Ultimate Glory 2023 Trade speculation and Shinbeggars discussion

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If the Kangas do trade up and select Reid and still keep one of 2 or 3, they won't be selecting Duursma as he is a similar player to Harley, which would mean the eagles taking McKercher at pick 2.

So the only scenario in which Duursma isn't available at 4 is if the Kangas remain at picks 2 and 3.

Yep. And if a trade is done with Dogs for Smith which ends up in a pick slide by 1, he would still be there at 5!

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If the Kangas do trade up and select Reid and still keep one of 2 or 3, they won't be selecting Duursma as he is a similar player to Harley and pivot to Watson, the eagles would take McKercher at pick 2.

So the only scenario in which Duursma isn't available at 4 is if the Kangas remain at picks 2 and 3.
For Smith to get to Hawks I’m offering a pick slide and future first then on draft night offer our pick back to the eagles for their future first so they get Curtin.. we get Smith and pick one in next years draft!!
If the WB are that desperate for Watson then I think we stand firm and offer pick 4 + F2 for pick 5 + Smith. This is where we as a club need to start getting a lot better when we hold the power / resources that another club wants. A pick slide isn't something to be given up cheaply even it is only 1 slot. Everyone knows how many picks the WB have moved to get to where they are and if the rumours are true that they desperately want Watson then we should be using that in leverage for getting Smith as cheaply as possible especially due to the fact that we'll be giving up the opportunity to draft Watson or Duursma. IMO it's time to give the vaseline to the other club we deal with.

FFS do you feel tough writing this?

Why are there so many on this site who need Hawthorn to **** over another club to feel good.

Mutual wins are the best kids of trades as they keep relationships civil for the future.

Hawthorn dont get regularly screwed. Hawthorn are not victims. Every circumstance is different.

The dogs dont owe Hawthorn anything. Smith is a star and a marketers dream, they are well within their right to try and fight to keep him.
I can't see the Dogs taking Curtin ahead of Duursma after selecting Busslinger with pick 13 in last years draft.

Yeah sorry, I responded considering that WCE and North trade 1 for both 2 + 3, reading your post closer I see you have North keeping one of those. Cant see that happpening tbh. If they trade (and Hawks/Dogs do too) it would probably play out like so:

1 North - Reid
2 WCE - Curtin
3 WCE - One of the other 3
4 Dogs - Watson
5 Hawks - McKercher or Duursma.
Missed a few thousand posts. Are we expecting the Nathan Carroll deal to go down today or wait till next week?

And what about Ryan O'Keefe? wants to come to us, why are we so slow making this happen. Big game performer in my opinion.

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I responded considering that WCE and North trade. It would play out like so:

1 North - Reid
2 WCE - Curtin
3 WCE - One of the other 3
4 Dogs - Watson
5 Hawks - McKercher or Duursma.

The eagles won't be getting picks 2 and 3 for pick 1 and from intel from their supporters they prefer McKercher not Curtin. So Curtin would still be on the board.

1 North - Reid
2 WCE - McKercher
3 North - Watson
4 Dogs - Duursma
5 Hawks - Curtin/Sanders in that scenario
Missed a few thousand posts. Are we expecting the Nathan Carroll deal to go down today or wait till next week?

And what about Ryan O'Keefe? wants to come to us, why are we so slow making this happen. Big game performer in my opinion.
O’Keefe could potentially cost us a flag in a few years if we don’t get the deal done.
FFS do you feel tough writing this?

Why are there so many on this site who need Hawthorn to * over another club to feel good.

Mate, it's the Australia way! It's like when you're coming up to the lights and there is a free spot right at the front of the three lane intersection and you and some other bloke are going faster and faster so you go even faster and then pull into that free lane right at the front! You beat that guy and it feels GREAT!

Then you see up ahead that the lane merges from three into two lanes, so you and the bloke next to you at the lights shoot off and he tries blocking your merge in but you just keep driving faster and cut him off and get in front. That sucker got beat and you WON at driving! You give the prick a cheeky break check to assert that you are ALPHA DOG!

This is how trading works.
Missed a few thousand posts. Are we expecting the Nathan Carroll deal to go down today or wait till next week?

And what about Ryan O'Keefe? wants to come to us, why are we so slow making this happen. Big game performer in my opinion.
Funny, I have spoken to Ryan directly about this. He never spoke to Hawthorn at all. Was a media beat up. He did speak to Carlton and was keen to move but Carlton couldn't get it done.
Just imagine how good Marky Mark is going to feel when he wakes up and sees Gunston wants to return...

Thanks for the update so much nothing so far in the trade period but understand it’s really complex. Good deal for us and makes it interesting what happens with the mids as we are well stocked. Does it mean worpel to cats for pick 8? I would be keen on that if Bailey comes in to have 5 and 8.
Reid north
Walter suns
McKercher eagles
Duursma eagles
Watson dogs
Curtin hawks
Dees Sanders
Gws osullivan
Hawks caddy

Ins smith Curtin caddy McCabe TJ Dear that’s a lot of tall talent.
Missed a few thousand posts. Are we expecting the Nathan Carroll deal to go down today or wait till next week?

And what about Ryan O'Keefe? wants to come to us, why are we so slow making this happen. Big game performer in my opinion.
I heard we’re after Bret Thornton too from Carlton to boost our defense.
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