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  1. C

    Leon Davis - a chance at redemption

    He is the luckiest man in the world right now. This is his last chance. If he cant perform tomorrow then he MUST be traded from the Club. There is no other option. I was a non fan of Leon for a long time. Wanted him traded years ago because he was HOPELESS in Finals. Then, he turned me...
  2. C

    How do you plan to celebrate if we win?

    I think it would be a brilliant idea for as many Pies people as possible to get together at a big venue - gotta admit I cant believe they have hired out the Myer Music Bowl as THE venue....13,000 people only...seriously thats a joke. If Collingwood wins there will be 80,000 people trying to get...
  3. C

    Seating thread

    M12 Row S - CARNA PIES!
  4. C

    Big Footy Grand Final celebrations plans - join the victory march!!

    Re: Grand Final Function - if no tickets Hey everyone! I dont mean for this post to become an advertisment or anything but my Band is playing a gig on Grand Final Eve if anyone is looking for a good night out before the GF. We are an original "Heavy Rock" band I guess, and we are...
  5. C

    Changes for Port Adelaide

    I didnt see the game unfortunately so can only go off whats written on here. Fingers crossed Didak and Medhurst at least can come in. I think someone asked the question "do we play Anthony Rocca"....well, IMO, NO we do not play him, ever again. We pat him on the back, thank him for the...
  6. C

    Cloke shot at

    Mate, im talking about people asking for PM's of stories about players or their families. Normally this board tends to stick to issues about the Club, I dont see threads about "Hey heres a story about so and so"....and yeah if I came across something like that, I wouldnt bother with it, you can...
  7. C

    Cloke shot at

    No, but rumour and innuendo and made up stories about people which is really none of anyones business can cause a fair bit of stress and upset innocent gossip queens must have pretty boring lives. "OOh Tell me, tell me"....jesus...
  8. C

    Cloke shot at

    Naa mate, thats not gossip at all!!! :rolleyes:
  9. C

    Cloke shot at

    Yep, this explains alot...22 years old and having to deal with everything he has since Christmas....they can spin it to say hes been "remarkably resiliant" about dealing with it all, but thats crap. It would have a massive effect on wonder his form has gone...I feel sorry for him now...
  10. C

    Tomorrow's Training

    I just read on the Herald Sun that both Daisy and Medhurst broke down today....:confused: they reckon Didak and Fraser both got through and will play this week..
  11. C

    Crawf gives the worst on ground MMM votes to....

    I read the paper thismorning and read the comments about Leigh Brown and that we were in the game up untill 5 mins to go.....his comments are condascending to every single Collingwood supporter. Its like hes taking the piss out of all of us. Thanks for the 10 years Mick but you are clearly so...
  12. C

    Going to Games This Year?

    Why does anyone read what Caroline Wilson writes anyway? Shes a bitter old hag with a head like a squashed carrot.
  13. C

    I am curious; where do you think Nathan Brown is at in his development after 30 games?

    I reckon Brown is going ok for a bloke whos only played 30 games. I still think that Collingwood should pay James Clement a fistfull of $$$$S and get him at the Club as the Defensive Coach. Give him however much he wants, that guy was the best Defender we have had for many many years. Imagine...
  14. C

    Trav's Injury "The best news all season!!"

    How can you possibly say that a "half fit, out of form Trav is better than anyone else up forward (bar probably an on-song Jack A. or Medders)". !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry, but that is the most ludicrous statement ive read in a long time. The guy is running around the park like a headless chook...
  15. C

    Travis Cloke

    I cant agree with this one either. He's running around like a headless chook out there. naaa, he needs 2 to 3 games in the reserves. He has all the talent, all the potential, but leaving him in the seniors in this state is doing him no favors, Malthouse is not helping his development in any way...
  16. C

    Did Daisy play tonight?

    I thought Daisy was definately one of our better players tonight, he was having a red hot go.
  17. C

    Travis Cloke

    Im not talking about 1 game talking about the last 7 weeks. You mention we matched them for inside 50's. So why the excuses? Stop making excuses for him and go back over the last 7 weeks. Its been the same every week. Champions find a way to beat the traffic. And no im not a Travis...
  18. C

    Travis Cloke

    He "works his butt off" every week...please..they all do, face facts, he's out of form. Went off injured late in the piece...yep, last quater. How were his other 3 quaters? Terrible. Solution? Reid, Dawes?...anyone really. Please explain how he "works his butt off"...I am sick of hearing people...
  19. C

    Travis Cloke

    Ok. Ive had enough. Im sure there will be some who disagree with me, and thats ok, but seriously.....I keep reading on these threads that "Cloke is out of form" or comments like I ask the question. WHY IS HE OUT THERE??? When players are out of form, they get dropped. Take Scott Lucas...
  20. C

    Andrew Swollow

    At the risk of copping flack I just cant resist a Rex Hunt ism "Goldsack, up towards Dick, now onto Cox....long ball down to SWALLOW"! oh jeez thats ordinary...:(
  21. C

    Rumour: Cousins names collingwood as his choice!

    Re: Cousins names collingwood as his choice! Im confused....wasnt Cousins sacked by West Coast? So isnt he a free agent? Why do we have to organise a "trade".
  22. C

    Travis - did he train ?

    Thats what I heard...Glandular boss told me and he is a Pies man...should I drop him?:mad::cool:
  23. C

    Collingwood Vs St Blunda we should never forget why we hate them!

    Wow and here I was just hating St Kilda for the last 30 years just because there are all "pretty boys" and their supporters are full of themselves when they are winning!!! I didnt even know about this episode....:eek:
  24. C

    Brodie Holland?

    Thats one of the reasons im so happy that they blooded all these young fellas this season, and in particular the last 6 or so weeks...the list will be young but most of them have had a taste of the big time now and I cant help but keep thinking about the Baby Bombers in 93 or whenever it...
  25. C

    Stand up OBree

    Agree...get rid of him, hes had his chance and hes past it now. Swap him for Kerr :D
  26. C

    Team for Saints Game

    I give you 2 reasons why we win this week: Port Adelaide - Qualifying final 2002..... them, top of the ladder, no Bucks, terrible form, played in Adelaide....we came out and did them West Coast Eagles - Qualifying Final 2007 - again we had finished the season with losses, playing West...
  27. C


    I have to admit I dont understand why people are saying the season is over....I think we will beat St Kilda this week.
  28. C

    Press Confrence Today

    Better than I thought it would be but still think Didak has played his last game for the Club.
  29. C

    Press Confrence Today

    Nothing happening on the Collingwood website....someone please give a commentary
  30. C

    Press Confrence Today

    This is driving me mad ive done no work today...someone must know something this close to the press conference!