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  1. D

    Scotch v Geelong Grammer at SC (11am saturday 21st)

    what date and what time is the cordiner eggleston?
  2. D


    No complaints from me, just one big perv
  3. D


    mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm come on laddies any answers?
  4. D


    Why do horses do track work early in the morning? cheers
  5. D

    Who are your favourite jockeys?

    5. K. O'Hara - She's got me a few big winners, Hot for a jockey. get your hand off it.
  6. D

    Nathan Djerrkura

    Spot on!
  7. D

    Last at Geelong

    How do you know all this tim?
  8. D

    Honor in War

    Get of your high horse chooker any one rate the horse?
  9. D

    Honor in War

    Peoples thoughts on the horse? What are its chances come saturday?
  10. D

    AFL players salary's

    What do rookies first year draft picks get paid? and after 2 years do they go on a individual contract?
  11. D

    Pound for pound: Strongest man in the comp currently

    Re: Bench pres- what can the players bench?? yeah mate always working on the guns, summers coming up!
  12. D

    Pound for pound: Strongest man in the comp currently

    Bench pres- what can the players bench?? What players can bench the most and some that can hardly lift the bar?
  13. D

    my brownlow multi!

    can you put a muilti on with the tab with all those legs?
  14. D

    Boxing Ring at Bulleen Park

    you have hit the nail on the head but none of them live in houses weatherman
  15. D

    Boxing Ring at Bulleen Park

    Anyone got a copy of the video?
  16. D

    Xavier Vs Scotch

    good one brickster, grow some hair on your balls mate before you post again..!
  17. D


    scotch by 40 odd points, will be interesting next week
  18. D

    B-Train rumours

    that is massive news, the b-train is a massive asset to scotch and cant be replaced, if only the coaching staff could see this. i bring pitty on the coach who made this decision
  19. D

    Over rated

    can someone please direct this person to the whocares board!
  20. D


    blueboys1, irony and footsteps, bigfooty has been great this week mainly becuse you guys have stopped posting your one eyed rubish. Thanks to geelong college as well for beating the ****ers
  21. D

    Scotch Vs Haileybury - Top Position Decider

    well said blueboys, you have gained abit of respect with that report of the game
  22. D

    APS Final Round

    Give bluesboys some time chooker, it will take him a couple of hours to get home to his hole.
  23. D

    Scotch Vs Haileybury - Top Position Decider

    does tristan coles play in the hailebury ones??
  24. D

    Scotch Vs Haileybury - Top Position Decider

    what team do you play in bluesboy?
  25. D

    Scotch Vs Haileybury - Top Position Decider

    what do you mean by changing in demographics?
  26. D

    Who rates BGS this year?

    so true
  27. D

    Coach of Xav 1st

    listen here mate your the guy that talks up a guy called Big Red, HAHAHAH you sad case
  28. D

    Any Chances Of a De La being drafted?

    now evryone knows why the weatherman has had 2 knee reco's!! You should of worn knee pads when around those priests!
  29. D

    Coach of Xav 1st

    great call hq123 where did you get that from? if only we could hear your voice you litttle skinner!