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  1. Napier_Street

    Hird postmatch press conference 24/8 [Vid in OP]

    Umm, no, the original post was sarcastic.
  2. Napier_Street

    Rumours that Doc Reid has called it a day (Doc Larkins)

    Just out of interest, who do you guys think is the bigger culprit Hird for his naivety and ego or Dank for his scheming and irresponsibility (apologies if this is a little off topic)
  3. Napier_Street

    Rumours that Doc Reid has called it a day (Doc Larkins)

    Gotta agree with this....for all the heat Hird is getting, his instructions to the staff were loud and clear - must be legal, must be safe. As much as I respect Reid, his was an epic fail. As the club doctor to do no more than register frustration via a letter simply surprises me. I am afraid...
  4. Napier_Street

    Hird postmatch press conference 24/8 [Vid in OP]

    When he doesn't speak out he's hiding something, when he does, its because he's a control freak. Fair cop
  5. Napier_Street

    Hird postmatch press conference 24/8 [Vid in OP]

    independent and without prejudice? Oh the irony
  6. Napier_Street

    Channel 7 The Decision

  7. Napier_Street

    Heraldsun 8/8 - Essendon to contest suspensions, charges expected in a few days

    Corrected but couldn't delete the original post - apologies
  8. Napier_Street

    Heraldsun 8/8 - Essendon to contest suspensions, charges expected in a few days

    Why is it unfair if a) its legal and b) has no proven performance enhancing qualities Awaiting your reply
  9. Napier_Street

    Heraldsun 8/8 - Essendon to contest suspensions, charges expected in a few days

    My friend, Essendon is not the Bulldogs. We have money to burn unlike most shambolically run AFL clubs where the concept of good corporate governance seems an alien concept. Good luck at your next tin rattler.
  10. Napier_Street

    Heraldsun 8/8 - Essendon to contest suspensions, charges expected in a few days

    How can it be unfair if it is not illegal??? You think Essendon is the only team that is looking for a competitive edge. Is it fair that Collingwood because of its fat bank balance can send its entire squad to Colorado for high altitude training and meanwhile North players head down to some...
  11. Napier_Street

    Heraldsun 8/8 - Essendon to contest suspensions, charges expected in a few days

    What I love about this debate is the fact that now ASADA has no credibility and its findings after 6 months of thorough investigation, 130 interviews and reviewing 13000 documents are dismissible. The masses want blood and there is no way in hell a club, which has apparently not broken any...
  12. Napier_Street

    Hird, Charter and the Feds. Why have the media not touched this?

    Read the post brother - wasn't holding Carter up to being anything. Simply quoting him. Not selectively using his comments to better my argument. Unlike Robinson, I don't believe Carter has been paid to comment, nor is he an aggrieved ex employee. Just stating the facts, read into what you...
  13. Napier_Street

    Hird, Charter and the Feds. Why have the media not touched this?

    In a court of law, Robinson's testimony would be struck from the record and the jury told to disregard his comments. Even the most hateful Essendon abuser knows this deep down inside. But to your point, even Charter himself has come out and stated that his relationship with Hird was fleeting...
  14. Napier_Street

    Hird, Charter and the Feds. Why have the media not touched this?

    Probably for the same reason Geelong did amongst other sporting clubs. Do you think Essendon put an ad in the paper seeking Qualified Sports Performance Manager/Scientist - must have underworld experience?
  15. Napier_Street

    Hird, Charter and the Feds. Why have the media not touched this?

    Yeah, I agree, lets just be incredibly selective about which misinformation supports our narrow minded view on this whole saga. Cant have evidence coming to light that may get Jimmy off the hook can we now. I tell you what, I will never come to Big Footy for racing tips - you lot seem to be...
  16. Napier_Street

    Hird, Charter and the Feds. Why have the media not touched this?

    Fair point....I would have thought that Robinson might have checked out the story before airing it on a vindictive paid for interview. But I love the way that even when Hird's version of events is corroborated by the police, yes the police, you still cant let go. Its just delicious how big a...
  17. Napier_Street

    Essendon never used Hexarelin

    Hilarious, a club intent on institutionalized cheating is going to insist that its illegal drug purchase are issued with a proper receipt. Don't want to upset the tax auditors now do we. Next Princess please
  18. Napier_Street

    Hird, Charter and the Feds. Why have the media not touched this?

    The point is that all the Hird Haters have been using this tid bit to vindicate their disgust - now that the Police have told you the raid never happened, its a case of Hird bragging. Seriously?
  19. Napier_Street

    Hird, Charter and the Feds. Why have the media not touched this?

    So The Weapon turns out to be nothing more than a Water Pistol firing blanks. Brilliant. Hird to Remain as Coach polls have gone from 70 no - 30 yes to 56 No - 44 Yes in a matter of hours. But according to the masses, either the Feds are lying or this information on a so called raid is now...
  20. Napier_Street

    Ahmed Saad suspended for 18 months (ASADA appealing)

    That's not what he said. Have another read. He is saying allow the proper processes to be implemented. Support your club/player or at least reserve judgment until you have a clear set of findings. The holier than thou routine of damning your own player to appear morally superior to nasty...
  21. Napier_Street

    Ahmed Saad suspended for 18 months (ASADA appealing)

    Wake up and smell the coffee princess, other clubs just haven't been caught. Don't be so certain that Essendon or one or two other clubs are the only ones with a taste for "Black Ops" Essendon may be the worse offender but I hardly reckon they are alone. Am sorry for Saints fans -...
  22. Napier_Street

    Hird hosted meeting, planned program with Dank? - 7:30 on ABC 30 July (video in OP)

    Or even worse a PEGI 18 rated video game......what is the world coming to. So many twists and turns. Actually now you mention it, I am pretty sure it was James Hird running guns for the CIA into Nicuragua. Cant be certain but I do remember some golden haired man muttering the term Black ops...
  23. Napier_Street

    Hird hosted meeting, planned program with Dank? - 7:30 on ABC 30 July (video in OP)

    Hmmm....apparently using the term Black Ops now has sinister meaning.. I always wondered what football clubs got up to when they hold closed training sessions - no public allowed. Now I know. Its dem nasty Black ops
  24. Napier_Street

    Hird hosted meeting, planned program with Dank? - 7:30 on ABC 30 July (video in OP)

    Haha - just love how you guys are hangin on everything claimed by an aggrieved employee. Yep, he's a real credible witness. Brilliant. Loving the hate - keep it coming ladies
  25. Napier_Street


    I have read your response three times an it still makes no sense. Never claimed Hird was honorable or otherwise (have another read dear) If the program had been green lit by the authorities, not stopped by the AFL and ok'd by the medicos, why stop it? But then, I don't know, just as you...
  26. Napier_Street


    ...and just out of interest, how do you know these questions weren't being asked and satisfactory answers weren't being provided? How do you know?! How the hell do any of you know. Seriously, if we believed the meda, Lindy Chamberlain would just be getting out of jail. For god sake let the...
  27. Napier_Street

    Mega Thread David Evans Resigns

  28. Napier_Street

    Mega Thread David Evans Resigns

    I don't believe I ever stated that it wasn't club instigated....not once in fact. Simply saying that if ever one of your club's found itself in a spot of bother, I hope your chairman (men) conduct themselves with a similar degree of integrity as displayed by Evans. I personally hope this never...
  29. Napier_Street

    Mega Thread David Evans Resigns

    Actually no, the post was about the manner in which David Evans has handled himself. Not defending the club in any way whatsoever. Have another read.
  30. Napier_Street

    Mega Thread David Evans Resigns

    If nothing else, this whole drama has been an interesting social exercise in so far as non Essendon supporters finding common ground over a much loathed enemy. I am really not sure what it achieves but what the heck, if it makes people feel better about themselves then why not I say. To be...