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  1. Bleeeeeeeeep

    Society/Culture Woke. Can you tell real from parody?

    what, when did woke become a term for a racist? Did I miss a memo again! The right are obsessed with creating fake enemies and labelling them.
  2. Bleeeeeeeeep

    Society/Culture Woke. Can you tell real from parody?

    Is that the new MO? Second time today i have read this.
  3. Bleeeeeeeeep

    Society/Culture Woke. Can you tell real from parody?

    IKR, these dam woke, do gooder, sjw's, tree huggers, PC warriors, lwnj, woke supremacist, watermelons just wont stop with these effing labels.
  4. Bleeeeeeeeep

    Society/Culture Can we please stop equating the risk posed by left wing extremists with that of right wing extremists?

    Reports a car was found with pipe bombs in it and an esky full of molotov cocktails. #goodpatriots
  5. Bleeeeeeeeep

    Society/Culture Should we close down the ABC and SBS ?

    What do you define as been “left wing”?
  6. Bleeeeeeeeep

    Society/Culture Should we close down the ABC and SBS ?

    So they're not bias?
  7. Bleeeeeeeeep

    Society/Culture Should we close down the ABC and SBS ?

    So how are the ABC bias?
  8. Bleeeeeeeeep

    Society/Culture Should we close down the ABC and SBS ?

    Sorry, i am sure it is somewhere within the 38 pages of this thread, but how exactly is the ABC bias to the left? And what is the left?
  9. Bleeeeeeeeep

    Society/Culture Will the people rise?

    800+ dead is a failure of its government to protect it’s citizens.
  10. Bleeeeeeeeep

    Society/Culture Will the people rise?

    Man, a couple of weeks of soft isolation really fry’s people’s brain.
  11. Bleeeeeeeeep

    Society/Culture Will the people rise?

    Wont happen, Australian citizens are not prone to uprisings in any way. Not saying its a good things, just saying its not in the DNA. I think The Clash summed us up perfectly in the song White Riot.
  12. Bleeeeeeeeep

    Society/Culture Will the people rise?

    nearly 700 dead. Depends how you value human life whether you determine that a success or not.
  13. Bleeeeeeeeep

    Politics Centrelink

    **** it, might get myself an ABN register Bleeeeeeeeeps Dog Walking Services and claim the Jobkeeper allowance instead.
  14. Bleeeeeeeeep

    Politics Centrelink

    Sounds familiar. Not even eligible for the covid payment ($750) as i was made redundant (jan) before it all blew up, told them i have been affected as it has made looking for a new job harder. Honestly, wasn't expecting the full payment, would of been happy with the concession card (do they...
  15. Bleeeeeeeeep

    Politics Centrelink

    NOT ENTITLED UNTIL NOVEMBER FOR PAYMENT!!!!!! Apparently i am a RICH campaigner, basically told me that i would have to become dirt poor before i get payment. System is ****ed.
  16. Bleeeeeeeeep

    Politics So I guess when the shit hits the fan, everyone's a socialist

    Looks like we will have two nationalised airlines.
  17. Bleeeeeeeeep

    Science/Environment Wuhan Coronavirus (COVID-19) - Pandemic Declared

    Pick the humane, compassionate country:
  18. Bleeeeeeeeep

    Politics Centrelink

    You can’t register online, you need to go to the office to proof ID so you can get a CRN number, even if you have myGov already. So I have proofed my ID to get a myGov then I have to proof ID again to get on the dole? Designed to discourage. 30 years ago was the last time I was in a Centrelink...
  19. Bleeeeeeeeep

    Politics Centrelink

    tried to register online, lol. jumping through hoop after hoop, going around in circles. Need to go into an office and line up I guess. The system is heck e d, designed to discourage not to help. Says a lot about the people that we have been governed by.
  20. Bleeeeeeeeep

    Society/Culture Christchurch Mosque mass shooting

    Nothing to do with what they said.
  21. Bleeeeeeeeep

    Society/Culture Bourke st incident ( again )

    There was civilians within close proximity.
  22. Bleeeeeeeeep

    Society/Culture Bourke st incident ( again )

    Be of more value alive.
  23. Bleeeeeeeeep

    Religion Is Dec 25th a celebration of religious persecution? #changethedate

    We should celebrate every significant religious and cultural day of every religion and culture with a public holiday. More the merrier as long as I get a public holiday.
  24. Bleeeeeeeeep

    Society/Culture Car driven by Afghan refugee mows down pedestrians in Melbourne CBD

    Really, the western world fears Islam? Are you living in fear or are you been told to fear this religion?