, it could be anything…. I love him but he’s cursed - he could pick up some obscure strain of Peruvian Syphilis after eating some Lomo Saltado at a street market…hell he could go to the bay, do a tall ships tour, and wake up with scurvy
  11. The Dominator7

    Injury Blue Healers Discussion - 2024

    Geez that was a mouthful Thy….Reminded me of some of your earlier work…nicely said though
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  13. The Dominator7

    Senior 20. Elijah Hollands

    I’ve done some due diligence using what some call the ultimate authority, and was stunned at what I found…. His story is told in 1 Kings chapters 17-19. Elijah was a man who was true, even when everyone around him was worshiping false gods. He boldly confronted the King and declared that there...
  14. The Dominator7

    Rumour Bluemour Discussion XXXV - 'Loopy' Season has begun

    am Hearing from my made up GC source that the reason we are getting Elijah so cheaply is because of repeated concussions. I refer to him as my Hollandaze source ……I’ll see myself out
  15. The Dominator7

    Rumour Bluemour Discussion XXXV - 'Loopy' Season has begun

    Just waiting for Stig to chime in with the Malcolm McLaren reference
  16. The Dominator7

    Rumour Bluemour Discussion XXXV - 'Loopy' Season has begun

    There’s a potential for “growth” gag in here that I think we’re all missing….low hanging fruit people!! :p BTW my school reports we’re exactly the same
  17. The Dominator7

    Official Club Stuff Carlton Academy - Next Gen & Father/Son/Daughter Discussion

    Skadoosh is mining his Bluemour likes and you’re taking his dad jokes…dont make him angry, you wouldn’t like him when he’s angry
  18. The Dominator7

    Official Club Stuff Carlton Academy - Next Gen & Father/Son/Daughter Discussion

    The only surprising thing about this post was that it wasn’t Ferris….well played
  19. The Dominator7

    Rumour Bluemour Discussion XXXV - 'Loopy' Season has begun

    Selfie from prelim final day with Arr0w ???
  20. The Dominator7

    Preview 2023 Semi Final - Carlton vs Melbourne Friday 15th September 7.50PM @ MCG

    There was security footage of the incident apparently… Bit of Black Death, low impact and both clear to watch Blues this week
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  22. The Dominator7

    Coach So you want Voss gone? Who will replace him and why would they want to coach Carlton?

    Interesting take CB…might I suggest a change of avatar ;)
  23. The Dominator7

    Competitions 2023 Herald Sun SuperCoach - JOIN BF BLUES GROUP USING CODE 389682

    Jeremias add me in somewhere - never played just created a team - D’Amico Republic cheers
  24. The Dominator7

    MRP / Trib. 2022 - MRO Chook Lotto - Carlton Tribunal News & Reports

    You want to add even more dumbness to the Toby/Lynch elbows - cast your mind back to this one last year. Fritsch goes even earlier and higher on Powell, Chriso gives him a week, they appeal and he gets off...thread title sums it up...
  25. The Dominator7

    No Oppo Supporters Essendon* - 6900 & Beyond - Carlton Posters ONLY!

    Good trivia question out of last nights game... Q: Who had 13 tackles in Essendon‘s insipid performance against the Swans in 2022? A: Callum Mills?? No A: Bryan, Durham, Francis, Heppell, Redman, Cutler, Draper, Hobbs, Kelly, Laverde, Martin, Merrett, Parrish, Ridley, McGrath and Shiel.